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Questions tagged [random-graphs]

A random graph is a graph - a set of vertices and edges - that is chosen according to some probability distribution. In the most common model, $G_{n, p}$, a graph has $n$ vertices, and edges are present independently with probability $p$. Use (graphing-functions) instead if your question is about graphing or plotting functions.

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Confusion regarding small-O notation in a graph theory paper

Let $G$ be an $n$-vertex $d$-regular graph, where $d = n^{0.25}$. Choosing $s$ to be a constant, consider the quantity \begin{equation} ((n - d)d - s)^2. \end{equation} Expanding this out, we can ...
RandomMatrices's user avatar
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Expected depth of random tree which randomly select the parent node for every node.

Consider using the following method to generate a tree: Set node $1$ as the root; For node $i$ ($i \in [2,n]$), randomly select the parent node in $[1,i)$. (The expression of the interval here is ...
wly09's user avatar
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Writing the equation that makes the meta log [closed]

How to write the equation that will make me the meta logo ? An equation, if I put it in desmos or GeoGebra, it will make me the meta logo (the same company of facebook) ?
hasan darwish's user avatar
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Number of choices of edges in a regular graph

Let $G = (V, E)$ be an $n$ vertex $d$ regular graph and let $\epsilon$ and $\epsilon'$ be a subset of edges such that $$\epsilon \subseteq E,~~\epsilon' \not\subset E.$$ Let $(u, w) \in \epsilon$. ...
RandomMatrices's user avatar
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Expected number of edges required for a graph to have a triangle.

I am considering graphs on $n$ with edges added iid randomly with probability $p$. I have come across this post for the expected number of edges for a graph to have a triangle. In the question, they ...
Samuel Hitchcock's user avatar
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Watts-Strogatz model: no edge from $p = 0$ graph should exist in $p = 1$ graph?

I'm trying to implement the Watts-Strogatz model for small-world networks. My understanding is that the procedure is as follows: 1. Start with a Regular Graph: Begin by creating a ring lattice where ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Bound on Joint Discrete and Differentialy Entropy

I am looking at bounding the entropy of a graph ensemble, and have run into the following issue: Let $X = (X_{12},...,X_{(n-1)n})$ be a vector of $\{0,1\}$ dependent random variables, and $R = (R_1,......
Ollie's user avatar
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Vertex deletion and reconstruction in MST: boundedness of new degrees

I came across the following question related to graph theory as part of a research in statistics that I am working on. Consider an Euclidean minimum spanning tree $T$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ made of $n$ ...
gibbs's user avatar
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Is there an efficient algorithm to sample a connected DAG uniformly at random?

I would like to sample weakly connected DAGs on $n$ labelled vertices uniformly at random. Is there an efficient (polynomial time) algorithm for this? I could sample a graph with some probability $p$ ...
Simd's user avatar
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$\epsilon$-regular almost surely

Let $G\sim G(n,p)$ and $\lambda>0$ a fixed constant. Let $V_n$ be the vertex set of $G$. Show that: For all disjoint $A_n,B_n\subset V_n$ with $|A|,|B|\geq n\lambda$, $(A_n,B_n)$ is $\epsilon$-...
Zeta's user avatar
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Find $K_r$-subdivisions in random graphs

I saw the following exercise in Shapira's note, page 22-23. Prove that with high probability, $G(n,1/2)$ does not contain a $K_t$-subdivision (also called topological minor) with $t=10\sqrt n$, but ...
Lanchao Wang's user avatar
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Bounding $ne^{-d}\left(\frac{ed}{K \log n}\right)^{K \log n}$

Apologies in advance for the nasty expression in the title. 😬 I'm working on Exercise 2.4.2 (p. 22) in Roman Vershinyn's High Dimensional Probability (not for a class; this is independent study). The ...
zen_of_python's user avatar
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Large deviations for automorphisms of Erdős–Rényi

Let $p\ggg \frac{\log(n)}n$ and $1-p\ggg \frac{\log(n)}n$ and $G(n,p)$ be the Erdős–Rényi random graph. The parameter is chosen such that $G(n,p)$ and its complement don't have isolated vertices, and ...
Derivative's user avatar
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Find a graph which is strictly balanced but not strongly balanced.

A graph G is called strictly balanced if all proper subgraphs H of G satisfies $$\frac{|E(H)|}{|V(H)|}\ < \frac{|E(G)|}{|V(G)|}$$ A graph G is called strongly balanced if every subgraph H of G ...
SHAIBAL kARMAKAR's user avatar
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Clarification about probability of critical threshold for cliques in random graphs.

I am reading these notes about finding cliques in $\mathcal{G}(n, 1/2)$ random graphs. The key result is that with high probability has size $2(1\pm o(1)) \log_2(n)$ with high probability. In order to ...
Dair's user avatar
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Probabilistic method, dependencies of triangles based at $x$

In the following notes the author states, at page $64$, $4$th line of Theorem $8.10$, that $$ \Delta=\sum_{\left(i,j\right):\ i \sim j}\mathbb{P}\left(B_{i} \wedge B_{j}\right) = 6{n-1 \choose 4}p^{9} ...
xyz's user avatar
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Proportion of vertices in components of size $k$ in Erdos Renyi

Consider $G(n,c/n)$ the Erdos-Renyi graph on $n$ vertices with the probability of having an edge between any two vertices is $c/n$. Let $X_{n,k}$ be the proportion of vertices in size-$k$ components. ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Help understanding branching process result

Currently I am trying to understand the paper "Random Plane Networks" by E.N. Gilbert. In section 2 of this paper, he is deriving a lower bound for the expected number of points in the ...
Rowan Potato's user avatar
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How sensitive are maximum-size matchings to edge deletion in random graphs?

My question concerns the sensitivity of maximum-size matchings (and more generally maximum-size $k$-cycle collections) to deletion of an edge in the graph. Given a graph $G$, let a $k$-cycle be a ...
user1326274's user avatar
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Law of large numbers result for largest component in Erdos-Renyi

Let $G(n,\frac{p}{n})$ be the Erdos-Renyi random graph with $n$ vertices. Let $C(n,p)$ be the size of the largest component. It’s is known that when $p<1$ then $C(n,p)$ is of order $log(n)$ with ...
Tiramisu's user avatar
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$G(n,1/2)$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least $n^2/8+Cn^{3/2}$ edges

I want to show that with probability converging to $1$, $G(n,1/2)$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least $n^2/8+Cn^{3/2}$ edges for some positive constant $C$. The hint for this is to use a greedy ...
Anon's user avatar
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Bounding probabilities of Indicator Variables in a Graph.

We have a graph G = (V, E). We look at a circle Ci with k edges. Each edge has a independent probability of 1/2 being marked. I defined a indicator variable Xe which is 1 if marked and 0 else. So Xi ...
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Probability number of vertices in large component of Erdös-Renyi graph is close to survival probability

I am currently take a course on Erdös-Renyi graphs where we have the probability that two vertices are connected is given by $p = \lambda/n$ where n is the number of vertices of the graph G. Then one ...
GG314's user avatar
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General degree distribution of Soft Random geometric Graphs

I am interested in the degree distributions of Soft Random Geometric Graphs, and was wondering if anyone could give me some input. Soft RGG's are random graphs, which are constructed by first ...
Rowan Potato's user avatar
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Setting sampling probability when sparsifying a non-negative weighted graph

Given a set of $mn$ non-negative edges, with what probability should one keep every edge $w_{ij}$ if we want $\sim pmn$ non-zero weights in our sparsified and every edge is sampled with a probability ...
meowcaroons's user avatar
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Can we do any better bijective mapping of a permutation series which is only bijective for a probabilistic subset of its input domain?

So we want to bijectively map one path to another. But depending on start and target node we can only choose from a subset of all transitions. It would look like this: We also do not know where one ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Sharp thresholds in bipartite graphs

I have this problem: A random bipartite graph $G(n, n, p)$ is constructed by taking two sets of nodes $L, R$, each of size $n$. For any $u \in L$ and $v \in R$, the probability that the edge $(u, v)$ ...
Nico Konrad's user avatar
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How many random bidirectional edges do we need to fully connect a graph with $V$ vertices?

Given an empty graph with $V$ vertices. For each vertex we pick one random vertex and connect them with a bidirectional edge. (could also be connected to itself) After done this for every vertex we ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Expected number of connected components if a graph constructed out of two perfect matchings

Let $|V| = n$, an even number of vertices, and let $M$ be a perfect matching on these vertices. Suppose we choose uniformly at random a permutation $\pi$ from the symmetric group $\mathbb{S}_n$, and ...
Kuzja's user avatar
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Probabiltiy of colinear points for a matrix composed of vertices

I was hoping to get some help to not only solve the problem but also identify what branch of math this would fall under (and hopefully improve my tags). The problem goes like this: Say there is some ...
Arroheater's user avatar
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Sampling variance of edge density of subgraphs

I would like to evaluate the mean and variance of the edge density for subgraphs obtained by repeatedly subsampling nodes. Specifically, suppose we have an undirected graph $G$ with $N$ vertices and ...
Till Hoffmann's user avatar
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In search of a model to describe worm behaviour

For my bachelors thesis I am working with tubifex worms, and trying to develop a graph theoretical model that can help explain some mechanical and dynamical properties of the worms once they have ...
Rowan Potato's user avatar
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How to solve following binomial equation to get the assortivity?

Proving Assortativity r from Symmetric Binomial Distribution Consider the symmetric binomial form given by the equation: $$e_{jk} = N \binom{j+k}{j} p^j q^k + \binom{j+k}{k} p^k q^j$$ where $p+q=1$, $\...
Nitish Kumar Sharma's user avatar
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Sequence of degrees of a graph with two colors

With respect to the graph Another concept central to an understanding of fractional isomorphism is that of the iterated degree sequence of a graph. Recall that the degree of a vertex $v\in G$ is the ...
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Number of triangles in Erdös-Renyi graph

For each ${n}$, let ${(V_n,E_n)}$ be an Erdös-Renyi graph on ${n}$ vertices with parameter ${1/2}$ (we do not require the graphs to be independent of each other). If ${|T_n|}$ is the number of ...
shark's user avatar
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Does this simple model have a name?

For my thesis I created a simple random graph model and studied some of its properties, and I was wondering if this model has a name so I can look into it further. The model essentially takes the ...
Rowan Potato's user avatar
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Using graphs to quantify the structure/pattern or correlation among the elements of supposedly random matrix

Let's say I have a supposedly random real symmetric matrix. How to use graphs to quantitatively (with a numerical focus) examine any structure/pattern or correlation among its elements ?
Snpr_Physics's user avatar
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Kullback-Leibler Divergence between a random variable and the product of its entries

Problem Statement I'm currently working with a result about Kullback-Leibler divergence. Let $X$ be an discrete random variable taking values in $\mathcal{X} := \{0,1\}^p$, with $X = (X_1, X_2,...,X_p)...
Ollie's user avatar
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Using Janson inequality to the probabillity that all vertex belongs a triangle

I am working on a random graphs problem, which is stated as follows: Prove that there exists some positive constant $C$ such that with high probability (w.h.p.), every vertex belongs to a triangle in ...
香结丁's user avatar
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Property of vertices in random graphs

For a random graph $G\sim G\left(n,p\right)$ with probability $p$, for every vertex $v$, I need to prove that with high probability, $X=\deg\left(v\right)$ satisfies the condition $\left|X-np\right|\...
Ali AD's user avatar
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How to compute the variance of the vertex degree in $G(n,1/2)$?

Consider the random graph $G(n,1/2)$ and let $d(v)$ be the degree of the vertex $v \in V(G)$. By considering the indicator RV $X_w$ for the evenet $\{v,w\} \in E(G)$ it is easy to see that $$\mathbb{E}...
3nondatur's user avatar
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What is the expected distribution of sphere sizes in random graphs with constant degree?

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a random undirected, unweighted graph where each vertex $v\in V$ has degree $n>1.$ Let the $k$-sphere $S(v_0,k)=\{\,v\mid v\in V,\;d(v,v_0)=k\,\}$ of $v_0$ be the set of vertices ...
FUZxxl's user avatar
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Question about analyzing greedy algorithm for the max cut problem in random graphs

In (Lemma 6), the professor claimed that: "With high probability over the choice of $G$ from $G_{n,\frac{1}{2}}$, the greedy ...
ln7's user avatar
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Analytical Proof of Random Failure Tolerance in Scale-free Network

I aim to demonstrate that scale-free networks exhibit greater resilience to random failures compared to random networks. Are there any analytical approaches available for proving this assertion? ...
SDGAL's user avatar
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A doubt about almost all graphs

I am currently trying to understand the paper “On the chromatic index of almost all graphs” by Erdős and Wilson. I have two doubts, I’d be grateful if someone could explain them to me. This is part of ...
boil's user avatar
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Diameters of random bipartite graphs [closed]

Given two partite sets of vertices $U$ and $V$ of size $n$. Each vertex in $U$ uniformly randomly selects $K$ ($K$ is a constant and $K\ll n$) vertices in $V$ without replacement and connects a ...
Zijian Wang's user avatar
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Probabalistic Method: Using Janson' inequality to estimate the probability of existence of a $4$-clique

Let $c > 0$ and set $p := \frac{c}{n^{2/3}}$. Use Janson's Inequality to find a function $q(c): \mathbb{R}_{>0} \rightarrow (0,1)$ such that $$\mathbb{P}\left[ \text{$G(n,p)$ contains no clique ...
3nondatur's user avatar
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Probabilistic Method: Almost every random graph contains all graphs on $k$ vertices as induced subgraphs [duplicate]

Let $k_0 \in k_0(n) \subset \mathbb{N}$ be such that $${n \choose k_0} 2^{-{k_0 \choose 2}} < 1 < {n \choose k_0 - 1} 2^{-{k_0 - 1 \choose 2}}$$ and let $k = k_0 - 4$. Show that $$\mathbb{P}\...
3nondatur's user avatar
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When does a random geometric graph become connected?

Fix $n\in \mathbb N$ and let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be i.i.d uniform random points in $[0,1]^2$. For $r\in \mathbb R$ consider the (random) geometric graph $\mathcal G _r(X)$ with vertices $X=\{X_i\}$ and ...
Alex's user avatar
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Expected graph edit distance between two random graphs

Consider Erdos-Renyi random graphs $G(n,p)$. Let us independently sample two graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$ following $G(n,p)$. What is the expected graph edit distance (GED) between $G_1$ and $G_2$? Since ...
Vezen BU's user avatar
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