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What does $\cos \operatorname{am} $ mean?

It's the Jacobi amplitude. See
Benjamin Kuykendall's user avatar
4 votes

What does $\mathbb{N}_n$ mean?

It is the set of the first $n$ natural numbers. But please note that different places have different conventions, regarding whether $0$ is included, or whether $n$ is included. In simplicial homotopy ...
Trebor's user avatar
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How to write property for every element in a set

(1st paragraph originally a comment) It would help to explain why you feel that you need to restate this straightforward statement in mathy symbolic form. For instance, are you trying to analyze ...
Dave L. Renfro's user avatar
3 votes

Confusion using function composition

I assume that the confusion is arising in the following line from the linked answer: Since $h(t)=\sqrt t$, you have $g(t)=\cos(h(t)^2)$, [...] You are trying to find $g$ as a function of $h$, where ...
Angelica's user avatar
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Are $\lim_{(n,m) \to (\infty,x\infty)} (1 + 1/n)^m$ and ${\substack{n \to \infty \\m = nx}} (1 + \frac1n)^m$ correct alternative definitions of $e^x$?

The first option is wrong because $x \infty$ is not well-defined in this context. The second option is correct, but the notation is non-standard. I would just write: $$e^x = \lim_{n \to \infty} (1 + 1/...
Benjamin Kuykendall's user avatar
3 votes

Reading mathematical notation

There does exist a site, Mathjax Speech Converter, that can do this. For example, it will take the following expression (that I randomly made up) "(n + 6)/(n+1)=x\forall n\in R_+" and output ...
JJMae's user avatar
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Meaning of the notation $Z_p(G)$

The passage from the book deals with stem groups: in case of isoclinism (an equivalence relation on the class of groups, coarser than isomorphism; isoclinism works better for the classification of $p$-...
Nicky Hekster's user avatar
3 votes

Simplifying $10^{2380849\cdot 10^{10^{120.20}}-1}$ using Knuth's Up-Arrow notation

This number is not large enough for up-arrow notation to be of much use. It's "essentially" the same as $10^{10^{10^{10^{2.08}}}}$ (the factor of $2380849$ in the first level exponent is ...
Dave L. Renfro's user avatar
2 votes

Notation for equivalent equations

What is the notation for showing that equations are equivalent after rearranging terms? For example, $$s=r\theta\implies r=\frac{s}{\theta}.\tag{✘ 1}$$ Is this the correct way to write it? Consider ...
ryang's user avatar
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Question About the Existential Quantifier, $\exists$

They are dual to each other. While $∀$ says that $∀x. \varphi(x)$ is true if and only if for all $x$, $\varphi(x)$ is true; $\exists$ says that $∃x.\ \varphi(x)$ is false if and only if forall $x$, $\...
Julián's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the interval notation valid for $\mathbb{C}$?

Even if you are doing complex analysis, I think it is fine to write $(0,1)$ to mean $\{x\in\mathbb R\mid 0<x<1\}$. You might want to write "the interval $(0,1$)" if you feel the reader ...
Joe's user avatar
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2 votes

Symbol for a strict implication

First off, the phrase strict implication (usually, denoted by $⥽$) is a specific conditional in logic, different from the one expressed in the question which comes across as considering the statement ’...
Tankut Beygu's user avatar
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2 votes

Symbol for a strict implication

$$P \to Q \wedge \neg (Q \to P) = $$ $$(\neg P \vee Q) \wedge (\neg (\neg Q \vee P)) = $$ $$(\neg P \vee Q) \wedge (Q \wedge \neg P) = $$ $$(\neg P \wedge (Q \wedge \neg P)) \vee (Q \wedge (Q \wedge \...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote

How to denote domain and range of a function that substitutes a given interval?

How about something like: We write $I_c$ to denote the set of closed intervals $[a,b] \subset \mathbb{R}$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{R}$ and $a \leq b$. Consider a function $f:I_c \rightarrow I_c$ defined ...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
1 vote

Math Operators with Changing Sub-Properties?

This isn't a thing in mathematics. In math, we use side-effect-free operations. To properly reason about things, any statements about them need to remain true; if we declare that $2\mathrel{Ϡ}2 = 6$, ...
Deusovi's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "$m$" and "$2$" in "$m \angle GLI = 2 m \angle GLH$"?

The m means the angle is congruent or of having equal length or measure right? Generally, it does: $m \angle A$ typically means "the measure of angle $A$", and $m \angle ABC$ would mean &...
PrincessEev's user avatar
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How is a cone most often (or by convention) notated to show its exact shape?

The circular cone given ( base radius, height) is commonly and fully understood. Respectively with the above $(r,h)$ are derived slant height slope angle ( generator angle ) a.k.a. the semi vertical ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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What is the meaning of this symbol $\otimes$, in particular for quaternions?

You might be looking for the composition of Euler-Rodrigues symmetric parameters. They're defined in Shuster 1993, "A Survey of Attitude Representations' see equations (171), (185), (188) etc $$ \...
nichole's user avatar
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1 vote

How to write property for every element in a set

The colon is perfectly fine. Some books would instead write it as $$g(v_i)=g(v_j)\ \forall v_i,v_j\in V$$ which may look more "normal" to you. It doesn't really matter as long as it is clear ...
ultralegend5385's user avatar
1 vote

Mathematical notation to cap value on 1?

Taking the ideas of @spaceisdarkgreen. Yes, there's a concise and elegant way to express it using the $\min$ function. You can write it as: $$h(x) = \min(f(x), 1)$$ This notation captures the behavior ...
Alex Pozo's user avatar
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Notation for "the sum of column elements in a in the upper triangle of a matrix for a given row"

You could use the Hadamard product of matrices to get $$ \pmatrix{1&1&1\\0&1&1\\0&0&1} \odot \pmatrix{a&b&c\\d&e&f\\g&h&k} = \pmatrix{a&b&c\\0&...
J.-E. Pin's user avatar
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Notation for "the sum of column elements in a in the upper triangle of a matrix for a given row"

Well, the standard way to write this would be $$\text{Upper Row Sum}_i(A) = \sum_{j=i}^n A_{i,j}$$ Are you looking for something more compact than this?
Deusovi's user avatar
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