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Eric Auld
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
81 votes

Difference between basis and subbasis in a topology?

42 votes

If a function $f(x)$ is Riemann integrable on $[a,b]$, is $f(x)$ bounded on $[a,b]$?

41 votes

Limit of $L^p$ norm

29 votes

Why are subsets of compact sets not compact?

28 votes

what is expected from a PhD student?

17 votes

Up-to-date advice on the best way to take notes (maths)

12 votes

Prove null $T^k$ = null $T$ and range $T^k$ = range $T$

12 votes

Prerequisites to learn Complex Analysis

11 votes

Orthogonal projection onto an affine subspace

11 votes

function identity: does $\frac{x^2-4}{x-2} = x+2$

11 votes

How to think about a quotient sets modulo an equivalence relation, and well-defined functions on the quotient set.

9 votes

What does the $L^p$ norm tend to as $p\to 0$?

8 votes

Tensor product between quaternions and complex numbers.

8 votes

About the position of "for all" quantifier

8 votes

If $\{x_n\}$ satisfies that $x_{n+1} - x_n$ goes to $0$, is $\{x_n\}$ a Cauchy sequence?

7 votes

An 'easy' way to prove that epimorphism of sheaves implies surjectivity on stalks

7 votes

What is the order of $\mathbb{Z_2 \times Z_2}$

7 votes

Is matrix diagonalization unique?

7 votes

Does an analytic function maps a simple connected region into a simple connected region?

6 votes

Notation for definition and equivalence

6 votes

Cauchy theorem for a rectangle.

6 votes

Precise definition of epsilon-ball

6 votes

How do you evaluate $\int \frac{y^2}{y^2+d^2}dy$?

6 votes

Is a differentiable function always continuous?

6 votes

if the matrix such $B-A,A$ is Positive-semidefinite,then $\sqrt{B}-\sqrt{A}$ is Positive-semidefinite

6 votes

Associativity of function composition?

6 votes

What are the advantages of the Riemann vs. Lebesgue Integral?

5 votes

Self Teaching Analysis, Topology and Differential Geometry

5 votes

The order of a conjugacy class of some element is equal to the index of the centralizer of that element.

5 votes

Is every linear transform that takes a non-zero vector to zero composed of a projection?

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