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3 votes

What's an Example of an Invertible Incomputable Function?

You don't need a concrete example to prove this. Here a simple counting argument suffices: the number of invertible functions $\mathbb N\to \mathbb N$ is uncountable, whereas the number of computable ...
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar
2 votes

Turing Machine to Generate the Sequence 10110111011110... of increasing number of symbols

Let me answer question 2 of yours with a Turing machine that hopefully works. The notation $A/B,C$ means you see an $A$, replace it with $B$ and move to the right if $C=R$ or left if $C=L$. What this ...
HackR's user avatar
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2 votes

Using primitive recursion for defining a function of one argument

There are different conventions, sometimes the case $k = 1$ is treated with a separate definition where $f(0) = c$ for some constant, and sometimes we indeed consider functions with $k = 0$ (nullary ...
Vladimir Lysikov's user avatar
1 vote

Why is the Turing Jump Baire Class 1?

If $\varphi_n^x(n)\downarrow$, then there is some finite initial segment $\sigma$ of $x$ (the use of the computation) such that for all $y$ extending $\sigma$ we have $\varphi^y_n(n)\downarrow$ as ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
9 votes

Is the set of all non-computable numbers closed under addition?

The set of non-computable numbers is not closed under addition. Take some non-computable number $a$. Then $1-a$ and $1+a$ are also non-computable, but their sum is 2, a computable number.
Math 2tor's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting from DFAs to regular expressions by solving a system

Let me use capital letters for languages and lower case letters for words and $1$ for the empty word. Let also use $+$ for the union, since we are working in the semiring of languages. Consider the ...
J.-E. Pin's user avatar
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0 votes

Can 3SAT karp reduces to Direct Hamiltonian Cycle remove buffer/extra node?

Label the variable row nodes left to right $1,2,3,4,\ldots$ and say $1$ and $2$ are allocated to Clause $A$ and $3$ and $4$ are allocated to clause $B$. Say clause $A$ has the variable negated, so ...
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar
2 votes

If SubsetSum can be solved in pseudopolynomial time, can we karp reduce SAT/3SAT to it and solve in pseudopolynomial time?

There's no difference between SAT and 3-SAT here. The crux is that encoding numbers in unary doesn't change the input encoding of SAT or 3-SAT since the inputs aren't numerical, so there's no ...
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar
1 vote

Can the consistency of a complete recursively axiomatizable be decided?

The answer to your question as stated is no. Fix a sentence $\psi$ which axiomatizes a complete consistent theory. Let $p$ be an arbitrary program. Let $$T_p=\{\psi\}\cup\{\bigwedge_{i=1}^n\lnot \psi\...
Alex Kruckman's user avatar
0 votes

Probabilistic Kleene's recursión theorem

The answer is positive if my calculations are right. However it depends on the measure. First, let's rephrase the question in a more standard way. If $X_1, X_2, X_3, \dots$ is a sequence of $\mathbb ...
Keplerto's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there significance to the "smallest possible value for the busy beaver"

Any reasonable proof system will prove a given halting Turing machine halts, just by "following the computation line by line". A danger is that maybe it will incorrectly prove that a non-...
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar
3 votes

Understanding Church's proof there is no effectively computable algorithm to decide if two lambda expressions are convertable

$\mathfrak{e}(1)$ has a normal form because it is specified to be calculating $E(1)$, which is defined to be either $1$ or $2$, depending on the behavior of $\{A_1\}(1)$. $\mathfrak{e}$ cannot be ...
Dan Doel's user avatar
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3 votes

Difference between bounded and unbounded mu operator?

Yes, the difference is just whether there is a given upper bound. Let $P(x)$ be a predicate on natural numbers: with the unbounded $\mu$ operator, $(\mu x, P(x))$ is the smallest $x$ such that $P(x)$ ...
Li-yao Xia's user avatar
2 votes

Are there any links between descriptive set theory and computational complexity theory?

Sure! Here's a whole book about it.
ShyPerson's user avatar
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-1 votes

Question about the example correctness of polynomial time reducibility

Ok. I looked up the definition in Sipser. More mathematically, $A \subseteq \Sigma^*$ and $B \subseteq \Sigma^*$ and $\Sigma = \{1,0\}$. A polynomial-time reduction from $A$ to $B$ is defined If ...
Gopal Anantharaman's user avatar
2 votes

Question about the example correctness of polynomial time reducibility

In the context of reduction functions, the implied domain (and codomain) is usually $\Sigma^*$. Assuming that $\Sigma = \{0, 1\}$ (i.e. assuming that we're not dealing with some larger alphabet that ...
Kevin's user avatar
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2 votes

Question about proving Karp Reduction Transitive

I don't understand what you're saying in the last paragraph, so let me just explain the solution in more detail. What they're saying is that the output size $|f(x)|$ of a poly-time function $f$ scales ...
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar

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