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Especially Lime's user avatar
Especially Lime
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
75 votes

Zeno's Achilles & Tortoise - Where exactly is the proof wrong?

47 votes

Where is the flaw in this "proof" of the Collatz Conjecture?

39 votes

What's your explanation of the Raven Paradox?

36 votes

Monty hall problem probability 2/6?

36 votes

What would you call a finite collection of unordered objects that are not necessarily distinct?

36 votes

Find a simple proof that π is irrational

32 votes

Chances of rolling "Snake Eyes" at least once in a series of rolls.

32 votes

Prove that if fifteen bishops were placed on a chessboard, then at least two of them attack each other.

31 votes

Can purchase of insurance be justified mathematically?

31 votes

Coin flipping probability?

30 votes

Why is "A only if B" equivalent to "(not A) or B"?

30 votes

Remove bridges to make finding a path impossible.

29 votes

If a deck of 54 cards (including 2 jokers) is evenly split into 3 groups of 18, what is the probability that any one group contains both jokers?

27 votes

Does the gamblers fallacy not apply to Bayesian probability?

27 votes

Are all highly composite numbers even?

26 votes

Does one accepted false statement allow proving anything?

25 votes

Rolling $2$ dice: NOT using $36$ as the base?

25 votes

Total number paths between two nodes in a complete graph

23 votes

Why is there a pattern to the last digits of square numbers?

23 votes

What is the mathematical notation for rounding a given number to the nearest integer?

20 votes

What is $\log(n+1)-\log(n)$?

20 votes

How many $6$-sided and $8$-sided standard dice exist?

18 votes

Is the word "empty" in set theory different from the word "empty" in ordinary language?

18 votes

Corners are cut off from an equilateral triangle to produce a regular hexagon. Are the sides trisected?

17 votes

Is there a function that grows faster than exponentially but slower than a factorial?

17 votes

Having difficulty understanding probabilities in this question

15 votes

Prime Number Rows in a Pascal's Triangle

15 votes

Why is $a^2+b^2$ more likely to be prime than $a^2+b$?

14 votes

Are there more truths than proofs?

14 votes

Is there a quick way to write say positive integers in an interval in mathematical notation?

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