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7 votes

How well can $e$ be approximated?

It turns out that we've basically solved this problem completely, because $e$ has a known continued fraction. The $q^{-2}$ can be replaced by $$ \frac{(\tfrac12+\varepsilon)\log\log q}{q^2\log q} $$ ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
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0 votes

Remarkable/unexpected rational numbers

A problem posed here: Take an unpainted circular disk. Repeatedly paint the interior of a randomly-chosen semicircle of it (bounded by one of its diameters), stopping once the whole disk is painted. ...
Rosie F's user avatar
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Bijection between rational and irrational numbers?

I suppose you want something like this. Knowing the rationals are countable, we can list them in an orderly fashion as: $$\mathbb{Q}= \{q_1, q_2, \dots\}.$$ Now define a function $f:\mathbb{Q}\to\...
NazimJ's user avatar
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3 votes

Bijection between rational and irrational numbers?

One issue is that the (ir)rationals involved need not be unique. You suppose there exists a rational between $-\pi$ and $\pi$; well, $1$ meets that criterion. And likewise a rational between $-\sqrt 2$...
PrincessEev's user avatar
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A monotone function has at most countably many discontinuities

Perhaps this is what you mean: Since there are uncountable irrational numbers, and one irrational number can be chosen from each interval, there is a one-to-one correspondence between such intervals ...
Bowei Tang's user avatar
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Intuitive explanation why Lebesgue measure of irrationals in [0,1] equals 1

While your interpretation is in the right track, I think you need to be a bit clearer on what you mean in certain passages. the Lebesgue measure requires a countable union of disjoint intervals to ...
Gustavo de Souza's user avatar
5 votes

Prove that $\log_{10} (\phi)$ is irrational

Theincredibleidiot gave a nice answer. Adding the following different argument relying on a little bit extra machinery. It should be generalizable. Let $\tilde{\phi}=(1-\sqrt5)/2=-1/\phi$ be the ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar
8 votes

Prove that $\log_{10} (\phi)$ is irrational

Note that $\phi^2=\phi+1$. So for every positive integer $n$ one can write $$\phi^n=a\phi+b,$$ for some suitable integers $a(\neq 0),b$. From your work it follows that if $\log_{10}(\phi)$ is rational,...
Theincredibleidiot's user avatar

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