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Is it true that this quadruple sum involving $f(x,y,z,p)=x^p+y^p−z^p$, is equal to the sequence $1,0,0,0,...$ only if $p=1$ or $p=2$?

Outline/long comment: \begin{align*} s(n) &= \sum_{z=1}^n \sum_{y=1}^n \sum_{x=1}^n g \bigl( \gcd (f(x,y,z,p),n) \bigr) \\ &= \sum_{z=1}^n \sum_{y=1}^n \sum_{x=1}^n \sum_{d\mid \gcd (f(x,y,z,p)...
Greg Martin's user avatar
  • 85.2k
2 votes

Find a number that will have $\gcd(n, m)^2 = \text {lcm}(n, m)$ with other 20 numbers at least

Suppose we had a "good" pair $(n,m)$. Write $n=\prod p_i^{n_i}$ and $m=\prod p_i^{m_i}$ for the two prime factorizations. Then your condition is equivalent to $$2\min (n_i, m_i)=\max (n_i, ...
lulu's user avatar
  • 72.8k
-2 votes

Find a number that will have $\gcd(n, m)^2 = \text {lcm}(n, m)$ with other 20 numbers at least

The problem is equivalent to $nm=\gcd(n,m)^3$. Set $n=\prod_i p_i^{a_i}$ and $m=\prod_i p_i^{b_i}$. Hence $$ \prod_i p_i^{a_i+b_i}=\prod_i p_i^{3\min\{a_i,b_i\}} $$ so $a_i+b_i=3\min\{a_i,b_i\}$. If $...
boaz's user avatar
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How do I extend this integral solution to non-relatively prime $a$ and $b$?

My first answer was very wrong; I've hopefully made amends by changing it to a correct answer, but it's not a complete answer, merely a suggested approach. The crucial term to evaluate in the first ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
  • 85.2k
-1 votes

How many $n$ such that $\gcd(n,1)+\gcd(n,2)+\gcd(n,3)=\gcd(n,4)$

Sort of a long answer. note that $gcd(1,n)=1 \ \forall \ n \in \mathbb{Z}/\{0\}$ Looking at n modulo 6, n $\in \{6k,6k+1,6k+2,6k+3,6k+4,6k+5 \ | \ k\in \mathbb{Z}\}$ $ \forall n = 6k,\ k \in \mathbb{Z}...
Advay Phadke's user avatar
0 votes

How many $n$ such that $\gcd(n,1)+\gcd(n,2)+\gcd(n,3)=\gcd(n,4)$

Firstly, count of numbers divisible by $4$ $$\left\lfloor \frac{2023}{4} \right\rfloor = 505$$ Then, count of numbers divisible by both $4$ and $3$ (LCM of $4$ and $3$ is $12$): $$ \left\lfloor \frac{...
Mr 111's user avatar
  • 149
4 votes

What am I doing wrong in evaluating $\sum_{i=1}^{2024} \gcd(i,8)\;$?

I spotted two mistakes: The number of $i\in\{1,\dots,2024\}$ that are relatively prime to $8$ is not $882$ but rather $1012$. Indeed, the integers relatively prime to $8$ are precisely the odd ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
  • 85.2k
-1 votes

When do we have $\gcd(a+b, sc)=1$, provided $\gcd(a,c)=1$, $\gcd(b,c)=1$?

As far as I understand, there are two ways to interpret the objective in this problem: finding constant integers $r,s$ such that $\gcd(ra+b,sc) = 1$ for all pairwise coprime positive integers $a,b,c$,...
Fikilis's user avatar
  • 734
1 vote

show that $F[x]/q(x)= F[x]/p_1(x)\bigoplus \cdots \bigoplus F[x]/p_k(x)$

Let $q=p_1\cdots p_k$, and note that since $p_i$ is irreducible for all $i$, we have that $(p_i)+(p_j)=F[x]$. Indeed, this holds for any polynomial ring over a field see here for instance. Since have ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Sum of residues $\sum_{s=1}^{n-1} r_s$

Claim: $$n \text{ prime} \iff S’ := \sum_{a=1}^{n-1} \sum_{b=1}^{n-1} ab \bmod n = \frac{n(n-1)^2}{2} $$ Proof: $\implies$ $$S’= \sum_{a=1}^{n-1} \sum_{b=1}^{n-1} ab \bmod n \overset{(1.1)}{=} \sum_{...
Sahaj's user avatar
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3 votes

Sum of residues $\sum_{s=1}^{n-1} r_s$

For simpler algebra, let $$d = \gcd(m, n), \;\; m = m^\prime d, \;\; n = n^\prime d, \;\; \gcd(m^\prime, n^\prime) = 1$$ We have for $0 \le s \le n - 1$ that $$sm = \left\lfloor\frac{sm}{n}\right\...
John Omielan's user avatar
  • 50.5k
0 votes

The difference between the HCF and LCM of $x$ and $18$ is $120$. Find $x$.

Let $\alpha=gcd(x,18)$ & $\beta=lcm(x,18)$ Then $\beta=\frac{18x}{\alpha}$ (as $18x=\alpha\beta$) According to the problem the difference between $\beta$ and $\alpha$ is 120 i.e. $\beta-\alpha=120$...
Hardik Deshmukh's user avatar
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What exactly does the extended Euclidean algorithm compute for polynomials over a commutative ring?

I'm only aware of an extended Euclidean algorithm for elements of an Euclidean domain. $A[x]$ is an Euclidean domain iff $A$ is a field. Regardless, even if there is a more general algorithm that ...
Lukas Heger's user avatar

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