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Sebastian Negraszus's user avatar
Sebastian Negraszus's user avatar
Sebastian Negraszus
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
27 votes

Is it true to say that "it's not logically possible to prove something can't be done"?

20 votes

What is the arithmetic mean of no numbers?

16 votes

Is there a name for the function $\max(x, 0)$?

12 votes

Name of the point whose coordinates are the mean of the coordinates of a list of points.

7 votes

Uniqueness of Extended Euclidean Algorithm

6 votes

Sorting a list of points in 2-D clockwise

6 votes

Polygons with equal area and perimeter but different number of sides?

5 votes

Configuration of five or more mutually equidistant points in space.

4 votes

Logical implication

4 votes

What is the motivation for quaternions?

3 votes

Understanding matrices.

2 votes

Check if we can turn a string into a palindrome by reversing a substring

2 votes

Estimating the missing points of a 3D point cloud

2 votes

Coordinates of the point on the circle inscribed in a square

2 votes

Magic Squares with Random Numbers

2 votes

Dilute a 70% solution in a 55 gallon drum to 10%.

1 vote

Is there a maximum value between open $(0,1)$ set?

1 vote

Data transformation of angles such that $90^\circ$ is equal to $-90^\circ$

1 vote

Is it possible to find the area of a shape from its perimeter?

1 vote

How to scale this set of points?

1 vote

Given two 2D vectors, find the intersection of lines perpendicular to them?

1 vote

Is it possible to express the idea of a number bigger than any other number ($\infty$) in programming languanges?

1 vote

An algorithm which takes long time to halt

1 vote

Calculate point on a line by percent value

1 vote

What is the power of the set of $A :=\{\varnothing , \{\varnothing\}\}$.

1 vote

Find the nearest regular polygon, given a side length and an approximate radius

1 vote

Number of cubes to fit into two bigger cube

1 vote

Optimal Placement of Points inside a Set

1 vote

Spacing of fence posts with minimal distance to other fence posts

0 votes

finding Coordinates of Cap of an arrow