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maritsm's user avatar
maritsm's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Budapest, Hungary
0 votes

Why in complex dot product, $\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=0$ when $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{b}$ are orthogonal?

1 vote

What is the splitting field of $x^{24} + x + 1$ over $\mathbb F_{23}$?

1 vote

Is $s/log(s)$ the Laplace transform of some functions f(x)?

2 votes

Prove that the intersection of two $\sigma$-algebra is a $\sigma$-algebra

1 vote

U-sub without changing the bounds of integration

2 votes

Does adding a perpendicular component to a vector change its angle?

3 votes

Proof Explanation - $\Bbb R$ is connected, i.e. has no non-trivial clopen subsets

1 vote

An onto map to a Unit Circle $|z|=1$

1 vote

$z^5 = -32$ Where I am doing wrong?

1 vote

If $\dim V = n$, why does any set of $n$ linearly independent vectors span $V$?

1 vote

Notation on isomorphism showing that a vector space is isomorphic to its double dual.

1 vote

Notation of: a · b = 0 if a, b are orthogonal.

0 votes

Functions $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ with a local minimum at every point

2 votes

Bayes' rule for conditional probability

0 votes

How to find if a sequence is converging or diverging?

1 vote

Is there an efficient algorithm to generate a symmetry group from a finite set of symmetry operation?

0 votes

Prove if $I$ is an ideal of $R$ ring, then $(I \cup \{x\})/(x) \cong I$.