Questions tagged [intersection-theory]

In mathematics, intersection theory is a branch of algebraic geometry, where subvarieties are intersected on an algebraic variety, and of algebraic topology, where intersections are computed within the cohomology ring. (Ref: Do not use this tag for elementary problems in linear algebra or geometry. (e.g. determining whether two lines intersect)

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5 votes
2 answers

Hartshorne Example V.1.4.1 - Why $C^2=\deg_C(\mathcal{L}(C)\otimes\mathcal{O}_C)$?

In the book Algebraic Geometry by Hartshorne, Example V.1.4.1 says $C^2=\deg_C(\mathcal{L}(C)\otimes\mathcal{O}_C)$ holds due to Lemma V.1.3. Here, $C$ is a nonsingular curve on a nonsingular ...
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0 answers

Degree of a subvariety of the Grassmannian

This might be a stupid question due to my lack of knowledge in algebraic geometry. So I have a subvariety $V\subset G_k(\mathbb{C}^n)$ of codimension $k$. The only thing I know about $V$ is its ...
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1 answer

Intersection multiplicities

Let $X \subset \Bbb P^n$ be a curve defined by $f_1 = \dots = f_r = 0$ and $H$ an hyperplane. How to compute the multiplicity $m$ at a point $p \in X \cap H$ ? Specific example : In my case, $X \...
5 votes
1 answer

Calculating intersection multiplicities explicitly with Serre's formula

Let's say I want to explicitly calculate the intersection multiplicity of two subvarieties of $\Bbb A^n_k$ using Serre's Tor-formula (involving as little homological algebra as possible). A typical ...
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Commutativity of Intersection product

I am reading the proof of the commutativity of intersection product from Ravi Vakil's notes: This theorem states that if $D$ and $D'$ are ...
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2 answers

Minimizing cross section area of the intersection between a plane and mesh

I have a 3D triangular mesh and a cutting plane. I want to minimize the area of the cut intersection by rotating the normal of the plane. The image shows the cross section of the cut and the mesh. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Coordinate ring of irreducible component

In the proof of affine dimension theorem (you can see the proof I am following here), Hartshorne assume that $A(Y)/\mathfrak{p}$ is the coordinate ring of the irreducible component $W$. Why is this ...
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1 answer

Intersection of two varieties need not be a variety

I am introducing my self to algebraic geometry, and by now I am reading Algebraic Geometry by Robin Hartshorne. In the exercise $2.16$, I have to prove that the intersection of two varieties need not ...
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0 answers

Intersection number of complex curves in a complex surface

Suppose $C_1,C_2$ are embedded complex curves in a complex surface $S$, and $C_1,C_2$ have no common component. Assuming $C_1$ and $C_2$ intersect transversally, the intersection number $C_1\cdot C_2$ ...
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0 answers

Simplifying intersection of 3 sets when 2 are independent

I am working on a problem involving the probability of the intersection of 3 sets: $P(A \cap B \cap C)$, and am wondering if this can be simplified at all, since we are also given that the sets $A$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Fulton, example 3.2.16: Application of the splitting principle.

In his "Intersection theory" book Fulton proves in lemma 3.2 the following fact: if a $E$ is a filtered vector bundle of rank $r$ over $X$ with quotients line bundles $L_i$, $s$ is a section of $E$ ...
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1 answer

Signature of self-intersection submanifold

Let $S\subset M$ be a (complex) codimension $1$ submanifold. $S\cdot S$ denotes the self-intersection manifold of $S$ in $M$. Then it seems that $\text{Sign}(S\cdot S)$ (the signature of $S\cdot S$) ...
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1 answer

Intersection of two submanifolds with dimension condition

Consider a manifold of dimension $n$, we have two submanifolds $A$ and $B$, with dimension $n_1$ and $n_2$ that satisfies $n_1+n_2=n$. Can we conclude they only intersect at finite points (or isolated ...
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2 answers

Prove the equation for the point of intersection of two vector lines

This is my first question here and I'm not sure if it's the right place but I'm kinda desperate. I was learning about vector lines and parametric equations. My teacher gave me the assignment below and ...
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Fulton Ex. 3.2.22: Counting conics intersecting 8 lines in 3-space

I'm trying to understand Fulton's approach to the question how many plane conics in $\mathbb P^3$ meet 8 general lines. Suppose $V$ is a 4-dimensional vector space, and $\mathbb P^3 = \mathbb P(V)$. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Self intersection of curve on $P^1 \times P^1$

Let $l = \mathbb{P}^1 \times \{0\}$, I want to prove $l \cdot l=0$, where $l \cdot l$ is the self intersection of $l$. I am working out of Ravi Vakil chapter 20, this is exercise 20.2.C. His hint is ...
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Theorem I.7.5 (Hilbert-Serre) Hartshorne uniqueness of Hilbert polynomial.

I don't understand why the Hilbert polynomial is unique. In the theorem I.7.5 we find a polynomial $P_M(z)$ such that $\varphi_M(l)=P_M(l)$ for all $l\gg0$ ($\varphi_M(l)=dim_K M_l$ as discribed in ...
2 votes
1 answer

When existence of transfer map of algebraic $K$-theory implies rational injection.

Given a map of smooth projective varieties $f:X\rightarrow Y$ over fields, there is a projection formula in algebraic $K$-theory given by $f_*(\alpha.f^*(\beta))=\beta.f_*(\alpha)$. I was wondering ...
3 votes
1 answer

Milne's Intersection theory simple example

In Milne's Divisors and intersection theory, Example 12.3a) computes the intersection number of the curves $Z_1: Y=X^2$ and $Z_2: Y^2=X^3$ at the intersection point $P=(0,0)$ in the affine plane over ...
6 votes
2 answers

Chern classes of tangent bundle over the Grassmannian G(2,4)

What are the Chern classes of the tangent bundle $\tau_G$ of the Grassmannian $G=G(2,4)$ of lines in $\mathbb{P}^3$? This is Exercise 5.37 on page 191 of 3264 & All That by Eisenbud and Harris. ...
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1 answer

For complex subspace $S$, there are vectors $u,w ∈ S$ such that $u\neq zw,\ \forall z\in \mathbb{C}$

The official question reads: Suppose U and W are each 5-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{C}^8$. Prove that there are two vectors $u,w ∈ U∩W$ $\hspace{1mm}$ s.t. $\hspace{1mm}$ $u≠zw$ $\hspace{...
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1 answer

The complement of a neighborhood of a divisor.

Given a projective variety $X$ and a hyperplane section $H$ (intersection of some hyperplane in the ambient projective space with $X$). Is it true that complement of any neighborhood of $H$ is a ...
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0 answers

How can I use Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem?

For my research, I'm trying to understand how the Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem is used in the paper The Birational Geometry of the Hilbert Scheme of Points on Surfaces by Aaron Bertram & ...
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1 answer

Intersection form of $\mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1$

This comes from Vakil 20.2 C, self-study. We have to show the intersection form of $X = \mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1$ is given by $l \cdot l = m \cdot m = 0$ and $l \cdot m = 1$, where $l$ is the ...
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2 answers

Formula of intersection of 2 points with the x axis

I'm trying to figure out how to get the point x = 3 : What's given here are the points S and G . (Assuming the 2 angles are equal) Apparently, we can assume that the ball does not bounce off the x-...
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1 answer

Kleiman's theorem on intersection theory

I study the book 3264 & All That Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud & Harris and I'm a little bit confused on the proof of Kleiman’s theorem on pages 21: Theorem 1.7 (...
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3 answers

Why one cannot equate a sphere and a plane but a sphere with a sphere? [closed]

This is a general question about the intersection of a sphere with a plane or sphere which is confusing me. To find the intersection between two spheres K1 and K2, you can equate them, solve the ...
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0 answers

How to count constraints in algebraic geometry?

I am interested in where to look to find techniques to approach the following problem: Let $M$ be a smooth projective manifold, and let $S \subset M$ be some submanifold. Consider on $M$ a complete ...
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0 answers

Scheme theoretic intersection vs intersection of cycles

Let $X$ be a scheme for which we have an appropriate moving lemma to define an intersection product of cycles. For example a smooth projective variety. Then if $V$ and $W$ are properly intersecting ...
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0 answers

Local geometry near a transverse intersection of two Riemann surfaces

Suppose $C_1$ and $C_2$ are two Riemann surfaces (embedded as submanifolds in some ambient space, say, $M$) which intersect transversally at a point $p_1 \in C_1$. How does one see that near $C_1$, ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the difference between intersection theory and enumerative geometry?

I am about to finish the book : $3264$ & All that. Intersection theory in Algebraic geometry, by David Eisenbud and Joe Harris, available freely on the net. I would like to know, what is the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Chow ring of projetive space

The Chow ring of $\mathbb{P}^n$ is $\mathbb{Z}[H]/H^{n+1}$, where $H$ is the linear equivalence lass determined by the zero-set of a linear functional. I have a few (very basic) points of confusion: ...
6 votes
1 answer

Self-intersection of a cubic Bezier, interpretation of the solution

I am trying to understand the form of the determinants that I get when I try to calculate the self-intersection. Since I might have made some mistakes, I'm including the whole derivation: Let $\vec{P}(...
2 votes
1 answer

Proving that intersection number of divisor is 0

My question arises from proposition 8.3 in the algebraic geometry text by Shigeru Iitaka: Let $f:W\rightarrow S$ be a surjective morphism between nonsingular projective surfaces. Let $E$ be a divisor ...
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0 answers

Polynomial equivalence

Given a variety $X$, rational equivalence gives an equivalence relation on $Z_i(X)$ leading to the Chow groups and used in the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem. I was wondering about replacing $\...
7 votes
3 answers

Lines on a singular cubic surface

How many lines the cubic surfaces $xyz=w^3 \in \mathbb P^3$ has? I found only three: $x=w=0$, $y=w=0$ and $z=w=0$. How to prove that there are no other lines? Also, this surface is singular, is it ...
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0 answers

Negative intersection numbers

Let $X$ be a complex variety of dimension $m$ and $D_1,D_2,\dots, D_m \subset X$ irreducible divisors with $D_i \neq D_j$. Can we have $D_1 \cdot D_2 \dots \cdot D_m < 0 $ ? The only concrete ...
4 votes
1 answer

Néron-Severi groups

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over the complex numbers. Let $$c_1 : \text{Pic}(X)\to H^2(X,\mathbf{Z}(1))$$ Its kernel is the subgroup of homologically trivial divisor classes on $X$. How ...
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1 answer

definition of cycle theoretic fibre

I am studying the definition of Chow variety on Kollar's Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties, and I am having some trouble in understanding Definition 3.9. Here we have a proper morphism of ...
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0 answers

Versions of Bertini's theorem?

I read the following statement: Let $X$ be a Del Pezzo surface (i.e. smooth surface with $-K_X$ ample) over an algebraically closed field $k$. Then the general member of $|-K_X|$ is irreducible and ...
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1 answer

Segre classes of subvarieties

I am following 13.2 of "3264 and All That". I read the definition of "Segre classes of subvarieties" but I couldn't calculate with describing specific examples. The definition is ...
7 votes
1 answer

Conics meeting 8 general lines

I am trying to show that the number of plane conics in $\mathbb{P}^3$ meeting $8$ general lines is $92$, using what I know about intersection theory. I started considering the tautological bundle $S$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Hartshorne Chapter V Proposition 1.5

This proposition states as follows, What confuses me is the last sentence. Notice that the Lemma 1.3 states as follows. We also have the fact that, The pairing Div $X \times \operatorname{Div} X \...
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1 answer

Self intersection of zero section of decomposable ruled surface

Let $L_1, L_2$ be two line bundles over a curve $C$. Then we can consider the ruled surface $S=\Bbb P (L_1\oplus L_2)$ over $C$. Let $s_0$ and $s_\infty$ denote the zero section and the infinity ...
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1 answer

When do these functions equal each-other?

I'm looking for the $x$ such that $$ -\frac{1}{q^x}+1=a^x -1$$ For any $q$ and $a$ A.K.A the $x$ at the intersection of the two functions. Am I asking the wrong question here? One obvious solution is $...
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1 answer

How to find the directrix in order to get intersection between two parabolas and a segment?

So I am trying to implement the Fortune's algorithm in order to have a Voronoi pattern (wonderful post about it here : For this, I need ...
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0 answers

Calculate Seshadri constant

I understand the definition of Seshadri constant $$\epsilon_{D}(E)=\sup\{k \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}|E-kD\text{ is nef}\}.$$ I am not sure how to apply this definition to practice calculation, or maybe ...
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1 answer

How should I calculate the intersection of subspaces? [closed]

How should I calculate the intersection of subspaces? In Z5. span{(1, 4, 4), (2, 3, 4)} ∩ span{(1, 1, 4), (2, 4, 0)} And how many vectors it includes?
3 votes
1 answer

27 lines on a cubic surface - which proof is better?

There is a famous fact that any smooth cubic surface has exactly 27 lines. I am a undergraduate students who want to view some detailed proofs of this result. I know there are several different ...
2 votes
1 answer

Existence of a transversal map prevents density?

Let $S$ be a $C^{\infty}$-submanifold of $N$ and suppose that $N-S$ is dense in $N$, where $M,N$ are $m$ and $n$ dimensional $C^{\infty}$-manifolds, respectively. In this post the answering poster ...

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