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Proving commutator of velocity differentiation and total time differentiation is position differentiation

Suppose $L$ is a function of $t$, $q$, and $\dot q$. (In Qmechanic's answer, it can depend on every derivative $q^{(n)}$, but the proof is the same.) We have $$ \frac d{dt}L(t,q,\dot q)=\frac \partial{...
Kenta S's user avatar
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3 votes

Topology for the resolution of identity equality

No, (2) can never hold in the norm topology. In more detail, suppose $V$ is an inner product space and that $\{x_i\}_{i\in I}$ is an infinite orthonormal set. Then, for any finite set $F\subset I$, ...
peek-a-boo's user avatar
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2 votes

Name for a nonlinear first order Partial Differential Equation

To my knowledge, there is no universally accepted name for this equation. Let $g\geq 0$. The steady state analogue of your equation (i.e. assuming the solution does not depend on $t$) is $$ \vert \...
JackT's user avatar
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$L^p$ spaces and $L^2$

We say that $f\in L^p(\Omega)$ if $\int_{\Omega}|f|^pdx<\infty$, in your case you have to study the convergence of $$\int_{\Bbb R} \left(\frac{e^{-x^2}}{\sqrt{|x|}}\right)^p dx $$ Note that as $|x|\...
Sine of the Time's user avatar
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Hamiltonian of the Ablowitz-Ladik NLS

1° The Hamiltonian might be interpreted as the energy of the system in many cases, but it isn't required ultimately; it shall be seen as a "state function", which describes a system by ...
Abezhiko's user avatar
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Any electric field is necessarily potential?

I would say that in a potentially holey domain, you must have $$\oint \vec{E}(\mathbf{r}) \cdot d \mathbf{r} = 0.$$ The potential difference is then $$V(b)-V(a) = - \int_a^b \vec{E}(\mathbf{r}) \cdot ...
David's user avatar
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Derivative operator on $L_2([0, \, 1], \, \mathrm dx)$

Hints: $-i\int \psi'\phi =\int \chi \psi$ for all $\psi \in D(A)$. Let $h(x)=\int_0^{x}\chi (t)dt$, so that $-i\int \psi'\phi =\int h' \psi$. Integrating by parts we get $-i\int \psi'\phi =\int h \...
geetha290krm's user avatar
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Math_Physics - Regarding Conservation Laws

$\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }$ Divergence measures the tendency of a flow field to leave a point. So a field with positive divergence about a single point within a volume should be more aligned with the ...
I Zuka I's user avatar
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Math_Physics - Regarding Conservation Laws

'Time direction' is a critical point in first order evolution equations. The two signs make a difference between time forward and backward equations. Generally a vector field $X$ is the non-exact ...
Roland F's user avatar
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Introduction to the replica trick

Two more recommendations. Information, Physics, and Computation by Mezard and Montanari. Self-contained book which introduces statistical mechanics & combintaorial optimization from scratch. ...
amongus's user avatar
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