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HelloGoodbye's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
5 votes

Function which creates the sequence 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, ...

4 votes

Expected Number of Single Socks when Matching Socks

2 votes

What are the interesting applications of hyperbolic geometry?

1 vote

Exterior/wedge product of two vectors as an area?

1 vote

Maximum entropy distribution with given mean, variance and skewness?

1 vote

Is there a single term that generalizes the names of the individual vector and scalar types in a multivector?

1 vote

Functions that are always less than their derivatives

1 vote

How do I convince my students that the choice of variable of integration is irrelevant?

1 vote

What is the geometrical action of a skew-symmetric matrix on an arbitrary vector?

1 vote

sinc in 2d: how to interprete this in spatial domain?

1 vote

Why is the number of ways of choosing $0$ items from $n$ items $1$?

1 vote

Is it possible to calculate a single frequency bin in $O(\log N)$ time (considering the $N\log N$ performance of FFT algorithms)?

1 vote

Does a matrix of rank $r$ always contain an invertible submatrix of size $r\times r$?

0 votes

On the matrix representation of a composition of Möbius transforms

0 votes

Equation for a smooth staircase function

0 votes

The inverse map of the stereographic projection

0 votes

Proper loss function for this robust regression problem

0 votes

Suppose $p$ is prime and $m \gt 0$ and $n \gt 0$ and $m \equiv n \pmod{p-1}$. Prove that $a^m \equiv a^n \pmod{p}$ for all $a$.

-1 votes

Can I change the order of a functional dervative and a partial derivative?