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Alberto Saracco's user avatar
Alberto Saracco's user avatar
Alberto Saracco
  • Member for 4 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

A polynomial is completely determined by any part of it

6 votes

Different ways to find power series for $\frac{1}{2-x}$

5 votes

Probability of getting 3 toys

4 votes

Which is bigger: a googolplex or $10^{100!}$

4 votes

A class has 1000 students. 900 are Computer Science students. 200 are Math students. How many are Computer Science Math Dual major students?

3 votes

Putnam 1985 B-1

3 votes


3 votes

How many equivalence classes does $\sim$ gives rise to?

3 votes

Is there any entity that possess information of magnitude,direction,starting and ending points?

3 votes

Basic Probability.

2 votes

A poker deck has $52$ cards, $13$ ranks ${A,2,...,10,J,Q,K}$ and $4$ suits {diamond, club, heart, spade}.

2 votes

General Solution of $|z-a| + |z-b| = c$

2 votes

A simple closed curve is longer than the largest inscribed circle

2 votes

Show that a function has exactly one zero

2 votes

What does the equation of the straight lines $7x^2+4xy+4y^2=0$ become when the axes are the bisectors of the angles between them?

2 votes

What exactly is the definition of a graph?

2 votes

Complex logarithm of a product

2 votes

Double summation with dependent indices

2 votes

Prove that there is no n, such 289 divides $(n-5)(n-12)+51$.

2 votes

Determine the indefinitely differentiable functions of the form $f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)+xy$

2 votes

Is it right that $\{2x : x \in\mathbb{Z}, |x| < 4\} = \{−6,−4,−2,0,2,4,6\}$?

2 votes

Inequation involving summation

1 vote

How do I prove a claim on a recursive formula?

1 vote

Find the boundary of $A$?

1 vote

Show that $z(t)=\frac{1+it}{1-it}$ describes a circumference on the complex plane.

1 vote

Finding the extrema of a $f(x,y,z) = xy+yz$ with $x+y+z =1$ and $x^2+y^2+z^2 = 6$

1 vote

Solving inequality with absolute values and fraction

1 vote

Find the derivative of $\frac{x}{x+\frac{x}{x+\frac{x}{x+\cdots}}}$

1 vote

Two men consequently flip a «fair» coin (possible outcomes are Head and Tail).

1 vote

Prove that when $f = g - h$ and $g, h$ are measurable nonnegative functions then $f^{+} \leq g$ and $f^{-} \leq h$