The property US ("Unique Sequential limits") is a classic example of property implied by $T_2$ and implying $T_1$. In fact, it's the weakest assumption out of a chain of several distinct properties studied in the literature:
- $T_2$
- $k_1$-Hausdorff
- KC
- Weakly Hausdorff
- $k_2$-Hausdorff (or $k_2H$)
- US
- $T_1$
During a recent meeting of the Carolinas topology seminar, some comments of Alan Dow got me to thinking about another intermediate property. We say that a long sequence is a continuous function $f:\kappa\to X$ for an infinite cardinal $\kappa$, and it has a limit $x\in X$ provided for every neighborhood of $x$, the neighborhood contains $f[\kappa\setminus\alpha]$ for some $\alpha<\kappa$.
Then let's call a space SUS ("strongly US") if whenever a long sequence has a limit, this limit is unique. It's immediate that all SUS spaces are US. Furthermore, every $k_2H$ space $X$ is SUS: let $x,y$ be limits of a sequence $f:\kappa\to X$. Then consider the compact Hausdorff space $K=(\kappa+1)\times\{0,1\}$ and the continuous function $g:K\to X$ defined by $g(\alpha,i)=f(\alpha)$, $g(\kappa,0)=x$, and $g(\kappa,1)=y$. Note that there do not exist open neighborhoods $U,V$ of $(\kappa,0),(\kappa,1)$ with $f[U],f[V]$ disjoint, so it follows that $f(\kappa,0)=f(\kappa,1)$ and $x=y$.
The standard example of a US-not-$k_2H$ space is $\omega_1+1$ with the endpoint doubled: it's US as only trivial $\omega$-length sequences converge to $\omega_1$, but it fails to be SUS as the identity on $\omega_1$ is a long sequence with two distinct limits at the doubled endpoint.
So, is it possible to construct a SUS space that's not $k_2H$? Let's call such a space an imposter.
EMERGENCY MEETING: This space seems pretty SUS: $X=[0,1]\cup\{\infty\}$ where points of $[0,1]$ have their usual neighborhoods, and neighborhoods of $\infty$ must contain an open dense subset of $[0,1]$.
Of course its open subspace $[0,1]$ is definitely SUS: it's metrizable and thus Hausdorff. So it's sufficient to show that if $x\in[0,1]$ is a limit of a long sequence, $\infty$ is not a limit of that sequence.
Let $x\in[0,1]$ be the limit of a long sequence given by $f:\kappa\to X$. Then for each $n<\omega$, there exists $\alpha_n<\kappa$ such that $B(x,1/2^n)$ contains $f[\kappa\setminus\alpha_n]$.
Suppose $\sup_{n<\omega}\alpha_n=\alpha<\kappa$. Then $f[\kappa\setminus\alpha]=\{x\}$, and $X\setminus\{x\}$ is a neighborhood of $\infty$ missing $f[\kappa\setminus\alpha]$.
Suppose $\sup_{n<\omega}\alpha_n=\kappa$. Then $f\upharpoonright\{\alpha_n:n<\omega\}$ is a countable sequence converging to $x$ in $[0,1]$. Then $\{\alpha_n:n<\omega\}$ is a nowhere dense subset of $[0,1]$, so $X\setminus\{\alpha_n:n<\omega\}$ is a neighborhood of $\infty$ that fails to contain a final subsequence of $f$.
However, while I can tell that this space is not weakly Hausdorff (it contains a non-closed copy of the compact Hausdorff space $[0,1]$), it's not clear to me whether or not it is $k_2H$ (and therefore whether or not it is an imposter).
Update: This space is not an imposter. Whoops. Here's why it's $k_2H$.
Let $K$ be compact Hausdorff, let $f:K\to X$ be continuous, and let $f(l)\not=f(k)$. To check the $k_2H$ criterion, we need only consider the case where $f(l)=\infty$ as pairs of points in $[0,1]$ are separated by open sets in $X$.
Let $V$ be an open neighborhood of $l$ whose closure is contained in $f^\leftarrow[X\setminus\{f(k)\}]$; in particular, so $f(k)\not\in f[cl(V)]$. It follows that $cl(V)$ is compact and thus $f[cl(V)]$ is compact. We claim it is closed in $X$, so let $x$ be a limit point. If $x=\infty$, $x=f(l)$ and we're done. Otherwise, pick $x_n\in B(x,1/2^n)\cap f[cl(V)]$ for each $n<\omega$. Then the open collection $\{X\setminus\{x_n:N\leq n<\omega\}:n<\omega\}$ covers $X\setminus\{x\}$ but has no finite subcover for $\{x_n:n<\omega\}$. It follows it cannot be a cover of $f[cl(V)]$, showing $x\in f[cl(V)]$.
Since $f(k)\not\in f[cl(V)]$, let $U=f^\leftarrow[X\setminus f[cl(V)]]$. We have now obtained open neighborhoods $U,V$ for $k,l$ such that $f[U]\cap f[V]\subseteq (X\setminus f[cl(V)])\cap f[cl(V)]=\emptyset$.
Sidenote: after presenting related work to the Pitt topology seminar earlier today, Paul Gartside pointed out that perhaps a more natural definition for a "strong US" property would involve something like continuous functions from arbitrary Hausdorff spaces, rather than ordinals, and then consider unique limits (where a limit must have neighborhoods with co-compact intersection with the image). If we called this SUS', then we'd have $k_2H$ implies SUS' implies SUS. I think it's more likely for SUS' to be equivalent to $k_2H$ than the ordinal-focused SUS discussed here, but there's something else for folks to consider thinking about.