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Questions tagged [linear-regression]

For questions about linear regressions, an approach for modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable y and one or more explanatory variables.

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Bishop gradient calculation

In section 3.1.1 of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop, it is written that $$\ln p(\mathbf{t} | \mathbf{w}, \beta) = \frac{N}{2} \ln \beta - \frac{N}{2} \ln (2 \pi) - \beta ...
Rahul Yadav's user avatar
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Passing a linear regression equation around 5 data points, making sure the regression equation passes through the fifth point. [closed]

I have a five point data set which was created by taking the natural log of a data set where x = ln(a) and y = ln(b). The transformed data set is x = {1.61, 2.30, 2.71, 3.40, 4.09} and y = {2.05, 1.43,...
Tom's user avatar
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Regression coefficients without matrix inversion

We can find coefficients β in multiple linear regression: β = (XTX)-1XTy I see a lot of related questions on this forum asking "How do I invert this matrix?". This is followed by an answer ...
Brad's user avatar
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Why can Total Least Squares Regression not have a solution?

I was looking at this reference on TLS regression. I understand the math which says that there can be problems where no solution exists. Based on my understanding, the minimum perturbation to the $C$ ...
Black Jack 21's user avatar
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How to calculate the trace of this matrix?

How do we calculate the trace of $(\mathbb{I}-X(X^\prime X)^{-1}X^\prime)\mathbb{J}_n$? This question stemmed from the below problem I came across: Suppose we have the linear regression model: $y_i=...
Jamie Carr's user avatar
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Help in understanding Bayesian linear regression.

I am unable to use Bayesian Regression in the following question. So far I have performed the following calculations: We have our data points Y, X that are ...
DeadAsDuck's user avatar
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Why does Least Absolute Deviation regression exactly fit n measureemnts for a linear system with n independent variables?

I am applying LAD regression to conduct some research. I have the following questions regarding LAD: I know LAD exactly fits n measurements for a linear system with n variables. But I cannot easily ...
Benson's user avatar
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Prediction intervals for simple linear regression

I want to understand how to construct the test statistic for the case of predictive inference for a simple linear regression model and would be grateful if someone might confirm if my derivation is ...
InvestingScientist's user avatar
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$R^2$ of regression of residuals when adding an uncorrelated regressor

Suppose we linearly regress $Y$ onto $X_1$, obtaining residuals $\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_n$. Suppose further that $X_2$ is uncorrelated with $X_1$, and we linearly regress $X_2$ onto $X_1$ (with ...
Ethan Alwaise's user avatar
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Local Linear Fit

What do you call it when you have a set of known $(x,y)$ data points and you estimate a $y$-value for a given $x$-value by performing a linear fit between its two known neighbor $(x,y)$ points? As an ...
user1228123's user avatar
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Continuous piecewise linear (CPWL) function fitting a dataset for which each linear piece contains at least 3 points

Imagine a 2D dataset $(x_i,y_i)_{i=1,...,N}$ and a univariate continuous piecewise linear (CPWL) function composed of $K$ linear pieces $f$ such each point $i$ belongs to the segment $s(i) \in \{1,...,...
Quentin PLOUSSARD's user avatar
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Removing Independent Variable Uncorrelated with All Other Variables in Linear Regression

I've been looking at Wooldrige's Introductory Econometrics and came across the following section related to omitted variables in multiple regression here The section essentially says that if an ...
Andrew Cheng's user avatar
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Using complex phases to do linear regression

The following is non-standard but was interested to see if there is value in following this path. Consider a linear regression problem without intercept, so simply, $y=ax$ and some data is provided $(...
play's user avatar
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Applying Block Bootstrap to Simulate Returns and Conduct OLS Regression for Beta Calculation [closed]

I am facing a methodological issue in my Master's thesis and hope someone can provide some guidance. Background: I have a time series of returns for the S&P 500, a variance swap, and a put option ...
sidarr12's user avatar
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How do nonlinear relationships affect casuality determination

Let's assume that I have only one independent variable and one dependent, and I have a great model with minimal error which deals well with predicting. Let's also assume that I do no know the true ...
Igor's user avatar
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Appropriateness of one observation per unique combination of dummy variables

I am wondering what conclusions you can draw regarding the coefficients of an OLS model when you only have one observation per combination of unique dummy variables. I have seen someone else do this ...
user25435163's user avatar
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Proportion of variance in a linear regression model with a covaring predictor

Given a model: \begin{align}Y_{i}=Z_{i}*\beta * X_{i} + Z_{i}\tag{Eq. 1}&\end{align} I am interested in a closed formula for the proportion of variance explained by the predictor variable $X$, ...
CafféSospeso's user avatar
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Can anyone see a way to linearize this function for linear regression?

I have the following function: $$f(x) = \dfrac{a_1}{(x+b_1)^2+c_1} + \dfrac{a_2}{(x+b_2)^2+c_2}.$$ From multiple measurements of $f$ at known $x$ values I would like find the values of $a_1,a_2,b_1,...
HazCam's user avatar
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Correlation vs Regression for a simple task

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time with my issue! I want to apologize in advance if my question would've fit better on stack exchange, but I decided that the question is more related to ...
nicaaa's user avatar
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Prove $Max(L_1,L_2,L_3)\neq L_2$:$L_i=\frac{S_i^2}{n_i}+\frac{(S-S_i)^2}{n-n_i}$;$S=\sum S_i$;$n=\sum n_i$;$\frac{S_i}{n_i}>\frac{S_{i-1}}{n_{i-1}}$

I will state my question first, and after that, I will write how I arrived to it. You do not really need to see how I arrived to the question, but I just thought it would be rude not to explain that. ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Weighted Least Squares versus ordinary least squares wiki page

If I have a $(X, Y)$ dataset and want to model $y = f(x, \beta)$. In that case for OLS, I would have $$e(x_i, \beta) = f(x_i, \beta) - y_i$$ Then obviously I would have $$SSE = \sum_{i}e(x_i, \beta)^2$...
Ghosal_C's user avatar
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Use WLS on difference of data to calculate slope, and OLS for intercept

I have a sequence of data observed in the past X days, which I want to assign higher weights to more recent ones so it makes sense to use WLS over OLS. However, does it makes sense to use WLS to just ...
Lind G's user avatar
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Linear regression solution comparison

I tried to solve this exercise several times now using different methods but I am not really sure if my solution is correct. Please help me and tell me what your solution to this problem is, so I can ...
user1324105's user avatar
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Understanding the Equivalence Conditions between Variance of Estimators in Linear Regression Models

Let $Y=\beta X+\epsilon$ be standard linear model, $\hat{\beta}$ and $\tilde{\beta}$ estimators of $\beta$ and $a\in R^{p}$. We know that: $$ Var(a'\tilde{\beta}) \le Var(a'\hat{\beta}). $$ Is the ...
Elizabeth_Banks's user avatar
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Is there a continuous time analog of linear regression for SDEs?

The ordinary linear regression $$Y_n = \alpha+\beta X_n +\epsilon_n$$ has a closed form solution for $\beta$ $$\beta = \frac{\operatorname{Cov}(X, Y)}{\sigma_X^2}.$$ Question: Is there a continuous ...
Nap D. Lover's user avatar
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Converting a multivariate linear correlation into a univariate one (predicting real estate prices in NY)

I am building a prediction model of real estate properties in New York based on a few inputs: Area (size) of the property Year it was built Number of bedrooms Number of parking spots The data is ...
bru1987's user avatar
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Verifying the Distribution of a Standardized Least Squares Estimator in Simple Linear Regression

I have the following linear regression, $$ Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_i+\epsilon_i $$ where $\epsilon_i^{\prime}$ s are independent $N\left(0, \sigma^2\right)$ random variables. Let $\hat{\beta}_i$ denote ...
bruno's user avatar
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Omitted Variable Bias- linear regression

My question relates to determining the direction of bias when the regression coefficient. The original simple linear regression model gives a coefficient $\beta_1= − 0.002108$ After including an ...
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A corollary of Frisch-Waugh-Lowell Theorem

The formulation is just a special case of FWL. Say we have a partitioned regression, $Y=X_1\beta_1+X_2\beta_2+\epsilon$ but with $X_2$ be $n\times 1$ and $\beta_2$ a constant. Let $b_1,b_2$ be two OLS ...
Chang Henry's user avatar
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Linear models in statistics (Rencher), Theorem 7.9.c

In multiple regression context (under the general assumption we know), $X=(X_1,X_2)$ and $\beta^\prime=(\beta_1^\prime,\beta_2^\prime)$. Let $\hat{\beta_1^*}=(X_1^\prime X_1)^{-1}X_1^\prime y$ be the ...
Maxmillian's user avatar
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Linear Regression with gaussian mixture prior

In linear regression, we assume that the output variable is Normally distributed, i.e., $p(y) = N (y | \mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}, \sigma^2_y)$. I want to assign a mixture of Gaussian prior to each ...
maktukmak's user avatar
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Repository of linear and nonlinear base functions for linear regression

is there any repository of linear and nonlinear base functions. I would like to compare some of them according to possibility to represent data. I think about a set as following: Name Dimension ...
Elton123's user avatar
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How to use Multiple Regression Analysis to get to linear equation

I am working on a paper about MQ gas sensors and found this other study (
kml's user avatar
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Confidence Interval for Regression Values

From this article, I understand the idea behind the Confidence Interval for the Individual Response. However I don't understand the part on ...
joelleoqiyi's user avatar
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Express the regularized weight in ridge regression in terms of the linear regression solution .

We would like to minimize the quantity $E_{in}(\vec{w})=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N(\vec{w}^{T}\vec{x_n}-y_n)^2$ under the constraint $\vec{w}^T\Gamma^T\Gamma\vec{w}\leq C$ where $\Gamma$ is a matrix, $C$ ...
lcthaha's user avatar
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Is the expectation of the error of any projection of $\mathbb{E}[Y\mid X]$ onto subspace zero?

If we consider the following linear predictor of $Y$ based on $X$: $$ Y_{\mathbf{b}}=\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{Y, \mathbf{X}} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\mathbf{X}}^{-1}\left(\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\mu}_{\mathbf{...
maskeran's user avatar
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Finding parameters for function approximation

I am working on some project in Matlab, where I defined some function $R(x, h, H, L, N)$ and I want to find such $h, H, L, N$ such that $R(x, h, H, L, N)$ is approximated by some sine wave in other ...
Uroš Kosmač's user avatar
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closed form expression for training error in ridge regression

I'm reading the paper a random matrix approach to neural network but i'm stucked at page 5. They start from $\Sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times T}$ where $T$ is the number of data points and $n$ is the ...
fabianod's user avatar
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Can a (bounded) linear least-squares problem include a scale factor in its solution?

I have a system of equations. $$ \small \begin{aligned} (1 - p_0)u_0 + (q_0 - 1)v_0 + u_1 - v_1 = r_0 - c t_0 \\\\ (1 - p_1)u_1 + (q_1 - 1)v_1 + u_0 - v_0 = r_1 - c t_1 \\\\ (1 - p_2)u_2 + (q_2 - 1)...
Isco's user avatar
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Derivation of normal equation for linear regression parameters

I'm going through a derivation of the normal equation for the parameter vector $\beta$ of the linear regression model. Given a model $y = X\beta + \epsilon$, where $y$ is the vector of dependent ...
Riccardo Iorio's user avatar
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Is conditional expectation of the error of best linear predictor given $X$ is $0$ (Is it true that $y = a^*+b^*x + \eta$, where $E[\eta|x]=0$)?

For simplicity, assume we are working with simple regression where the predictor $x\in\mathbb{R}$. First write $y=E[y \mid x]+u$, where the variance of $u$ is a constant, and $E[u|x]=0$. I understand $...
maskeran's user avatar
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Results of linear regression with just statistically significant features vs. whole dataset

If I have a dataset, in this case the diabetes toy dataset, and am running a linear regression model, could someone explain what I should expect in terms of performance if I were to conduct the ...
InvestingScientist's user avatar
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PDF Being Invariant Under Orthogonal Transformations

Regarding linear regression, in the (informal) solution manual of T. Hastie's "The Elements of Statistical Learning" book, there is a paragraph (p. 16 in the manual) that goes: "... ...
ConventionalProgrammer's user avatar
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Population OLS coefficient in simple regression?

The population OLS coefficient for some $X_i \in \mathbb{R}^d, Y \in \mathbb{R}$ for the model $Y = \beta’X + e$ is defined as $$ \beta =\mathbb{E}[X_iX_i']^{-1}\mathbb{E}[X_iY_i] $$ and if $X$ is a ...
tmako's user avatar
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Is there a rigorous probability theoretic formulation of linear regression

Let $(\Omega,\Sigma,P)$ be some probability space and let $Y: \Omega \to \mathbb{R} $ be a random variable. Let $x, \beta \in \mathbb{R}^n$. In a linear model we assume something like this: $E(Y|x)=\...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Creating a regression model of scaling data from five points for ATAR

I am looking to calculate the scaled results for the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) subjects that someone inputs from the recently released 2023 data. For example if someone got a 59.00 in ...
Wosca's user avatar
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Simpson's Paradox for $R^2$

I've been reading about Simpson's Paradox and I understand how if you fit a regression on a per-group basis versus on the entire set, the coefficients in each group can be drastically different from ...
jeffj1355's user avatar
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Convergence of coefficients in multivariate regression

In this thread, the convergence of coefficient for univariate dependent variable is proven. I wonder, assuming the same setup, how can the convergence be extended to multivariate as: $$Y=XW+\epsilon$$ ...
statwoman's user avatar
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Proving product of two projection matrices is commutative

I’ve been trying to understand the details of orthogonal projections within the context of linear regression models, and I’ve come across the following scenario: Given a linear regression model $Y=\...
Noy's user avatar
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In the paper Square Root Lasso: Pivotal Recovery of Sparse Signals via Conic Programming they talk about Sqrt-LASSO which is simply just trying to minimize $\|Ax-b\|_2 + \lambda\|x\|_1$ rather than ...
jeffj1355's user avatar

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