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Questions tagged [statistical-inference]

The area of statistics that focuses on taking information from samples of a population, in order to derive information on the entire population.

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How are category theory and probability theory related?

How are category theory and probability theory related ? Category theory seems very useful for understanding objects with definite relationships, whereas probability theory (particular Bayesian ...
Richard Southwell's user avatar
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Going Through Yellows

I have observed that I am almost never the last car through a traffic light. Sometimes I stop (because it is yellow or red), in which case, of course, the car behind me also stops and the car in front ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Find a function such that follows to normal in distribution

Suppose that $X_{n}\sim \text{Binomial}(n,\theta)$, where $n=1,2,\ldots$ and $0<\theta<1$. Find a function $g$ such that $\sqrt{n}(g(\frac{1}{n}X_n)-g(\theta))\xrightarrow{D} N(0,1)$ for each ...
Alex Brown's user avatar
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The distribution of the ith order statistic for discrete random variables

Assume $(X_i)_{i=1,...,n}$ are a sequence of real iid random variables with continuous density $p_x$. We know that $$Y:=\sum_{i=1}^n 1\{X_i\leq u\}\sim Bin(n,F_x(u)),$$ since $1\{X_i\leq u\}\sim Ber(...
stroem's user avatar
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What mathematics will help me predict sales curves?

I'm a programmer and have a client who annually releases new products which have "long tail" type of sales curves, very heavy when initially released, tapering out until discontinued years later. He ...
Chuck's user avatar
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single variable is significant but overall test is not

I do a multiple regression with 3 independent variables $X_1$, $X_2$ and $X_3$. The correlation between $Y$ and $X_1$, $Y$ and $X_2$, and $Y$ and $X_3$, are each large and statistically significant. ...
Mike Brown's user avatar
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Divergence based robust inference

The term 'divergence' means a function $D$ which takes two probability distributions $g,f$ as input and puts out a non-negative real number $D(g,f)$. I have learnt that the inference based on ...
Ashok's user avatar
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Farmer wants to know how wet their field is

Problem A farmer wants a better understanding of rainfall on their field. Assuming rain falls randomly and with equal likelihood over the entire field, the farmer thinks they can model the volume of ...
Greedo's user avatar
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Product of correlated random variables and its transformation

There is an interesting result, saying that if $Z_1, Z_2$ are standard normal random variables with a correlation $\rho\in (-1,1)$, then the product $Z=Z_1Z_2$ has a density function explicitly given ...
Albert Paradek's user avatar
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Minimax Estimator for Normal Random Vector

Question. Suppose $Y_i \sim N(\mu_1, 1)$. Let $Y := (Y_1, Y_2)$, and $T_y = (Y_1, 0)$. Denote $\Theta$ as the space of all estimators $\mu := (\mu_1, \mu_2)$. Is it necessarily true that $\hat{\mu}$ ...
ItsAllPurple's user avatar
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Bayes Estimator under $L_{\eta}$

I am wondering if the following loss function is well known and if it is, does it have a standard name: $$ L_{\eta} (\theta, a) = (\theta-a) (\eta - \mathbb{I}_{(-\infty, a)} (\theta) ), \quad \eta \...
WeakLearner's user avatar
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Likelihood function & MLE without known values of observed data

Question: Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be iid exponential rate $\lambda$. Suppose we don't know the observed values of our experiments, but we know that $k$ values were $\le M$ and the remaining $n-k$ were $&...
user365239's user avatar
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Intuitive explanation of requirement for achieving the Cramer Rao Lower Bound

this question relates to the requirement for achieving CRLB. I know that for a random sample $Y_1, \ldots, Y_n$, an estimator $U$ of $g(\theta)$ is MVUE (i.e. it is unbiased and also $\operatorname{...
beginner's user avatar
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Kruskal Wallis - Effect size

I analyse 4 algorithms and 3 sets of metrics for each algorithm in which I apply the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test for each metric to detect any differences in performance between these ...
STiGMa's user avatar
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MVUE problem related to splitting joint variables into independent ones.

Hi please help me with this problem. With the random samples $X_1,\dots,X_n$ from $\operatorname{Exp}(\mu, \sigma)$, I need to attain the MVUE of $\eta = \mathbb{P}(X_1>a)$. I used the Lehmann-...
Jay's user avatar
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Generalizations of Stein's identity to product of functions of gaussian vector

Given a $d$-dimensional Gaussian $X \sim N(\mu, \Sigma)$ and two real-valued differentiable functions $f,g$ with bounded first derivatives, I am wondering if there is a simple expression for the ...
WeakLearner's user avatar
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Given n iid Pareto distributed random variables, find the UMP one sided test of the first moment

Given $X_1,...,X_n$ ($n\geq 2$) are iid and each have density: $f_X(x) = \frac{c^\theta \theta}{x^{1+\theta}}\mathbb{1}(x> c)$ for known $c$ and $\theta > 1$ then we can easily find the first ...
s l's user avatar
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Measurability of maximum likelihood estimator. Is there a mistake in Lehmann's "Theory of point estimation"?

I'm trying to prove that MLE from the proof of one theorem in Lehmann's "Theory of point estimation" (the theorem is below) is a measurable function. I know that under some regularity ...
Botnakov N.'s user avatar
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Generalization of Cramer Rao Lower Bound.

Let $B(p)$ be a Bernoulli R.V. with mean $p$. Using the Cramer-Rao lower bound we have that for every unbiased estimator $\hat{\theta}$ of the parameter $p$ it holds $$ E[(\hat{\theta}_n - p)^2] = ...
Little Bird's user avatar
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(Conditional) uniform asymptotic inference

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F})$ be measurable space and $\mathcal{P}$ be a family of probability measures on $(\Omega,\mathcal{F})$. A "typical" statistical problem is to show that $$\tag{1}\label{1} \...
Robert W.'s user avatar
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ML estimator of an double exponential distribution

Im trying to figure out the ML estimator of $$f_X(x)=\frac{1}{2\beta}\exp\left(-\frac{|x|}{\beta}\right)$$ as well as the variance of this estimator. So far I have $$L(\beta;x)=\prod_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{...
mmaeh's user avatar
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Random Variables and Statistic

I'm studying Statistical Inference by Casella and I'm confused with the definitions of random variable & statistic. So let we have the probability space $(\Omega, F, P)$ where $\Omega$ is the ...
Ninja's user avatar
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Nikolski class of probability measures - Metric and Topological Properties

I am reading a book about non-parametric statistics (Tsybakov's Introduction to Non-Parametic Estimation), and in order to prove some important inequalities on mean-squared error, different classes of ...
Dabbler's user avatar
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Teaching Student's distribution

While it is fairly straightforward to show the basics of the normal distribution in a first year undergraduate course, how does a teacher provide good intuition when the Student distribution comes in? ...
Gene Arboit's user avatar
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The sufficient statistic and unbiased estimator of normal variance

Suppose we have a normal distribution with mean $\theta_1$ and variance $\theta_2$. I know that $\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i-\bar{X})^2$ is an unbaised estimator of $\theta_2$ and has a variance $2\...
gbd's user avatar
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Best estimator of a matrix signal with binary entries

Setup: Given that we have a noisy matrix signal $\breve{B}\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times L}$ of the true signal $B\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times L}$, where the empirical distribution of the rows of $B$ converge to $\...
Resu's user avatar
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Show that $\bar{Y} - \min(Y_{1}, \dots, Y_{n})$ is independent of $\min(Y_{1}, \dots, Y_{n})$

Suppose that $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$ are i.i.d observations from the density $f(y, \theta, \beta) = \beta e^{-\beta(y - \theta)}I_{[y \geq\theta]}$ where $\beta \gt 0$, $\theta \in \mathbb{R}$ are unknown ...
Oscar24680's user avatar
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Bound of Renyi divergence under addition of random variables?

Consider two random variables, $X$ with $p_X(x)$ and $Y$ with $p_Y(y)$. These random variables have Renyi divergence at level $\alpha$ of $R_1 = D_\alpha(p_X || p_Y)$ Now noise is added: $X’ = X+A$ $Y’...
Rob Romijnders's user avatar
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Bias be larger than variance in ERM

Given a convex set $S\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and some $\theta\in S$, consider the observation $y=\theta+\epsilon$ where $\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I)$, the ERM estimator is $$\hat{\theta}=\arg \min_{x\...
RS.'s user avatar
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Finding densities to estimate parameters using the Maximum likelihood technique

Consider the following autoregressive process with normal errors: \begin{equation}\label{7YlUV4i8nuO}\tag{I} y_t = \phi y_{t-1}+ u_t, \quad u_t \overset{iid}{\sim} N(0,\sigma^2) \end{equation} We ...
PSE's user avatar
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Relationship between the Fundamental Lemma of Calculus of Variations and Completeness in Statistical Inference

I've been studying the Fundamental Lemma of Calculus of Variations and the concept of completeness in statistical inference, and I've noticed that both concepts involve the idea that an integral (or ...
Jesus's user avatar
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HMM, reverse engineering the transition matrix

I fitted a 2-states-HMM model last week, and generate a bunch of 1s and 0s, but I forgot to store its parameters (transition matrix). Now, I only got these 1s and 0s, how do I backward/reverse-...
kou's user avatar
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Find a two-dimensional minimal sufficient statistic for $(\theta,j)$.

Let $(X_1,X_2,...,X_n)$ be a random sample from a distribution with discrete probability $f_{\theta,j}$, where $\theta \in (0,1)$, $j=1,2$, $f_{\theta,1}$ is the Poisson distribution with mean $\theta$...
Maths Freak's user avatar
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Inference and Simple Gaussian Mixture

I am stuck with the following question. I would be grateful for any help. Assume, we have a simple Gaussian mixture: \begin{align} \text{with prob. } \pi: y &=\mu+\epsilon\\ \text{with prob. } 1-\...
mathisfun's user avatar
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Inverse of the transform in the Box-Muller transform

I am following this writeup of the Box-Muller method but I am confused how they derived the inverse. In this method, they write Box-Muller Algorithm is a classic method to generate identical and ...
random0620's user avatar
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Correlation between correlations

Suppose \begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} X_i \\ Y_i \\ Z_i \end{pmatrix} \sim N\left(\begin{pmatrix} \mu_X \\ \mu_Y \\ \mu_Z \end{pmatrix}, \sigma^2\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \rho_{XY} & \rho_{XZ} \\ \...
Tom Chen's user avatar
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Fisher Information and Cramér-Rao lower bound problem

Suppose $X_1,...,X_n$ are random samples from $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$, where both $\mu$ and $\sigma \gt 0$ are unknown, and let $\theta = \sigma^p$ for some $p \gt 0$. I want to find the Fisher Information ...
Cooper's user avatar
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What are books/notes on coordinate-free statistics?

There are some books here, but all focus on linear models. Do we have books/notes with broader coverages? In case of linear models, “coordinate-free” basically means “matrix-free” and uses the theory ...
wpzdm's user avatar
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How to logically justify the rejection of null hypothesis?

The rejection of null hypothesis will be valid only if this is true: If the probability of the obtained result given that an assumption is true is very low, then the probability that the assumption is ...
Zam's user avatar
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Calculating the inverse of planar flows

I am trying to find a way to calculate the inverse of a planar flow. In general, I understand that with normalizing flows, one can simply go from one distribution to the other with the change of ...
Jimmy2027's user avatar
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Uncertainty quantification Frequentist vs Bayesian

Is it actually possible to quantify the uncertainty in a frequentist setting? (e.g. using Maximum Likelihood Estimator). Say that we have a dataset $\mathcal{D} = \{(x_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$ and assume ...
James Arten's user avatar
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Help with this simple theorem related to the Wald test

I'm studying the book all statistics by Wasserman and I'm trying to prove the theorem following the definition of the Wald Test on page 153. 10.3 Definition. The Wald Test Consider testing $H_0:\...
user42912's user avatar
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Gaussian Mixture Division

In Bayesian inference, it is sometimes necessary to divide a Gaussian mixture (GM) posterior distribution by a GM prior. If the posterior GM is given by $$p_{1}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \alpha_{i} \mathcal{...
scj's user avatar
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Proof of Theorem 4.16 from Mathematical Statistics by Jun Shao (Second Edition, Section 4.5.1, p.287)

First I would like to state the Theorem - it reads as follows: Let $X_{1}, \dotsc, X_{n}$ be i.i.d. from a p.d.f. $f_{\theta}$ w.r.t. a $\sigma$-finite measure $\nu$ on $(\mathcal{R},\mathcal{B})$ ...
Michael Hediger's user avatar
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Looking for the proof of theorem 5.2.11 of Casella, Berger, Statistical Inference

Theorem 5.2.11 Suppose $X_1,\dots, X_n$ is a random sample from a pdf or pmf $f(x\mid \theta)=h(x)c(\theta)\exp(\sum_{i=1}^kw_i(\theta)T_i(x))$ is in exponential family. Define statistics $T_i=\...
user45765's user avatar
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Confidence interval for generalized variance (determinant of covariance matrix)

Let $X\sim N(\mu,\Sigma)$ be a random variable in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with multivariate normal distribution. Let $\hat\Sigma$ be the maximum likelihood estimator for $\Sigma$, \begin{align} \hat\Sigma=\...
cantorhead's user avatar
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Why can we treat Cox's partial likelihood as a full likelihood?

I am doing some self study on Cox regression, and am trying to figure out how we can derive the partial likelihood for the Cox model from the full likelihood. Generally, I know that to get a partial ...
statistics123's user avatar
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Generalized Least Squares results

So, I've got the next problem: Let $Y\sim N_n(X\beta, \sigma^2 V)$. Prove that, if $\hat{\beta} = (X^{\prime}V^{-1}X)^{-1}X^{\prime}V^{-1}Y$ then: $SSR = (Y-X\hat{\beta})^{\prime}V^{-1}(Y-X\hat{\...
DkRckr12's user avatar
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Bayesian hypothesis testing and posterior distribution

Let $X$ be a random variable with a probability density $f(\cdot;\theta)$ where $\theta \in \Theta \subset \mathbb R$ is an unknown parameter. Suppose that we have a prior density $\pi(\theta)$, with ...
Krup'a's user avatar
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Relationship between gamma and poisson identity

Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be a random sample from a Poisson population with parameter $\lambda$ and define $Y = \sum_i X_i$. Y is sufficient for $\lambda$ and $Y \text{~} \text{Poisson}(n \lambda)$. ...
Oliver G's user avatar
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