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doetoe's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Barcelona
24 votes

Verifying 'standup maths' homeomorphism claim

17 votes

Interesting and unexpected applications of $\pi$

13 votes

The n-th prime is less than $n^2$?

10 votes

Reducing download time using prime numbers

8 votes

A new kind of fractal?

8 votes

$1\!-\!ab\,$ unit $\Rightarrow 1\!-\!ba\,$ unit: $(1\!-\!ba)^{-1} = 1+b(1\!-\!ab)^{-1}a$

6 votes

My fun conjecture about linearly independence

6 votes

Is there a power of $2$ which begins, in base 10, with $999...$?

6 votes

How many unique "$\phi$-nary" expansions are there for $1$?

6 votes

Contour integral of $\frac{|x|^{\frac{1}{2}}}{(x-4i)(x+2i)}$

6 votes

Consider a set $G\subseteq \Bbb R$ and a binary operation * defined on $\Bbb R$ as $a*b=a+b+ab$, such that $(G,*)$ is an Abelian Group. Determine $G$.

6 votes

Why infinite spheres and not just two?

5 votes

Weierstrass elliptic functions and ordinary differential equations

4 votes

How many different solutions does $x^2_{1}+2x^2_{2}+3x^3_{3}=4x^2_{4} $ have?

4 votes

Can a ring without a unit element have a subring with a unit element?

4 votes

Limit points of $\left\{\frac{1}{n}+\frac{1}{m}:m,n\in{\Bbb N}\right\}$?

4 votes

Why using compound interest formula gives (potentially) wrong answer in this instance

4 votes

Purpose of sectional curvature

4 votes

Prove that there exists a natural number $n$ that has more than $2017$ divisors $d$ satisfying $\sqrt{n} \le d < 1{,}01\sqrt{n}$

3 votes

Why is the normal bundle of $\mathbb{R}P^1\subset\mathbb{R}P^2$ the Moebius Strip?

3 votes

What type of distribution

3 votes

Help to find cubics with square discriminant

3 votes

Compute the units in $\Bbb Z_4[x]$.

3 votes

Solving functional equation $f(x)f(y) = f(x+y)$

3 votes

I am learning functional equation and encountered $f(f(x)-x)=x$.

2 votes

Polynomial bijections from $\mathbb{Q}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$

2 votes

Solving a recursion (probability related)

2 votes

Variety isomorphic to Riemann sphere

2 votes

Metric of a cross-section in General Relativity

2 votes

Euclidean metric on a Riemannian manifold