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Questions tagged [regular-language]

Regular languages are formal languages which are recognized by a finite automaton. It is equivalently the languages which are expressible as a regular expression. In addition to these two, there are several other equivalent definitions.

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Are Compactness for FOL and the Pumping Lemma for RL/CFL two instances of the same phenomenon?

As title states, I'm curious whether my intuition for the Compactness result for FOL and the Pumping Lemma for RL/CFL being two expressions expressions of the same phenomenon (that is: an attempt to ...
Sho's user avatar
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Identifying whether certain palindromic languages are non-regular [duplicate]

In a nationwide entrance exam conducted in India, the following problem was asked in the year 2007: Which of the following languages are regular? (A) $L_1 = \left\{ ww^R \mid w \in \{0, 1\}^+ \right\}$...
Harsh Pathak's user avatar
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Getting from DFAs to regular expressions by solving a system

This question is asking if the solution $x=v^\ast w$ to the equation $$x=vx+w$$ (where all constants and variables are regular expressions) is unique or not, and the accepted answer states that it is ...
user125234's user avatar
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Is it decidable to check whether a regular language contains a word NOT of the form $uuv$? [closed]

Is the following problem decidable? Given a regular language $L \subseteq \Sigma^\ast$, check if $L \cap \{uuv \mid u \in \Sigma^+, v \in \Sigma^\ast\} \ne L$; i.e. whether there is a word in $L$ ...
lolicomu's user avatar
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Differentiating regular expressions with squaring

Regular expressions describe languages with letters, and the operators +, . and *. Given two languages L1 and L2 described by regular expressions, we can give an exponential upper bound on the size of ...
Engel Lefaucheux's user avatar
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Show that $L$ is not regular

Let $F$ and $L$ be arbitrary infinite binary languages $\forall x,y\in F$ with $x\neq y$, there are 2 binary strings $w,z$ (possibly equal) such that $wxz\in L$ and $wyz\notin L$. Show that $L$ is not ...
Irene's user avatar
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Prove that $\{a^nb^m \mid n \leq m\}$ is not regular, using only closure properties

We can use the pumping lemma or the Myhill-Nerode theorem to prove that $\{a^nb^m \mid n \leq m\}$ is not a regular language. It turns out that the proof is kind of similar to the proof for the more ...
hugomg's user avatar
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Understunding how to find a regular expresion for a regular language

Let $L:=\{ \omega \in \{0, 1\}^* : |\omega|_0 \in 3\Bbb{Z}\}$ where $|\omega|_0$ denote the number of $0$'s appearing in $\omega$ . Find a regular expression for $L$ . I am studying Automaton Theory ...
Superdivinidad's user avatar
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Converting generalized nondeterministic finite automata (GNFA) into regular expressions

When converting from a GNFA to a regular expression, we systematically remove states from the GNFA until we are left with just the start and accept state such that the transition arrow from the former ...
Michael24601's user avatar
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Directly constructing a DFA for the Kleene star of a language given as a DFA?

The regular languages are closed under Kleene star. One common way to prove this is to define a construction that, given a DFA or NFA for a regular language $L$, produces a new NFA whose language is $...
templatetypedef's user avatar
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Can a Turing Machine decide if a language is regular, in general?

Can a Turing machine decide/recognize if a given language is regular, in general? $ REG_{TM}=\{\langle M\rangle|\langle M\rangle \text{ is a TM and }L(M) \text{ is regular}\} $ I'm pretty confident ...
Carter Karl Falkenberg's user avatar
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Find the quotient of $L_1$ and $L_2$.

We want to find the quotient of languages $L_1$ and $L_2$. My question is what happens when the length of a word in $L_2$ is greater than the length of the word in $L_1$, for instance: $abc$ and $cc$. ...
winter's user avatar
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Regular expression for binary numbers

I need to find regular expression for strings representing binary numbers that are not less than 51. How can I do that? I can't find any pattern in their binary pepresentation.
regina's user avatar
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Building a DFA/NFA to prove that a language is regular - exercise

I was given the following exercise and am having a hard time coming up with an intuition for it. Given a regular language $L$ on the alphabet $\Sigma$, prove that the following language is regular by ...
natitati's user avatar
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How to prove $\{0,1\}^*$ equals $\{1\}^* (\{0\}\{0\}^*\{1\}\{1\}^*)^*\{0\}^*$

Consider the set of all binary strings which is $\{0, 1\}^∗$ Now I want to prove the following: (A) Prove that $\{0,1\}^* = \{1\}^* (\{0\}\{0\}^*\{1\}\{1\}^*)^*\{0\}^*$ (B) Prove that the elements of $...
DrTokus1998's user avatar
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What is the regular language for L = {w | w has even length, and starts and ends with the same symbol}?

I think it is it 0(01)*(01)*0 U 1(01)*(01)1 where: two versions: one that starts and ends with 0, the other that starts and ends with 1 connected by plus, which ...
coolcat's user avatar
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Show that, if $L$ is a regular language, then so is $\{w : \exists n \in \Bbb{N}, w^n \in L\}$

Suppose $L$ is a regular language over an alphabet $\Sigma$. Let $$L' = \{w : \exists n \in \Bbb{N}, w^n \in L\}.$$ Prove that $L'$ is regular too.
Theo Bendit's user avatar
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Find $L_1$ and $L_2$ (formal languages)

We have two languages $L_1, L_2 \subseteq \{{a, b}\}^{*}$. According to the following formulas find $L_1$ and $L_2$: $L_1 = \{\lambda\} \cup \{a\}.L_1 \cup \{b\}.L_2 $ $L_2 = \{\lambda\} \cup \{b\}....
winter's user avatar
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Proof of irregularity of a language, L = {0^n : n is prime}

So the above statement is a question from a course on Theory of Computation. I have already proven it using the pumping lemma, but am looking for proofs using the Myhill-Nerode theorem, or more ...
Manu Sankaran's user avatar
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If $L$ is regular, is $L' = \{xz \mid \exists y, y \in \Sigma^* \text{ such that } |x|=|y|=|z|\text{ and }xyz \in L\}$ regular?

I know how that if the condition $|x|=|y|=|z|$ is relaxed, then we get another regular set, as is shown by the construction in this question or this one. But I am not able to solve for this case when ...
harshchy2210's user avatar
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Why do we need empty string transitions in the NFA intended to accept this singleton language?

Consider the attached NFA (from Sisper's Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3e) which has been deduced in order to accept precisely the language containing the string $ab$. The rest of the ...
EE18's user avatar
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Is the Language $L=\{(ab)^{3n}\:|\:n\in\mathbb N\}$ regular?

Is the language regular? My application of the pumping lemma suggests: splitting it in $xyz$: $$ x = \emptyset \mid y= (ab)^{j} \mid z=(ab)^{3n-j} $$ Pumping up $y$: $$ xyyz = (ab)^{3n+j} \mid (ab)^{...
Robert's user avatar
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Trying to disprove that if Prefix(L) is regular then L is regular

I've thought of using $L=${$a^{2^n}, \forall n \in \mathbb{N}$} and then $prefix(L)=\Sigma ^{*}$. which we know $\Sigma^{*}$ is regular. however, $L$ is not regular. is this a correct solution?
Aishgadol's user avatar
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Given an arbitrary language L is there an algorithm that terminates and decides whether the language is regular or not? [closed]

I have an arbitrary language $L$ (with finite amount of symbols $k$), assume the language can be represented in finite space as an input, you can also assume that we can check for $w\in\Sigma^*$ ...
Coping Forever's user avatar
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How to show that only this regular expression solves this equation

Consider the equation $x=v\cdot x + w$ where $x$ is a variable regular expression, $v, w$ are fixed regular expressions, $v$ has no variables inside it, and $w$ has no $x$ inside it. It is easy to ...
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Concatenation of languages - Basics

Just trying to understand a homework problem in my theory of computation class: $L_1 = (a^nb^n: n > 0)$ and $L_2 = (c^n: n > 0)$ List the concatenation of $L_1L_2$ where $n = 2$. I can find lots ...
AmandaF's user avatar
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How to get words that belong to the language of this regular expression and four which do not, ((a|baa) ∗ (b|ab))∗ .

In the alphabet {a, b} for both automata and regular expressions, what would be four words that belong to the language of this regular expression and four which do not, regular expression = ((a|baa)∗(...
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Prove a class of regular languages is not closed under a weird concatenation operation [closed]

Let's say we have an operation $L$ and a language $S$. $L(S) = \{s^n ~|~ s \in S, n \geq 0\}$. How can I prove a class of regular languages is not closed under this operation?
user1239142's user avatar
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Is the Language $L = \{a^n b^m c^k d^q e^r \,|\, n, m, k, q, r \geq 0\}$ a Valid Regular Language?

I am inquiring about the nature of language L. It appears that L is not categorized as a regular language due to its unique characteristics, which involve the need to count occurrences of multiple ...
Tips's user avatar
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Regular Expression for the set of all binary strings that are of even length with at most 2 zeros

I asked the converse just recently. But now trying to understand this version.. I'm working with case work and then I will take the union of all three cases where its strings with no zeros, 1 zero, ...
Money Mit's user avatar
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Regular Expression for the set of all binary strings that are of even length with at least 1 zero

Also followup question is the set of all binary strings that are of even length with at least two zeros. But for both questions I'm thinking of building my regular expression with casework, no zeroes, ...
Money Mit's user avatar
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Let $L$ be a regular language. Prove that $L_1$, the language created by removing all characters in odd places in all words of $L$, is regular

Let $L$ be a regular language. Prove that $L_1$, the language created by removing all characters in odd places in all words of $L$, is regular. Completely stuck on this one. I tried building DFA,NFA,$...
Kantig Shoter's user avatar
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Prove that if M is regular then sandwiched M is regular as well

Hi I'm having some confusion with regular languages and DFAs. Let's say we have some language M defined as $M = \{11, 1010\}$. Then let's define some $M[0]$ be defined formally as $\{x_10x_2...0x_n | ...
Money Mit's user avatar
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Generating functions of ambiguous regular languages are still rational?

The Chomsky-Schützenberger theorem states that any context-free unambiguous language admits an algebraic generating function. For unambiguous regular languages, the generating function is always ...
Zhang Ruichong's user avatar
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Is there a name for the set of single-character prefixes of words in a regular language

This question concerns regular languages and regular expressions. Suppose we have an alphabet $\Sigma$ and a language $\mathcal{L}$. For some algorithm, I am particularly concerned with the set of ...
AZWN's user avatar
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Computer Science: regular languages

Is it possible to prove with pumping lemma that the languge $$L=\{w_1w_2 \mid w_1,w_2\in\{a,b,c\}^* \text{ and } \#_a(w_1)>\#_b(w_1) \text{ and } \#_b(w_2)>\#_c(w_2)\}$$ (where $\#_x(w)$ is the ...
schegga_B's user avatar
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Find all strings of $w$ that satisfy following equation

Solve the following string equation on the alphabet $A = \{1, 0\}$ and find all $w$'s: $w011 = 011w$
Sina Jani's user avatar
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Can substrings of a regular language always be recognized by an "isolated" path in some finite state automaton?

I believe I have found a proof of the question I originally asked (see crossed out paragraph), but I have realized that what I actually need to prove is somewhat stronger. What I am actually wondering ...
M. Sperling's user avatar
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Are $111^*$ and $11^*1$ equivalent?

I know it is a trivial question but are $111^*$ and $11^*1$ equivalent? (I think yes because I can have 11 in both at minimum but that seems odd to be true). I am trying to understand automata theory ...
bestgamer14's user avatar
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Regular expression .Find it

Construct a regular expression that defines the language of all words that contain either the aa-substring or the bb-substring but NOT BOTH the aa-substring and the bb-substring in the same word....
Veekash Singh's user avatar
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Regular expressions creating language m

Construct a regular expression that defines the language M (say) containing all words beginning with exactly one a or exactly one b. (Words in M are at least of length 1 and words such as aa, bbbaba ...
Veekash Singh's user avatar
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Let 𝐿 be a regular language. Prove all minimal automata for the language are isomorphic

I have started to study formal languages, especially finite automata and regular languages and I encountered some difficulties, i.e. Is this true: Automata will be called isomorphic if, by changing ...
NitaStack's user avatar
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Prove that L = {$w∈${a,b,c}$^*$|w contains "abc"} is regular with Nerode theorem?

How to prove that $L = \{w \in \{a,b,c\}^* \mid w \text{ contains } abc \}$ is regular using the Nerode theorem? Attempt If I show that there are a finite number of equivalence classes for this ...
NiStack's user avatar
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Prove or disprove that L = {$a^nb^m$ | $m ≠ 3n + 5$} is a regular

How can I prove or disprove that $L = \lbrace a^nb^m$ | $m ≠ 3n + 5 \rbrace$ is a regular language? Attempt Assume $L$ is regular, then its complement $L^\complement$ is also regular. $L^\complement ...
NiStack's user avatar
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Is the following language is regular, context free, and/or decidable?

Given a language determine if it is regular, context free, and/or decidable. No proof needed, but an explanation would be appreciated. A = {a^n b^(2n+6) | n >= 0} My first guess is no its ...
user1179819's user avatar
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Is the algorithmic problem for regular languages decidable?

I have an algorithmic problem, where I need to build an algorithm and say if the problem is decidable. Here it is: Regular languages $L_1$, $L_2$, and $L_3$ are given by finite automata. Is the ...
Vladyslav Chobotok's user avatar
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How can I determine the language from a DFA?

I was given three DFAs to solve. I understand the first one is a*. I think the second one would be b*(a+)*. I cannot figure out what the third one would be, it seems like there are too many different ...
Nixa's user avatar
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Prove equivalence of two regex using basic identities.

I'm trying to prove the following identity $$ (x+y)^* = (x^*y)^*x^* = x^*(yx^*)^* $$ Using the following 12 identities $L + M = M + L$ $(L + M) + N = L + (M + N)$ $(LM)N = L(MN)$ $\emptyset + L = L + ...
nothatcreative5's user avatar
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Is Pumping lemma so useful? (Michael Sipser "Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd Edition")

I am reading "Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd Edition" by Michael Sipser. Pumping lemma is the following proposition: THEOREM 1.70 Pumping lemma If $A$ is a regular language, ...
tchappy ha's user avatar
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Infinite number of regular exressions for a given language

Took a Theory of Computation exam where one of the questions was : Is there an infinite amount of regular expressions for the language $L=\{aa,bb\}$ ? The proof requested was just an informal one. My ...
PatelisGM's user avatar

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