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Robert Frost's user avatar
Robert Frost
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
42 votes

Simple theorems that are instances of deep mathematics

21 votes

How can I get faster at doing math?

20 votes

Does multiplying all a number's roots together give a product of infinity?

16 votes

Is "you know everything" the (using sentential logic) logical negation of "you know nothing"?

10 votes

Verify my understanding of a math joke.

10 votes

In how many ways can we roll a red die, a yellow die, and a black die, and get a sum of $9$?

9 votes

How could the Collatz conjecture possibly be undecidable?

9 votes

Consequences of Collatz Conjecture being true

8 votes

Why do we divide values to count permutations with repeated letters?

7 votes

Some details about 'Collatz Conjecture'?

6 votes

What are the names of numbers in the binary system?

5 votes

Are there any partial proofs for the collatz conjecture?

5 votes

What does $|a| = |b|$ is equal to?

4 votes

What is the sum of number of digits of the numbers $2^{2001}$ and $5^{2001}$

3 votes

Why must the rational numbers be fixed on any automorphism of $\mathbb R$?

3 votes

Having at least one row of zeros on $5\times5$ board

3 votes

In the Collatz conjecture, why are $\max(\textrm{collatz}(n))$ and $\textrm{var}(\textrm{collatz}(n))$ so closely related?

3 votes

Explaining the meaning of equality

3 votes

What are some counter-intuitive results in mathematics that involve only finite objects?

3 votes

Find time, when angle between the minute and hour hands are given

3 votes

Biggest factor of 2 of any number N

3 votes

What is the origin of the term "modular" in different areas?

3 votes

What is the correct definition of a group?

3 votes

Why does $a\cdot r^{-1}$ equate to $\frac {a}{r} = 1$?

3 votes

How many integers $\leq N$ are divisible by $2,3$ but not divisible by their powers?

3 votes

Evaluate the angle x in terms of angles and y and z?

3 votes

Calculus 1 - Optimization word problem minimize the distance

3 votes

Number of moves necessary to solve Rubik's cube by pure chance

3 votes

Is the function $f(x) = x^2 - 2x$ one-to-one?

3 votes

Proving the Riemann Hypothesis and Impact on Cryptography

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