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Questions tagged [ordinary-differential-equations]

For questions about ordinary differential equations, which are differential equations involving ordinary derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to a single independent variable. For questions specifically concerning partial differential equations, use the [tag:pde] instead.

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A continuous differential equation with no solution

I am studying the following counterexample. But I don't understand where the fact that space is infinite dimensional is used. What fails in an infinite dimensional space?
Jack J.'s user avatar
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A first order linear differential question that may have only the trivial solution $y = 0$.

Below is a problem I made up. I expected the differential equation to have a unique non-trivial solution. However, it did not. Is my solution wrong? Problem: Solve the following differential equation:...
Bob's user avatar
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find numerical solution of an integral equation

Let $f(u)=\int_0^u f(x)g(u-x)dx+h(u)$ where $g$ and $h$ are known, continuous function and $f$ is unknown and let $a=u_0<\dots<u_n=b$. How can I calculate $f(u_i)$ numerically? I thought about ...
andy's user avatar
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Velocity Field Connecting 2 points

Suppose we have a ODE on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$: $\dot{x} = f(x)$, denote the solution to the ODE starting at $a$ as $x_{f,a}$(t). Now there is a bounded, simply connected open subset $\Omega\subset \mathbb{...
Sqr's user avatar
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How does the classification of these fixed points changes with $\epsilon$?

Write the second-order differential equation $\ddot{x}+2\epsilon\dot{x}+sin(x)=0, \epsilon\geq 0$, as a pair of coupled first-order equations. Find all its fixed points, and determine how the ...
Purity's user avatar
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$w''(x) + \gamma w'(x) = \lambda e^x w(x), \quad 0 < x < 1$ Prove that any eigenvalue $\lambda$ for this problem must be real-valued. [closed]

$w''(x) + \gamma w'(x) = \lambda e^x w(x), \quad 0 < x < 1$ with boundary conditions: $w'(0) + \gamma w(0) = 0, \quad w(1) = 0,$ where $\gamma$ is a real-valued constant satisfying $\gamma$ > ...
YiPing's user avatar
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solving partial differential equation of 2 variables - particular part of the solution

I'm trying to solve the differential equation: $a \frac{\partial u}{\partial t } = b \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial z^2} - G$ with B.C.: $u(z=0) = 0, u(z=1) = cos(t)$ and I want to find the solution ...
omer katz's user avatar
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Finding Transfer function, eigenvalue(s), time constant, damping ratio, damped natural frequency, and gain of differential equations

Control systems class, first homework and I am already stuck. Asked to find the Transfer function, eigenvalue(s), time constant, damping ratio, damped natural frequency, and DC gain of various first ...
JSchlawg24's user avatar
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How to find the upperbound/(verify it) of the solution to this differential equation. Thanks in advance!

Let $y=f(x)$ be the solution of the differential equation $\frac{d y}{d x}=\frac{x+2 y^2}{2+y^2}$ where $f(4)=0$ then which of the following are true. Options are (A) $f^{\prime}(x) \geq 2 \forall x&...
Mr Roy's user avatar
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Laguerre Polynomials and complex arguments

I was trying to solve this differential equation: $$ \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial t^2} - c^2\left( 1- \frac{a}{r}\right )\nabla^2 \phi = 0 $$ $$ a \in \mathbb R, \; \; \; t > 0, \; \; \; r > ...
Álvaro Rodrigo's user avatar
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Boundedness of solution to linear homogeneous second-order ODE

Consider a second-order linear homogeneous ODE, also known as the steady 1D Schrödinger equation $$ x''(t)+g(t)x(t)=0, $$ where $g(t)$ is a $C^1[0,+\infty)$ function and has a positive lower bound (...
P0lyno3ial's user avatar
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Runge-Kutta 4 code: no 4th order improvement

In short: in a specific physics problem, my Runge-Kutta 4th order code doesn't produce the desired and expected fourth order improvement when I reduce the iteration step size. What is the cause? In ...
gamma1954's user avatar
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Elementary change of variable in an ODE that makes me doubt

I am quite ashamed of the level of my question, but I have this ODE -- it is a simplified version -- and my concern is only with the left hand side: $$ \dot v=kv$$ which I need to rewrite in terms of ...
user22744's user avatar
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Can the differential operator be the result of dividing a derivative by the function itself?

I'm confused about some differential calculus in a textbook, and I'm not sure if I'm confused or the book has a mistake. In Applied Hydrology by Ven Te Chow et al on page 9 we have: $$k\frac{dQ}{dt} + ...
BlakeMScurr's user avatar
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Find a condition that makes this differential equation homogeneous

Let $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ be non zero real numbers. Consider the differential equation $$x’ = t^{\gamma - 1} H\left(\frac{x^\beta}{t^\alpha}\right)$$ where $H : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{...
Juan Naranjo's user avatar
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ODE y'=f(x)y: When y=0 only at some points

To solve for $y(x)$ in $y'=f(x)y$. I was taught to consider case where $y=0$ and $y\neq0$. For $y \neq 0$, can get $\int \frac{dy}{y} = \int{f(x) dx}$, then $y(x)=C e^{\int{f(x) dx}}$, where $C \neq 0$...
tsd's user avatar
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Is finite-time explosion possible for a vector field $X:I\times \mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}^2$ of the form $X(s,t) = (1, f(s,t))$?

Let $I=(a,b)\subset \mathbb{R}$ be an open interval. Consider a vector field $X$ on $I\times \mathbb{R}$ of the form $$X(s,t)=(1,f(s,t)),$$ for some continuous function $f:I\times \mathbb{R}\to \...
Derso's user avatar
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Intuition and Timescale Analysis for a Nonlinear Differential Equation Dependent on Parameter $K$

I am exploring the behavior of the following first-order nonlinear differential equation: $$ \tau \frac{dy}{dt} = 2Ky^K(a - y^Kb) $$ where $ y, a, b \in \mathbb{R} $, $ K \in \mathbb{N} $, and $\tau$ ...
gradascender's user avatar
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Solution to Stochastic Differential Equation Including Heaviside Step Function

There has been several entries on solving deterministic differential equations that include indicator functions. Stochastic differential equations may introduce new difficulties. Namely, does the ...
CRTmonitor's user avatar
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Showing a function satisfying a certain differential inequality must always be positive

Suppose that $$f''(t)+cf(t) \geq |f(t)|^p$$ for $t\geq0$, where $c>0$ and $p>1$, $f \in C^2([0, \infty))$, and we know also that $f(0)>0$ and $f'(0)>0$. Is it true that $f(t)\geq 0$ for ...
brighton's user avatar
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Is there a source out there which works out a Hartman-Grobman-type theorem on a manifold?

My general goal is to understand more aspects of dynamical systems in the framework and language and differential geometry, and while for most things I can make out some sources which do that, I cant ...
Benjamin Rogoll's user avatar
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Why do we linearize about critical points?

I'm a beginner who's just learned about autonomous equations as an intro to non-linear diff. eqs. I've noticed that in the few sources I've used, on the topic of linearizing first order autonomous ...
MrFregg's user avatar
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Uniqueness of 1st order linear ODE with step discontinuities in driving function

Consider the following first order ODE initial value problem with a discontinuous driving function composed of step functions: $$y'(t) + y(t) = u_1(t) - u_2(t)$$ $$y(0) = 0$$ $$u_a(t) \equiv \begin{...
JoshG's user avatar
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Some confusion about the 245th page of Hamilton's The Ricci flow on surfaces

When I read the Hamilton's The Ricci flow on surfaces (237- 262 of this). I fail to get the (2) from (1) in picture below, where the $T$ of (1) is any nonnegative real number. In fact, I feel it is ...
Enhao Lan's user avatar
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Uniform Convergence and ODE

The following problem appeared on a past exam at my institution: Suppose that for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, $u_n:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is a differentiable function satisfying $$u_n'(x)=F(u_n(x)...
Adrian Derderian's user avatar
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Seeking General Solution for Nonlinear ODE Without Initial Conditions

I am working on solving the following nonlinear second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE): \begin{equation} f''(x) + f'(x) f''(x) + x f'(x) - f(x) = 0 \end{equation} I am looking for a ...
Ramy's user avatar
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Optimal bidding and the value of the game

I migrated from this post, where the problem is a bidding game between two players on the sum of two fair die. Specifically, Player 1 rolls one die and sees the outcome and so does Player 2. They don'...
ASA's user avatar
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Solve $ y'' + \lambda y^2 = 0$

Solve $ y'' + \lambda y^2 = 0$ Attempt 1 : if $\lambda =0 $ .then it's trivial to solve. If $ \lambda <0 $ ,then $y '' \ge 0$ In particular when $y '' > 0 $ for some interval . Let $ y''= e^{u(...
user-492177's user avatar
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Is it valid to replace the limit of a function inside the indifnite integration when computing limits?

The original problem tells me that $f(x)$ is continuous on $[0, +\infty)$ $f(x)$ has a horizontal asymptote $y=b\ne 0$, i.e., $$ \lim_{x\to+\infty}f(x)=b \ne 0 $$ Then it asks me to choice one ...
kurodamaria's user avatar
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Stability of dynamical system where part of the state goes to zero

Consider the following dynamical system: $$ \begin{aligned} \dot{x}_1 &= -x_1 + g_1(x_1,x_2)\\ \dot{x}_2 &= g_2(x_2) \end{aligned} $$ where $x_1\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $x_2\in\mathbb{R}^m$, $g_2(x_2)...
Carlos Santi Toledo's user avatar
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Checking if a polynomial is odd or even

I am reading a paper: 'Center of mass distribution of the Jacobi unitary ensembles: Painleve V, asymptotic expansions' by Zhan, Blower, Chen, Zhu. On page 14 we have a differential equation (4.29) for ...
SpeedForce's user avatar
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Locally Lipschitz with respect to a variable uniformly to another implies Lipschitz for every compact subset

I was reading a proof of Picard-Lindelöf theorem and there is a step in the proof which needs the following proposition, which I have not been able to prove. Let $$f:A\subset{\mathbb{R}^{n+1}}\to{\...
zinne98's user avatar
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Exponential difference equation [closed]

How would I solve the exponential difference equation X(t+1) = A*X(t)^B, with A and B being constants? Thanks in advance.
Eugene's user avatar
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Proving a property on a system on nonlinear ODEs

I have the following system of first-order nonlinear ODEs $$ \begin{align} \Lambda' &= - Y \frac{2 \kappa \Lambda^2 \Omega }{\Xi} + \frac{\Lambda \Xi}{\Omega} \\ \Phi' &= \Phi \frac{4(\kappa ...
lurscher's user avatar
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Differential equation of perpendicular lines

Determine the differential equation of all straight lines who are at a unit distance from the origin. If we assume the line to be of the form $ax+by+c=0$,then unit distance condition implies $|c|=\...
a_i_r's user avatar
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How to solve the ODE $Q'=Q^2 +rQ$?

When I read a paper, seemly, the author state that $$ Q(t) =\frac{-r e^{rt}}{e^{rt}-1} \tag{1} $$ solve $$ Q'=Q^2 +rQ \tag{2} $$ where $r$ is a positive constant. About ODE I know little, I can ...
Enhao Lan's user avatar
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How do I non-dimensionalise this model?

I have two predator-prey population models: \begin{align*} \frac{dN}{dt} &= rN \left(1 - \frac{N}{k}\right) - v(N)P \\ \frac{dP}{dt} &= cv(N)P - mP - qEP \end{align*} where v(N) is \begin{...
Xavier's user avatar
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Show that the coefficient functions of a differential equation are uniquely determined by any basis for the solutions [closed]

Consider the differential equation $L(y) \equiv y′′(x) + p_1(x)y′(x) + p_0(x)y(x) = 0 , x \in I$ (1.1) where the coefficient functions $p_1(x) , p_0(x)$ are continuous on the open interval $I$. Let $\{...
user1385542's user avatar
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Jack Hales 'Ordinary Differential Equations' as a first text on ODE's?

A few months ago I asked a question on here about comparing Arnold's text and Birkhoff/Rota's text, and the responses pushed me towards Arnold's. However after reading this question ... What is a good ...
ctk's user avatar
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Solution to heat equation on disk with boundary condition oscillating in time

I am trying to solve analytically the heat equation $\partial_t u = \Delta u$ on the unit disk $D_1\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ with Dirichlet boundary condition $e^{ikt}$. That is, I want a solution ...
felipeh's user avatar
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How should I find the equilibrium points and the general equation for the phase paths?

Find the equilibrium points and the general equation for the phase paths of $\ddot{x}+\cos(x)=0$. Obtain the equation of the phase path joining two adjacent saddles. Above is the problem statement and ...
Purity's user avatar
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Sufficient and necessary conditions for a solution of a certain system of ode's involving the cross product to be defined on the sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$

Consider the system of equations on $p,v: I\to \mathbb{R}^3$ \begin{align*} p'&= -a v+b \cos(ct+d) (p\times v),\\ v'&= ap+ b\sin (ct+d) (p\times v), \end{align*} for constants $a,b,c,d\in \...
Derso's user avatar
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any method to know if an IVP has a unique solution, no solution or infinite solution without solving it?

Assume the IVP $$\frac{dy}{dx}=f(x,y), y(a)=b.$$ is there a way to know the nature of the solution without explicitly solving it? what I tried if $f$ is Lipschitz, then it proves uniqueness. But there ...
Hemanta Mandal's user avatar
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Is the periodically driven Duffing's oscillator uniformly hyperbolic?

I am currently trying to figure out whether there is any physical measure (or SRB measure) for a periodically driven Duffing's bi-stable oscillator given by the following differential equations: $$ \...
Gape's user avatar
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How to solve $f(x)=f(0)+\frac{x}{f'(x_{0})+\frac{x^{2}}{f''(x_{0})+\ddots}}$ for $f(x)$?

Question How to solve \begin{align*} f\left( x \right) &= f_{0} + \underset{k = 1}{\overset{\infty}{\operatorname{K}}}\left[ \frac{x^{k}}{f^{\left( k \right)}\left( x_{0} \right)} \right] = f_{0} +...
Kevin Dietrich's user avatar
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Find the solution of the differential equation $z(z+y^2)dx + z(z+x^2)dy - xy(x+y)dz = 0$.

I have verified its integrability but since the equation is not homogeneous, I am stuck in arriving at the final solution. Also if the given differential equation is integrable, why can't we proceed ...
i-don't-know's user avatar
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finding the transfer equation of $\frac{H(s)}{Q_d(s)}$ in liquid control system with hydraulic integral controller.

On problem B-4-10 So my attempt is as follows: from the liquid control system we have $(q_d+q_i-q_o)dt=Cdh$ since $R=\frac{h}{q_0}$ and $R=0.5$ then $q_0=2h$. By the equibilirium system on the lever ...
user1259172's user avatar
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Let $f \in C^\infty$, $f(0) = 0$ and $f(x) = \frac{1}{x} \int_{\frac{x}{2}}^{\frac{3x}{2}} f(y) dy$ $\overset{?}\implies$ $f(x)=cx$

Let $f \in C^\infty$, $f(0) = 0$ and $f(x) = \frac{1}{x} \int_{\frac{x}{2}}^{\frac{3x}{2}} f(y) dy$ $\overset{?}\implies$ $f(x)=cx$ I started by multiplying $x$ to the lhs. This gives $f(x)x = \int_{\...
yakpopo's user avatar
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When exactly does a differential equation have no degree?

I am currently taking a Differential Equations class for my Computer Engineering program and we're still at the introduction of the basic concepts for DEs. I am genuinely confused as to whether what ...
tchewy's user avatar
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Assistance Needed on Invariant Curves in a $C^1$ Vector Field with Two Parameters

I've been exploring a problem for the past two months, and I would greatly appreciate your insights. I'm working with a $C^1$ vector field defined by the equation $\dot{\mathbf{x}} = f(\mathbf{x}; \...
mara's user avatar
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