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Fan Zheng's user avatar
Fan Zheng
  • Member for 11 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • NJ
23 votes

Proof of $\mathbb{Q}$ is not cyclic

10 votes

Why doesn't the quadratic equation contain $2|a|$ in the denominator?

8 votes

Is the Riemann surface for the square root simply connected?

7 votes

Fundamental group of the special orthogonal group SO(n)

7 votes

Hatcher's example of a pair without the HEP

4 votes

$\mathbb{Z}[x_{1},\dots,x_{n}]/I$ is a field therefore it's finite

4 votes

$K[[X]]$ is not a finitely generated $K[X]$-module.

4 votes

Inequality constant in Papa Rudin

4 votes

Uniqueness of tempered fundamental solution (with support in half space) for the linear KdV equation

3 votes

Can every algebraic set be written as a COUNTABLE union of irreducible algebraic sets?

3 votes

Energy Method to show uniqueness of solution of PDE

3 votes

Gradient of Harmonic Function

3 votes

Convergence in $L^1_{loc}$ implies convergence almost everywhere

3 votes

Why does this set have finite measure?

2 votes

Weak convergence in $L^q$ but not in $L^p$, where $1\leq p<q<\infty$?

2 votes

Line integral (not using Stokes theorem)

2 votes

Is there a field $K$ and a quadratic polynomial $f\in K[T]$ such that $f^2+1$ is a square in $K[T]$?

2 votes

Prove that $max_{J\subset \{ 1,2...n \} } \left| \sum_{j \in J} z_j\right| = max_{t\in[0,2\pi]} \sum_{j=1}^{n} Re^{+}(e^{it}z_j).$

1 vote

Help with an inequality in Cazenave's book "Semilinear Schrodinger equations"

1 vote

A rectangle R is the union of a zero set and countably many disjoint discs

1 vote

Problem with base case for transfinite induction

1 vote

What is this motivation for changing variables to standardize a pde?

1 vote

Linear partial differential equation.

1 vote

Let $M=\{f(x) \in C[0,1]\mid f(0)=0\}$. Is $\overline{M}=L^2[0,1]$?

1 vote

a simple "paradox"

1 vote

Proving that the generator of $U$ is normal if $\forall u \in U, g\in G$ $gug^{-1} \in U$

1 vote

Proving the Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma in $L^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$

0 votes

Find an asymptotic formula for $\sum\limits_{n\leq x} d(n)\log n$

0 votes

Finding the basis of the null space for $y''''=a^4y$

0 votes

When can you drop an inequality term when you have more than two?