I'm researching many topics including emergence and chaos theory, and I cannot for the life of me find strictly mathematical treatments of the idea of emergence. Is there any form or field of mathematics that can predict the emergence of one equation from another, or from a set of equations? A simple analogy would be the "emergence" of a velocity equation by differentiating the position equation, and an acceleration equation from a velocity equation. More aptly, for example, is there any known way in which the Navier-Stokes equation can "emerge" from the equations of Schrödinger, Pauli or Dirac (or even the equations of QCD)? Some relatively "simple" transformation based upon, perhaps, a single parameter (ideally, maybe scale, energy, etc), that can change an equation from one integrative level to an equation from a higher/lower integrative level?
I realize this seems to be a hotly debated topic in some ways, but I cannot seem to find what I am looking for. My intuition for some reason says this may involve, among other ideas, fractional differential equations, Galois theory, fractal geometry, nested matrices, Fourier/Laplace transformations, that kind of thing. Deep down (despite my lack of formal mathematical education), I truly feel there HAS to be a relatively simple way in which equations can be transformed from small-scale dynamics to larger, emergent phenomena. Imagine having a transformation that could transform the Schrödinger equation smoothly through the Pauli equation, then the Dirac equation, on up through the Navier-Stokes equation (finally?) arriving at the Einstein Field Equations, all based upon a few (maybe even a single) parameter(s).