While not strictly self similar, the Mandelbrot set shows significant similarity in its pixelated visual samplings. Are the overall shapes approximating each region well understood enough, not in a mathematically rigorous way, but visual way, to roughly reconstruct what a given bounding box will contain?
For example, a bulb in the elephant valley will have as many trunks as its order, with spires coming outward at increasing angles, each of which will contain a bulb surrounded by…and so on. Does a pattern like this occur predictably enough all the way down that zooming could be simulated on a procedurally-generated fractal, only the procedure isn't calculating whether iterating a point escapes to infinity, but a more mundane warping, joining, and nesting of familiar shapes like bulbs, trunks, and seahorses?
Are we ever "surprised" by the general shapes present in a region, or is it always determinable from the highly regular patterns visible surrounding the region? Does the structure at smaller scales repeat in a predictable way as you zoom in? If it is surprising, is it because the xth arm of a seahorse lined up with the spire from a y-order bulb, and these numbers approach infinity, or for another reason?
This is not a question about the provable structure of the fractal boundary or even so much the fractal itself, but whether a clever enough visual procedure (like the one that creates the Koch snowflake) could nest and warp known patterns to fully approximate arbitrarily zooming in on the Mandelbrot set, producing similar pixel-sampled outputs, without any actual calculation of any points' inclusion or exclusion from the set.
Either such a procedure is possible and with significantly less complexity than calculating points, or possible but the complexity quickly approaches that of calculating individual points, or it is impossible for reasons of some kind of irrational sequence of what structures appear next in nesting. Which, if any of these, are the case for why a visual, procedural prediction could or could not work?