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Completing the solution to a constrained Diophantine equation with inequality conditions

I reviewed and agree with all of the math given in the OP's (i.e. original poster's) presentation. First I should clarify a few things. The overall approach should be to let A = the enumeration of ...
user2661923's user avatar
  • 38.1k
1 vote

Formalize a proof for the existence complete graph minor in a graph

Some notation before the answer: For a graph $G$, $V(G)$ is the vertex set of $G$ and $E(G)$ is the edge set of $G$. I am using $xy$ or $yx$ instead of $(x,y)$ to denote an edge, for brevity. For a ...
Santhosh's user avatar
1 vote

Finding the minimum of a convex injective function on $\mathbb{Z}$ with fewest evaluations

Your pseudo-code with two function calls per iteration is certainly not optimal, you should only make one function call per iteration. The correct algorithm is: We take two points $a$, $b$ with their ...
caduk's user avatar
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Negating a multiply quantified statement

There are already a few good answers under your post, showing how to formally express the negation of that quantified statement. To help you see how it is false, let's phrase it this way: it says that ...
Mariusz Popieluch's user avatar
1 vote

Solve the recurrence $T(n) = nT(n/2) +n - 1$

Making $n = 2^m$ we have $$ T\left(2^m\right)=2^m T\left(2^{m-1}\right)+2^m-1 $$ This recurrence can be recast as $$ R(m) = 2^m R(m-1) + 2^m - 1 $$ now if $R_h$ and $R_p$ are the homogeneous and ...
Cesareo's user avatar
  • 34.8k
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Negating a multiply quantified statement

Using a form of natural deduction, we have: (Screenshot) (Text version) Suppose... 1 ~EXIST(x):[x in r & ALL(y):[y in r => 2*x+y=7]] Premise Switch quantifier (EXIST --> ALL) 2 ~~ALL(x)...
Dan Christensen's user avatar
4 votes

Negating a multiply quantified statement

There exists a real number $x$ such that for all real numbers $y,\; 2x+y=7.$ my textbook says that this statement is false. Let's rephrase the given statement: There is some real number $b$ for ...
ryang's user avatar
  • 40.7k
5 votes

The meaning of an implication with the existential quantifier

$∃x(P(x) → Q(x))$ never really makes sense. If $~\exists x (\neg P(x))~$ (usually a reasonable assumption), this will always be true for any predicate $Q$ whatsoever. So, it kind of "makes sense,...
Dan Christensen's user avatar
4 votes

Negating a multiply quantified statement

The order of quantifiers matters. That is the reason why complex assumptions must always be written in mathematical language: because it allows no ambiguity. English language (or whatever your first ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
6 votes

Negating a multiply quantified statement

The statement is saying that there exists a single number $x$ such that the following equations all hold simultaneously: $2x+1=7$ $2x+2=7$ $2x+3=7$ ... And so on and so forth, for every real number $...
Sambo's user avatar
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9 votes

The meaning of an implication with the existential quantifier

"Someone is a comedian and that means they are funny" actually means $$\exists x\, C(x)\land \forall x\,\big(C(x)\to F(x)\big),$$ which is a logically stronger assertion than $$∃x\,\big(C(x) ...
ryang's user avatar
  • 40.7k
18 votes

The meaning of an implication with the existential quantifier

Example c was written: $ \exists x (C(x) \to F(x))$ The answer to that example was given as "Someone is a comedian and that means they are funny" That is an incorrect translation. Imagine a ...
aschepler's user avatar
  • 10.5k
1 vote

Alternative way to obtain a closed form of a continued fraction

Your attempt fixups. The solution of your ODE for $S(z)$, rewritten as $$ (1-xz)^2 S'(z)-(1+x-x^2 z)S(z)=D:=S_1-(1+x)S_0, $$ with $S(0)=S_0$, is $$ S(z)=\frac1{1-xz}\exp\left(\frac1{x(1-xz)}\right)\...
metamorphy's user avatar
  • 40.9k
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I need help with this basic discrete math problem

Each string is of length 2, and each character of the string can be chosen from any of the 3 characters in $\{0,1,2\}$. So there are a total of $3^2 = 9$ possible strings. I would suggest you start by ...
shgwani2804's user avatar
1 vote

Prove that $(A \times B)\setminus(A\times C) \subseteq A×(B \setminus C)$

$(A \times B) \setminus (A \times C) $ is the set of $(x,y)$ where $(x,y) \in A \times B \land (x,y) \notin (A \times C$) This means that $((x \in A \land x \notin A)\land y\in B) \lor (x\in A\land (y ...
math and physics forever's user avatar
5 votes

Prove that $(A \times B)\setminus(A\times C) \subseteq A×(B \setminus C)$

Based on the definitions involved, one concludes that: \begin{align*} (A\times B)\backslash(A\times C) & = \{(x,y) \mid ((x,y)\in A\times B)\wedge((x,y)\not\in(A\times C))\}\\\\ & = \{(x,y) \...
Átila Correia's user avatar
1 vote

Find a perfect matching

The problem is symmetric for students and problems. Let $X$ be students, $Y$ be problems and $S \subseteq X$. If $0 < |S| \le 4$ then $|N(S)| \ge 4$ since every student solved at least $4$ problems....
Smylic's user avatar
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How to calculate the number of labelled trees with 6 vertices, at least 3 leaves, and a specific vertex as a leaf?

There are multiple different ways to count such tree, including careful consideration of all $1296$ labeled trees on $6$ vertices one by one. However I like the following solution. One of proofs of ...
Smylic's user avatar
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Number of rectangles with odd side lengths on a chess board?

We can say that the odd lengths in a chessboard are $1,3,5,7$ Let $W(n)$ be the number of times the width $n$ occur in a chessboard then $W(1)=8$, $W(3)=6$, $W(5)=4$, $W(7)=2$ Summing all the $W(n)$ ...
Hardik Deshmukh's user avatar
1 vote

Statistical bounds on number of digits for an element from a Fibonacci-like sequence

[We assume, per the comments, that $T_0, T_1 \geq 0$, even though technically positivity is only defined on $k > 1$. ] Observe that $T_k = F_{k-2} T_0 + F_{k-1} T_1$. (See Note 1 for details.) How ...
Calvin Lin's user avatar
  • 72.1k
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arithmetic function to return an integer from lower "L" up to maximum "M", from any integer input

\begin{equation*} f(X) = \frac{1}{2}\Bigl(|X-L|-|X-M|+M+L\Bigr) \end{equation*} Note that $|x|$ can be written as $\sqrt{x^2}$, so this fits your criteria.
John Barber's user avatar
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2 votes

Where I am going wrong in translating this sentence from natural language to logical symbols?

Your answer was $$(\lnot s \land w) \implies d.$$ Recalling that $p \implies q$ is equivalent to $\lnot p \lor q$, and also recalling de Morgan's laws, your answer is equivalent to $$ (s \lor \lnot w) ...
David K's user avatar
  • 101k
8 votes

Approximations for a Fibonacci-Like Sequence

The general solution to the linear recurrence $$ T_0 = a_0, \; T_1 = a_1, \; T_i = T_{i-1}+T_{i-2}\; (i\ge2) $$ is given by $$ T_i = F_{i-1}a_0 + F_i a_1 $$ where $F_i$ is the usual Fibonacci sequence ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
  • 85.1k
7 votes

Approximations for a Fibonacci-Like Sequence

A general sequence $(T_n)_{n=0}^\infty$ satisfying the Fibonacci recurrence with $T_0 = a$ and $T_n = b$ will be given by $T_n = a F_{n-1} + b F_n$. To make sure that $T_0, T_1, \dots, T_{n-1}$ are ...
Misha Lavrov's user avatar
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Is every argument with false premises and conclusion valid?

Is every argument with false premises and conclusion valid? can an argument still be valid even if the premises and conclusion are all false? An argument with a false premise and false conclusion ...
ryang's user avatar
  • 40.7k
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Between any two cities in a certain country, there are either direct flights or direct buses, but not both. Please prove or disprove some questions.

Your modelling of the problem in graph-theoretic terms is completely correct. Cities are vertices, and the travel options can be represented as a 2-colouring of the edges of the complete graph on ...
Wei's user avatar
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3 votes

Alternative formulation proof for Gould's sequence

The $G(n)$ is essentially counting how many of the binomial coefficients $\binom{n}{i}$ are odd. But these are the coefficients of $(1+x)^n$, so we just need to look at non-zero coefficients of $(1+x)^...
Sil's user avatar
  • 17.3k
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Find the chromatic polynomial of a graph using deletion and contraction

You've done the deletion-contraction correctly, but your chromatic polynomials for all four graphs you get at the end are wrong. All of them can be solved in the same way, which I'll illustrate on the ...
Misha Lavrov's user avatar
6 votes

Are incomplete magic squares with some integral entries necessarily purely integral

Here is an example of a non-integer unique solution to a question with integers: Given \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline 1 & ? & 2 \\ \hline ? & ? & ? \\ \hline 3 & ? & ? \\ \hline ...
Henry's user avatar
  • 161k
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Need clarification on what makes an argument invalid or valid

$5$ is not an even number.         If $5$ is an even number, then $7$ is an even number. $\therefore\quad 7$ is not an even number. the hypotheses and conclusion are all true, so isn't the argument ...
ryang's user avatar
  • 40.7k
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Set partition with some conditions

I think there is a mistake in @Mike Earnest's solution(wrote here because my reputation is below $50$). Pick any $k\geq 2$ and think about $P$ having two different parts $B_1$, $B_2$ such that ...
user1373899's user avatar
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Set partition with some conditions

Claim. Each set partition of $[n]$ into $k$ parts can be bijectively correspond to set of $n-k$ ordered pairs of form $(i, j)$ $(1\leq i<j\leq k)$ such that following condition holds; Each number ...
user1373899's user avatar
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Is the Kronecker Delta equivalent to this expression? $\delta_{ij} = \lfloor e^{-|i-j|} \rfloor$

Don't worry too much. There are no issues with the details you provided. In fact, in mathematics, it is normal for a function to have many different representations. It is just seems to that a person ...
wei.fadelian.zhang's user avatar
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Sketch the graph of the equation $⌊x⌋^2 +⌊y⌋^2 =4$.

Your right square $[1,2)\times[0,1)$ is wrong. It is not included in the solution set. Its corner $(1,0)$ does not satisfy the equation. It must have been $$[2,3)\times[0,1)$$ instead. You have to ...
Bob Dobbs's user avatar
  • 12.5k
5 votes

A bijection of a connected graph that preserves 2-distances but is not an automorphism

Let $G$ be a line with three segments, i.e., $V=\{a,b,c,d\}$ and $E=\{\{a,b\},\{b,c\},\{c,d\}\}.$ Let $\varphi=\{(a,a),(b,d),(c,c),(d,b)\}.$ This is not an automorphism because it maps a vertex of ...
Lieven's user avatar
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Are a fixed amount of pairs sufficient to output any permutation here?

I feel like the first part of your question is a bit confusing, at least to my understanding. Should $X$ not be a subset of $C\times C$? It's perfectly fine to think of this as an $n$-entry array ...
Matthias Kaul's user avatar
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$A \subset B$ if and only if $B^c ⊂ A^c$

Use some definitions and the law of contraposition: $\bigg(A\subseteq B \bigg) \iff \bigg( x\in A\implies x\in B \bigg)\iff \bigg( x\notin B\implies x\notin A\bigg) \iff \bigg( x\in B^c\implies x\in ...
Sean's user avatar
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Number of ways to arrange 7 $D$s and 8 $R$s with no four consecutive same letters

We consider a binary alphabet built from letters $\mathcal{V}=\{D,R\}$. Words which do not have any consecutive equal letters are called Smirnov words. A generating function for Smirnov words is given ...
Markus Scheuer's user avatar
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Any subset of size $6$ from the set $S = \{1,2, 4, \dots 9\}$ must contain two elements whose sum is $10$.

If $A$ does not contain two elements whose sum is $10$, then for $x \neq 5$, $x \in A \implies 10 -x\notin A$ whose process stops at $4$ distinct $x$'s since there are only $4$ distinct pairings that ...
Derek Luna's user avatar
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Proving a collection of sets is a partition within a surjective function

If $A$ is any set, an equivalence relation on $A$ is a relation $\sim$ which satisfies the following: for any $a,b,c \in A$ we have $a \sim a$ (reflexive) if $a\sim b$ then $b \sim a$ (symmetric) if $...
krm2233's user avatar
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Show that $a_n x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1 x + a_0$ is $\Omega(x^n)$

$$\lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\cdots a_0}{a_nx^n}=\lim_{x\to\infty}\left(1+\frac{a_{n-1}}{a_nx}+\cdots\frac{a_0}{a_nx^n}\right)=1$$ so that for $x$ sufficiently large, $$1-\epsilon<...
Yves Daoust's user avatar
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How can I learn to identify the class (P, NP, etc.) of a discrete optimization problem?

This is quite a wide question. First, search for polynomial by checking important polynomial classes: Horn clauses, linear algebra problem, linear programming problems (including some hiding with ...
caduk's user avatar
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Floor function of type $\left \lfloor\frac{c}{x}+b \right\rfloor + \left \lfloor \frac{b}{x}+c \right\rfloor = d$

Hint: Using $$\frac ax-1<\left\lfloor\frac ax\right\rfloor\le\frac ax$$ the given equation can be rewritten as a bracketing $$\frac{b+c}x-2<w\le\frac{b+c}x.$$ This gives you a possible range of $...
Yves Daoust's user avatar
  • 3,698
2 votes

Sum of $2023$ numbers in $2022$nd power can be shown in at least $100$ different ways.

Let $x$ be an arbitary positive integer. There are $x$ $2022$-th powers from $1$ to $x^{2022}$. There are $x^{2023}$ distinct sequences of $2023$ $2022$-th powers from $1$ to $x^{2022}$. Each sequence ...
Lucenaposition's user avatar
1 vote

What is the difference between combinatorics and discrete mathematics?

I believe that this is an important and poorly understood question with implications for education. In my opinion, combinatorics and discrete mathematics are two different types of things, and thus ...
Siddharth's user avatar
  • 149
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Compute the number of ways the frog can move from A to B.

Alternative approach, which is based on partitioning an integer. To partition $~5~$ into terms all less than 3: P5a: 2 - 2 - 1 P5b: 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 P5c: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 To partition $~6~$ into ...
user2661923's user avatar
  • 38.1k
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Compute the number of ways the frog can move from A to B.

This is not a 3D DP problem (in an algorithm sense) given the constraint that the frog can't move $k$ steps in the same direction consecutively ($k=3$ in this case), because the state of the frog is ...
DanielRicky's user avatar
2 votes

Existence of a line wich contain $c|A|$ points

Problem 1 is not true, and hence Problem 2 is not true. Consider the set of $n^2$ points $ (i, j, 0)$ where $ 1 \leq i, j \leq n$. Observe that the set of generated planes is just the x-y plane, so $|...
Calvin Lin's user avatar
  • 72.1k
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Sketch the graph of the equation $⌊x⌋^2 +⌊y⌋^2 =4$.

COMMENT.- Confirmation that you are right, is given by Desmos itself by plotting $⌊x⌋^2+⌊y⌋^2\le4$ instead of $⌊x⌋^2+⌊y⌋^2=4$. In several cases, for example, with isolated points, Desmos does not ...
Piquito's user avatar
  • 30.7k
3 votes

Sketch the graph of the equation $⌊x⌋^2 +⌊y⌋^2 =4$.

Your graph is not correct. The rightmost square is at the wrong position. For any $(x,y)$ in that square, $\lfloor x\rfloor^2+\lfloor y\rfloor^2=1^2+0^2\neq 4$. In response to your situation about ...
I..'s user avatar
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