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$\operatorname{Spec}(R/I)\to \operatorname{Spec}(R)$ is closed immersion of schemes: why is the kernel locally generated by sections?

Well, that kernel is globally generated by sections: the kernel is $\widetilde{I}$, and you can find a surjective morphism from a free module by taking a surjective morphism $R^{\oplus S}\to I$ ...
KReiser's user avatar
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Fibered product of schemes locally of finite type over a field is smooth if and only if its factors are smooth.

I like your idea of reducing to the case that $k$ is algebraically closed. We can also reduce further to assume $z$ a closed point. Indeed, $X \times_k Y(k) \to X(k)$ is surjective, and to show $X$ is ...
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Gortz, Wedhorn, Algebraic Geometry, Proof of Proposition 3.52 - why is there at most one reduced subscheme structure?

Suppose $Z_1,Z_2$ are two subscheme structures on $Z\subset X$. Let $Z_0=Z_1\times_X Z_2$, which is a common closed subscheme of $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ with the same underlying topological space (proof: ...
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On the openness of the map $\mathbb A^{n+1}_k\smallsetminus 0\rightarrow \mathbb P^n_k$.

Your idea to reduce to the situation over a standard affine open and prove this for the case of $D(g)$ is good. Let's continue from there. We observe that a point $p$ in $\Bbb A^n$ is not in the image ...
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if $Z\rightarrow X$ is closed immersion then $f:Y\rightarrow X$ factors through X iff $f^{\ast}\mathscr I\rightarrow f^{\ast}\mathscr O_X$ is zero

if $f$ factors as $Y\rightarrow Z\rightarrow X$ then the map $f^* \mathscr I\rightarrow \mathscr O_Y$ is zero. Your logic is not correct. The pullback of $\mathcal{I}$ is not zero. For instance, ...
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Sheafification of function presheaves

I would start from the sheafification side. The idea is that you want to localize the information in your presheaf $\mathcal{F}$. Formally that means that the sheafification $\mathcal{F}^+$ is the ...
ClemensB's user avatar
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Help with R. Pink complete lecture notes of "Finite group schemes". Theorem 12.2

I will try clearing up the terminology you are unfamiliar with. A Galois representation is a group representation of a Galois group. Group representation, in their naive form, are just group ...
mrtaurho's user avatar
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rational section non vanishing everywhere at any irreduicble component implies regular?

By working locally, we may assume $\mathcal{L}$ is $\mathcal{O}_X$ and that $X$ is affine. If $s$ were not regular, it would have to be contained in an associated prime of $X$ as the union of the ...
Brian Nugent's user avatar
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Questions about Corollary 5.23 of AG1: Schemes by Görtz & Wedhorn

Let $U \subset X$ be an open noetherian neighbourhood of $x$. Clearly every irreducible component of $X$ which contains $x$ intersects $U$. But as $U$ is noetherian, it has only finitely many ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Example of a closed subscheme of $\operatorname{Proj} A$ which is not of the form $\operatorname{Proj}A/I$.

$\newcommand{\Spec}{\operatorname{Spec}}\newcommand{\Proj}{\operatorname{Proj}}\newcommand{\P}{\mathbb P}\newcommand{\V}{\mathbb V}$ For posterity, I answer this question with the one answered over at ...
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Quasicompactness of $\operatorname{Proj}A$

I have figured this out. By hypothesis we have that: $$\sqrt{A_+}=\sqrt{\langle f_1,\dots, f_n\rangle}$$ hence: $$V(A_+)=\bigcap_{i=1}^nV(f_i)$$ By taking compliments, it follows that: $$\operatorname{...
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