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Nitin Uniyal's user avatar
Nitin Uniyal
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

What is the rank of a $5 \times 5$ matrix $A$ if $A^{-1}$ exists?

7 votes

Explain why a line can never intersect a plane in exactly two points.

7 votes

Find values of $x$ so that the matrix is invertible

6 votes

If $x^2+2(\alpha-1)x-\alpha+7=0$ has distinct negative solutions...

6 votes

Residue of $e^{z+\frac1z}$ at $0$.

6 votes

Determinant of odd matrix

5 votes

V.I. Arnold says Russian students can't solve this problem, but American students can -- why?

5 votes

Show that the square matrix A is invertible

5 votes

Rank of an Augmented matrix

5 votes

Show $(a, b) \sim\Bbb R$ for any interval $(a, b)$

5 votes

Problem regarding the Wronskian formula

4 votes

Verify whether a function is injective

4 votes

$A$ and $A^2$ have same characteristic polynomial

4 votes

Graph Isomorphism for non-mathematician

4 votes

Type of singularity for $\tan(z)$ at $z = \frac{\pi}{2}$

4 votes

Probability of getting all faces of a die an equal number of times

3 votes

Are the plane and the third dimensional space homeomorphic?

3 votes

If $P$ and $Q$ are invertible matrices $PQ=-QP$, then which claim about their traces is true?

3 votes

Prove the following $x^2−y^2=(x−y)(x+y)$

3 votes

How to solve $\dfrac{\mathrm dx(t)}{\mathrm dt}=(2x(t)+6)(-2t^5+4t^4+2t^2)$ if $x(0)=-3$?

3 votes

What is the difference between non-reflexive or irreflexive?

3 votes

Which of the following satisfies the equation $\phi(x)=f(x)+\int_{0}^{x}\sin(x-t)\phi(t)dt$

3 votes

Universal and Existential quantifier in Propositional logic

3 votes

Show that every group of order $35$ is abelian.

3 votes

Straight Line Equation in Complex Plane

3 votes

convex region with 7 vertices

3 votes

If $f$ is an entire function and $f(z) \not \in [0,1]$ for every $z$, then $f$ is constant

3 votes

Why is a one-to-one linear map from a finite-dimensional vector space to itself onto?

3 votes

solution to system of equations

3 votes

How can I prove mathematically the reflection matrix has only the eigenvalues 1 or -1?

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