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Questions tagged [primitive-roots]

For questions about primitive roots in modular arithmetic, index calculus, and applications in cryptography. For questions about primitive roots of unity, use the (roots-of-unity) tag instead.

126 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Number of primitive roots mod $p$ that are not primitive roots mod $p^2$

Consider the primitive roots of a prime $p$ in the range $1...p$ which are not primitive roots mod $p^2$. Let $n(p)$ be this number. While looking for an answer to this question, it seems that the ...
Esteban Crespi's user avatar
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Intuition behind this strange heuristic for primitive roots modulo $p$?

Let $p$ be an odd prime. Define $S(p)$ as the sum of all primitive roots modulo $p$ taken from $\left[-\frac{p-1}2,\frac{p-1}2\right]$. Now here's the strange thing. If the primitive roots were '...
Mastrem's user avatar
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Spliting subspaces and finite fields

I'm sure that the following is true, but I can't prove it. Let $R<S<K, R=\mathrm{GF}(q),\ S= \mathrm{GF}(q^n), \ K= \mathrm{GF}(q^{mn})$ be a tower of finite fields and $A = \{\theta\in K: \...
Mikhail Goltvanitsa's user avatar
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Given an odd prime $p$, is there another odd prime $q$ such that $p$ is a primitive root modulo all powers of $q$?

As the title says, I want to know if for every odd prime $p$, there is another odd prime $q$ such that $p$ is a primitive root modulo $q^m$ for all $m\ge1$. For small $p$ such as $p=3,5,7$, I could ...
Pranay's user avatar
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How to solve the equation in algebraic number theory?

First step: When $p\equiv 1 \pmod{ 3}$, prove that there exists a pair $(a,b)$ of integers such that $4p=a^2+27b^2$, $a\equiv 1 \pmod{ 3}$ and a is unique (the proof of the first step). Second step: ...
save123's user avatar
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Probability of a prime $p=3\pmod 4$ occurring in A213052

As you may notice, A213052 contains primes mostly congruent to $1\pmod 4$ (in fact, all of the known ones are except $3$). Consider the sequence of smallest primes $p_n$ such that $2,3,5,7,11,13,...$ (...
T. Rex's user avatar
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Is there a deeper reason for the classification of moduli in which a primitive root exists?

The primitive root theorem classifies the set of moduli for which a primitive root exists as $$1,2,4,p^k,2p^k$$ where $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ is a positive integer. I have worked through a proof ...
Favst's user avatar
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Primitive element and choice of irreducible polynomial

It is known that every finite field of the same order $p^k$ are isomorphic. So, $F_p[x]/\langle q(x)\rangle$ leads to the same field for any choice of irriducible k-degree $q(x)$ over $F_p[x]$. But, ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
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Count of lower and upper primitive roots of prime $p \equiv 3 \bmod 4$

I was exploring the layout of primitive roots of primes over a reasonable range and this question concerns the number of primitive roots either side of $p/2$. Many primes have an exact match between ...
Joffan's user avatar
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About primitive roots and primes.

For any odd prime $p$ there exists at least one prime $q < p$ such that $q$ is a primitive root $\text{mod } p$ ; is this true?
201044's user avatar
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A sum of root of $-1$ modulo n

Find the sum of positive integers $n$ less than $2021$ such that $n^{3 \cdot 7 \cdot 23} \equiv -1 \pmod{2021}$. I was making an elementary number theory problem using the year number $2021=43 \cdot ...
seoneo's user avatar
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Show that 1/p has period p-1 iff 10 is a primitive root mod p

I have this excersice, and i want verify my proof: Let $p$ be a prime, then $1/p$ has period $p-1$ iff 10 is a primitive root $\mod p$. My attempt: $\rightarrow)$ Let $\frac{1}{p}=0,\overline{a_1\...
Lennis Mariana's user avatar
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solutions of gold APN functions using trace function

The Gold APN is defined as $F(x)=x^{2^{k}+1}$ in $GF(2^n)$, where $\gcd(k,n)=1$. The differential uniformity computed using $F(x)=F(x+a)=b$ as following: $x^{2^{k}+1} + (x+a)^{2^{k}+1}=b$ $x^{2^{k}+...
hardyrama's user avatar
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Some questions concerning the generators of cyclic groups

Let $g(p)$ be the least positive primitive root of the prime $p$, the primitive roots being the generators of the cyclic group $\mathbb{Z}_{p-1}$. These are the values for the first prime numbers: $$g(...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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A field of Radical Sums

I am dealing with a computation that yields numbers that are sums of radicals of the following form: $N=\sum_{i=0}^{m}{a_i\sqrt{b_i}}$ Where $a_i,b_i \in \mathbb{Q}$ (rationals). The context is ...
Amir Vaxman's user avatar
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If $u$ is a non-primitive root modulo $p$ then do there always exist non-primitives $v,w$ such that $u+v,v+w,w+u$ is primitive?

Let $p$ be a prime number $\geq 17$ and $u$ be a non-primitive root modulo $p$. Let $\{v_{1},v_{2},\cdots, v_{n}\}$ be the set of those non-primitive roots modulo $p$ such that $u+v_{i}$ is primitive. ...
ElfakSE's user avatar
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Artin's conjecture on primitive roots for perfect powers

Let $a\neq -1,0,1$ be an integer. Write $a=(b^2c)^k$, where $b^2c$ is not a perfect power, and $c$ is squarefree. Artin's conjecture on primitive roots states that the asymptotic density of the set of ...
Jianing Song's user avatar
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When does this Galois theorem "variation" holds?

Im reading about solvability by radicals in different books, more concretely in Fields and Galois Theory by Patrick Morandi and Introduction to abstract algebra by Benjamin Fine, etc. In the second ...
eldebarva's user avatar
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Is it possible to create factors of $p_n\#$ which cannot create any primitive root of $p_{n+1}$?

(Edited for clarity.) Take the primorial of the $n$th prime $p_n$ by using $H=\prod_{i=1}^np_i$. Does there exist an $n$ such that there exists $d\mid H$ where there are no factors of $d^{p_{n+1}-1}$ ...
abiessu's user avatar
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Cyclotomic Polynomials and The Existence of Infinite Prime Power

Prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers n such that all prime divisors of $n^2 + n + 1$ are not greater than $\sqrt{n}$ This is a problem related to cyclotomic polynomial. It is ...
FaranAiki's user avatar
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Finding primitive roots including negative sign

I commonly run into the following question such that if $p$ and $q=4p+1$ are both odd primes prove that $2$ is primitve root modulo q . However , i could not prove it for other number that are given ...
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A primitive root modulo $p^k$ is primitive modulo $p^{k+1}$,for $k\geq 2$.

I am a graduate student of Mathematics.I am stuck with the following number theory problem: Let $p$ be an odd prime.Prove that any primitive root modulo $p^k$ is a primitive root modulo $p^{k+1}$, for ...
Kishalay Sarkar's user avatar
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Quadratic number fields that contain primitive root of unity

Find all quadratic fields $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{d}]$ that contain some $p$-th primitive root of unity, where $p>2$ is a prime. Now, my reasoning was: if $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{d}]$ contains one $p$-th root ...
blue's user avatar
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How to find an irreducible polynomial over a finite field with a primitive root (and low hamming weight)

I found there that a polynomial in $F[x]$ with $|F| =q $ with degree $n$ will have its roots in $K$ of order $q^n$ Here, I found that either all the roots are primitive or none of them are. I am ...
Cyrius Nugier's user avatar
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Product of the primitive roots

If $p$ is a prime number, what is the product of elements like $g$ such that $1\le g\le p^2$ and $g$ is a primitive root modulo $p$ but it's not a primitive root modulo $p^2$? I am interested in the ...
Anand's user avatar
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Primitive $p$-th root of unity with characteristic $p$

I struggle on this since two days, and still found no answer. My course states the following: If the characteristic of $K \neq p$, then they are exactly $p-1$ different $p$-th roots of unity in the ...
hdeplaen's user avatar
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Theorems on Primitive Roots

Let g be a primitive root modulo $p$($p$ is an odd prime) with $g^{p-1}\ncong{1}\ (mod\ p^{2})$. I am interested in proving that $$g^{(p-1)p^{m-2}}\ncong{1}\ (mod\ p^{m})$$ for every $m\geq{2}$ So ...
Gwen Di's user avatar
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How to prove that all the eigenvalues of this matrix have modulus $\sqrt{n}$?

Let $\zeta$ be a primitive $n$-th root of unity. Prove that all eigenvalues of the matrix $\left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & \cdots & 1\\ 1 & \zeta & \zeta^2 & \cdots & ...
Narco's user avatar
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If g is a primitive root modulo $N$, then g is a primitive root modulo $D$, where $D|N$.

Let g be a primitive root modulo $N\ge2$ and $D\ge 2$ a divisor of $N$. Show that the reduction modulo D of g is a primitive root modulo D. I've tried using Gauss' Theorem, but I'm not quite sure how ...
Juan23's user avatar
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Subgroups and corresponding fixed fields of Galois group of primitive 24th root of unity.

I have been asked to determine the lattice of subgroups of $G=\Gamma(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta):\mathbb{Q})$ where $\zeta$ is a primitive $24^{th}$ root of unity. I am then asked to determine their ...
maccamaths976's user avatar
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Are non-squares primitive roots?

We know that even squares cannot be primitive roots modulo primes.Are all other natural numbers primitive roots mod some p? My heuristic argument goes as follows: the probability that a natural ...
B. S.'s user avatar
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Primitive elements of finite fields

Let $p$ be a prime number and $q=p^n$ for some positive integer $n$. $F_q[x]$ is the polynomial ring with coefficients in $F_q$. For any $M(x)\in F_q[x]$, define $\mathcal{R}(M(x))\subset F_q[x]$ to ...
David  Lee's user avatar
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Show that if ab has a primitive root with $(a,b) = 1$, then $a<3$ or $b<3$

Show that if $ab$ has a primitive root with $\gcd\left(a,b\right) = 1$, then $a<3$ or $b<3$ I have no idea how to start this question at all... One is that I do not see how 3 is related to ...
struggling for math's user avatar
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Prove that if $r$ is a primitive root modulo $m$, and $(a, m) = (b, m) = 1$, then $r^a \equiv r^b \pmod{m}$ implies $a\equiv b \pmod{\varphi(m)}$

Prove that if $r$ is a primitive root modulo $m$, and $(a, m) = (b, m) = 1$, then $r^a \equiv r^b \pmod{m}$ implies $a \equiv b \pmod{φ(m)}$. Any hints will be appreciated. Thanks so much.
Y.X.'s user avatar
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$a$ is a primitive root modulo a prime $p$; $ab\equiv1\bmod p$; prove $b$ is a primitive root modulo $p$

Let $p$ be prime. Prove that if $a$ is a primitive root modulo $p$ and $ab\equiv1\bmod p$, then $b$ is a primitive root modulo $p$. I understand the definition of primitive roots. I am having trouble ...
Zed1's user avatar
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Generators in arithmetic progression.

Suppose $p+1$ is a prime fix $a,b\in\Bbb Z_p^\times$ how many generators of $\Bbb Z_p^\times$ lie on the line $ax+b$ considered over $\Bbb Z$ and what is the size of a typical minimal generator with ...
Turbo's user avatar
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When is 2 a primitive root for a Sophie Germain prime $p$ or its associate $2p + 1$?

A prime $p$ is a Sophie Germain prime if its associate $2p + 1$ is also prime. When is $2$ a primitive root for a Sophie Germain prime $p$ or its associate $2p + 1$? A previous question found that a ...
Frank Hubeny's user avatar
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Lower bound for the values of cyclotomic polynomials evualuated at integers

Let $b,n \geq 2$ be integers and let $\Phi_n(b)$ be the value of the $n$-th cyclotomic polynomial evaluated at $b$. I've recently noticed by computer experiments that whenever $n$ is odd, we seem to ...
user152169's user avatar
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A multivalued function $ f(x) = 0 $ with integer solutions $ x_1=p(n) $ and $x_2=q(n) $

Please help me to define a multivalued function $ f(x) = 0 $ with integer solutions : $ x_1 = p(n)$ and $ x_2 = q(n) $ such that $\dfrac{ p(n) + q(n) } { 2 } = 2 n + 1 $ and $ \...
GerryMrt's user avatar
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About primitive roots and ways of expressing them.

If $q$ is a primitive root mod $p$ and $q = (2^a)(3^b)(5^c)\pmod p$ for some $a,b,c$ all elements of integers then say that this $q$ has the 'form' $\{2,3,5\}(p)$. Then is it true all the residues $\...
201044's user avatar
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Vinogradov's proof that $U_{p^{\alpha}}$ is cyclic. How to prove $p^{r-1} (p-1) \mid \delta$ for $1 \leq r \leq \alpha$

The proof of Vinogradov that $U_{p^{\alpha}}$ ($\alpha \geq 1$) is cyclic for an odd prime $p$, has a part that I don't understand. We take $g$ a primitive root of $U_p$. And, at a certain point of ...
niobium's user avatar
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$(a+pk)^{p-1}≡1+ph−pka^{p−2} \mod{p^2}$, for some $h∈\mathbb{Z}$; if $k≢ah \mod{p}$, then $a+pk$ is a primitive root mod $p^2$.

Started an introductory number theory class and totally stuck on some homework after hours of effort. Feel like I'm so close but can't do the final bit to solve it and starting to wonder if my ...
Wesley's user avatar
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Prove that the roots of cyclotomic polynomial $\Phi_{p-1}(x) \equiv 0 (mod~p)$ are exactly the primitive roots mod p

$p$ is a prime, and $\Phi_{p-1}(x)$ denote the cyclotomic polynomial of order $p-1$. And I want to show the following: $g$ is a solution of the congruence $\Phi_{p-1}(x) \equiv 0 (mod~p)$ if and only ...
Gang men's user avatar
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Number of roots in cyclotomic polynomial $\Phi_{15}[x]$ in $\mathbb F_p$

I'm trying to understand why if the $gcd(p-1, 15) = d \neq 15$, then there are zero roots (since if it's $=15$, there are exactly 8). I was thinking that since a solution to $x^d - 1$ is relevant if $...
webmathex's user avatar
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I've followed two different methods to find congruence with primitive roots but have two different answers

So I'm using the fact that 2 is a primitive root modulo 53, I'm solving $x^5 \equiv 8\mod{53}$ Originally I was trying to rewrite both sides in terms of two so had the following: let $x=2^y$ for y ...
thomasmaths's user avatar
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How can you use a primitive root to solve a modular congruence?

I've read through this answer to get some ideas: Solving a congruence using a primitive root But my problem is slightly different and it's thrown me off in terms of understanding the logic. I have $ x^...
Willtswhite's user avatar
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For what primes is $6$ a primitive root?

While thinking about an unrelated problem, I had to decide whether $6$ was a primitive root with respect to multiple prime moduli. I could discover no obvious pattern as to primes for which $6$ is a ...
Keith Backman's user avatar
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Solving the equivalent congruence I found and using it to derive the solution to the original congruence (elementary number theory)

I am trying to solve following problem. I have done the entire problem, so I'm not asking anyone to do the problem for me. But I need some confirmation on whether or not the very last part of my ...
John Coltrane's user avatar
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Some problems on primitive roots and divisors in number theory.

I have two questions: Let $n>1$ be a positive integer that isn't a perfect power. Is $n$ a generator mod infinitely many primes? Let $C,x,y$ be pairwise coprime integers $\in \mathbb{N}$. Let $...
Kai Wang's user avatar
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A Primitive element in Finite Fields

My question is about the roots of unity in finite fields. It goes like this: Suppose we have two primes p and q, both greater than 3, which satisfy $q|(p-1)$. Then there exists a $q$-the root of unity ...
math seeker's user avatar