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Myridium's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
18 votes

How is addition different than multiplication?

14 votes

Division by $0$ and its restrictions

12 votes

What is the intuition and motivation behind a norm on a space?

8 votes

True or False? The transformation $T$ on the set of all continuous functions that is defined by $T(f) = f (1)$ is a linear transformation.

7 votes

If $n = 51! +1$, then find number of primes among $n+1,n+2,\ldots, n+50$

5 votes

What's wrong with my aproach to solving this equation with multiple logarithms?

5 votes

Lagrange multipliers tangency

4 votes

Compute $M=\sum_{n=1}^{40}[\frac{n^2}{2}]$

4 votes

Closed solution of $\int\frac{x^n}{\sum_{k=0}^{n} \frac{x^{k}}{k!}}dx$

4 votes

How to bound error when approximating ODE

4 votes

Can the product of "Any number of prime numbers" be same as "Any other product of prime numbers".

4 votes

A cyclic group $G$ has only one proper subgroup and it is of order $p$ (a prime). What is the order of $G$?

3 votes

How many ways can you partition a set with $2n$ elements into two sets?

3 votes

Proving smoothness for a sequence of functions.

2 votes

Fast way to generate triangles of all possible equivalence classes within a grid

2 votes

Local and Global Invertibility

2 votes

Multiplicative Partitions $abcd=2^8\cdot 3^8$

2 votes

Multiple trigonometric functions?

2 votes

Why is $P(-1.33<z<1.33) = 1 - 2P(z<-1.33)$

2 votes

Prove $\bar{S}$ is closed.

2 votes

How many inverses has each element of commutative ring?

2 votes

Linear independence of projection matrices

2 votes

A fundamental matter : Why do trigonometric function depend on unit?

2 votes

Given two corners of a rectangle, and an angle of rotation, is it possible to calculate the position of the other corners?

2 votes

Quick group question on $GL(n)$

2 votes

Are all series with analytic continuation to a point resulting in Grandi's series equal to 1/2 at that point?

2 votes

Does the Ray Casting Algorithm works in Poincare's Disk to detect if point is inside Polygone?

2 votes

What are these quotient spaces homeomorphic to?

2 votes

How find this function $f(x)$ such $f(a+f(b))=f(a+b)+f(b)$

1 vote

Given cell number how do you calculate efficiently which row and column it is in