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What does disjunct mean?

A disjunct of a disjunction is simply one its two inputs. So, $$P\lor Q$$ has disjuncts $P$ and $Q.$ The compound disjunction $$P\lor Q\lor R\lor S$$ can be considered to have four disjuncts, $P,Q,R$ ...
ryang's user avatar
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4 votes

Prove that every to $\varphi_n$ equivalent formula in DNF has at least $2^n$ conjunctive clauses

Your approach is a valid approach, but I don't see how one could finish that argument. So instead, I'll give you my idea. Let's look at one (satisfiable) clause $c_k$ from the minimal DNF. How many ...
PattuX's user avatar
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Boolean algebra - Converting DNF form to CNF

HINT Are you familiar with FOIL, that says that $(A+B)(C+D) = AC+AD+BC+BD$? Well, that principle generalizes more larger or more terms, simply by systematically taking all possible ways of taking 1 ...
Bram28's user avatar
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4 votes

Can a logical formula that is a contradiction be represented as Disjunctive Normal Form?

$P \land \neg P$ is in DNF It may not look like it, but it really is. Here's the thing: a statement is in DNF iff it is a generalized disjunction of generalized conjunctions of literals. And by ...
Bram28's user avatar
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3 votes

New to discrete mathematics - Disjunctive normal form

Here is a concrete example: Suppose we have the following truth-table ($P * Q$ is some arbitrary formula involving atomic propositions $P$ and $Q$): \begin{array}{cc|c} P & Q & P * Q\\ \...
Bram28's user avatar
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convert boolean formula to DNF

Your work is fine, and it is in DNF form, which we can see by using parentheses to better show each of the disjuncts: $$(¬d \lor a) \lor (\lnot a \land \lnot b) $$ $$\equiv (\lnot d) \lor (a) \lor (\...
amWhy's user avatar
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How to determine if a propositional formula is in DNF or CNF or both

It is $DNF$ because it can be seen as $$ ... \text{nothing} \vee (a \wedge b) \vee \text{nothing}... $$ And $CNF$ : $$ (...\text{nothing} \vee a \vee \text{nothing}...) \wedge (...\text{nothing} \...
Zubzub's user avatar
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Converting formula to disjunctive normal form

You've made mistakes in failing to use DeMorgans. First, I use, like you did, the equivalence of $P\rightarrow Q \equiv \lnot P \lor Q$, and second, I use DeMorgan's Law in step $(1);$ DeMorgan's ...
amWhy's user avatar
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Every $n$-ary logical connective has a DNF

If you were to put the function on a truth-table, you can always find an expression (that is automatically in DNF) that is equivalent to that function: for every row where the function value is true, ...
Bram28's user avatar
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Normal disjunctive and conjuctive form from a truth table

When you are looking for a DNF, you focus on all rows where the table result is a $1$, and you generate a conjunction for that row exactly the way you did, and than you disjunct together all those ...
Bram28's user avatar
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2 votes

Find DNF and CNF of an expression

For DNF: look at each row where $p = 1$ encode a proposition from the atoms $p_i$ for row $i$ (that gives $p$ is 1) that has $a_i$ if that atom is 1 in the truth table and $\neg a_i$ if it's 0. You ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
2 votes

How can DPLL formula be used to check whether a DNF formula is valid?

OK, so the assumption here is that you are given a (single) DNF formula, and you have to test whether it is valid, i.e. whether it is a tautology, right? OK, yes, we can do something akin to DPLL ...
Bram28's user avatar
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Distributive law on two disjunctive terms

When doing boolean algebra it is common to encounter a formula like yours, and because it simplifies to something much smaller, it has been given a name: Adjacency $(X \lor Y) \land (X \lor \neg Y) \...
Bram28's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert minterm formula to nor and not formula

Yes. You discovered that if you have a statement that is a disjunction of two disjuncts, and where each of the disjuncts is a conjunction of two literals (as in your example), then you can replace ...
Bram28's user avatar
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2 votes

Disjunctive normal form process

Yes, that would be good: just keep distributing any $\land $ over $\lor$ and you'll get there. In fact, you're just two such distributions away from it being in DNF
Bram28's user avatar
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Is it possible for the DNF and CNF to be the same

A conjunctive normal form is a conjunction of a sequence of disjunctions of a sequence of literals or their negations.   Abreviated as: a conjunction of disjunctions of literals or their ...
Graham Kemp's user avatar
2 votes

How do I convert this propositional formula to DNF?

In fact, your proposition is always true. This is because the left term of the equivalence is true unless $V_1$ is true and $V_2$ is false, and the same is the case for the right term, so they are ...
Cloudscape's user avatar
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Find minimal DNF and CNF of a logical expression $(A \implies C) \wedge \neg (B \wedge C \wedge D).$

I'll do my best to type up the K-maps in MathJax. For DNF, you just go with $G$ as follows: $$ \begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c|} AB &00 &01 &11 &10 \\ \hline CD \\ \hline 00 &1 &1 &...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
2 votes

DNF and CNF look the same?

Since your formula has no $\land$ at all, it makes no difference whether the place they are absent from is above or below the $\lor$s in the syntax tree. The formula is indeed in both CNF and DNF, ...
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
2 votes

DNF and CNF look the same?

First, note that the expression $\lnot s \lor \lnot q \lor \lnot s$ can be further simplified to $\lnot s \lor \lnot q$ by the commutativity of $\lor$ operator. Then, $\lnot s \lor \lnot q$ is both ...
ArsenBerk's user avatar
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What's the most efficient way to convert any propositionnal logic formula to DNF

Well, I think there is no shortcut because of the satisfiability problem which is NP-complete. What you can do to expand an expression to DNF is to multiply out first using the law of distributivity. ...
Wuestenfux's user avatar
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What's the most efficient way to convert any propositionnal logic formula to DNF

I know that using this method, the size of $G$ may be exponential in the size of $F$ That is not a failing of the method -- it is inherent in the problem that a DNF may need to be exponentially large....
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
2 votes

Boolean algebra - Converting DNF form to CNF form

Question already answered here Boolean algebra - Converting DNF form to CNF avoid posting duplicate questions or asking for your homework
Andrej's user avatar
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what is the canonical form (XOR Normal form)?

Here is an example. Take the statement $A \lor (\neg A \land B)$. Let's put it on a truh-table, using the convention that we put the reference columns in alphabetical order, and that we fill out the ...
Bram28's user avatar
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DNF constraint in integer linear programming

The logical proposition $$(x \land y \land z) \lor (\neg w \land \neg s \land \neg t) \lor (\neg x \land \neg y \land \neg z) \lor (w \land s \land t)$$ can be rewritten in conjunctive normal form as $...
RobPratt's user avatar
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2 votes

Converting to DNF from CNF

I'll first take the dual of your statement by swapping all $\lor$'s with $\land$'s, and vice versa: $$\left(a_1 \land \neg a_2 \land \neg a_3 \land ... \land \neg a_K \right) \lor$$ $$\left(\neg a_1 ...
Bram28's user avatar
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2 votes

CNF and DNF form of single logical variable

The statement $(1)$ $$A\land\lnot A,\tag{1}$$ is already in CNF (conjunctive normal form), and DNF (disjunctive normal form). All conjunctions of literals and all disjunctions of literals are in ...
user400188's user avatar
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