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Questions tagged [graph-connectivity]

For questions related to the vertex-connectivity or edge-connectivity of graphs or networks: the minimum number of vertices (respectively edges) that need to be deleted to disconnect the graph.

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Confusion regarding this definition of a connected graph

I have the following definition of a graph. Let $M \subset \mathbb{N}$ be a set of vertices and consider the set: $$\mathcal{G}(M) = \mathbb{P}(\{(n,m) \in M \times M: \hspace{0.1cm} n < m \})$$ ...
Idontgetit's user avatar
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Prove correctedness of connectivity of a K(n, 2) Kneser Graph

Is there any way to prove that given $n\neq4$, a $K(n, 2)$ Kneser Graph is connected if any two vertices in the graph either have a common neighbor or are adjacent to each other? I noticed that K(4,2) ...
SayMyNameHeisenberg's user avatar
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Proving that $\kappa'(G) - 1 \leq \kappa'(G - v)$.

I am studying graph connectivity and need to prove the following inequality involving vertex connectivity: $\kappa'(G) - 1 \leq \kappa'(G - v)$ I need to show that removing a vertex 𝑣 from a graph 𝐺...
Dexter's user avatar
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Let $G$ be a simple graph such that $\chi(G) = k$ and $\chi(G\setminus\{v\}) < k$ hold for all $v \in G$. Show that $G$ is 2-connected

I've been attempting to solve the following problem but I'm stuck. Let $G$ be a simple graph with at least 3 vertices such that $\chi(G) = k$ and $\chi(G\setminus\{v\}) < k$ hold for all $v \in G$. ...
Dude3400's user avatar
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Connectivity of intersection graph

Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a family of $N$ finite subsets of $S=\{1, \dots, N\}$, each of size $k$ and $\bigcup \mathcal{F} = S$, and let $G=(\mathcal{F}, E)$ be the intersection graph of $\mathcal{F}$ (i.e....
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
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Number of 2-connected components in an almost 2-regular 3-uniform hypergraph

Notation: $[n]:=\{1,\ldots, n\}$, and $\binom{[n]}{k} := \{A \in 2^{[n]}\mid |A| = k\}$ for $k \in [n]$. Let $M$ be a perfect matching on an even number of vertices $n$, and let $\mathbb{S}_n$ be the ...
Kuzja's user avatar
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The impact of removing an edge on the connectivity of these graphs.

The vertex connectivity $\kappa(G)$ of a graph G, also called connectivity, is the minimum size of a vertex cut. $G-xy$ is a graph obtained by removing an edge $xy$ from $G$. We can easily prove the ...
licheng's user avatar
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Does there exist a 5-connected planar graph that is perfect?

In a previous post, I proved that no 5-connected maximal planar graph is perfect. My proof, with slight modifications, can show that if a maximal planar graph with minimum degree 5 is perfect, then ...
licheng's user avatar
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G a connected Graph. (Dis)Prove the following statement

The number $s(G)$ is the largest natural number $k$ for which there exists a clique $X \subseteq V(G)$ in the graph $G$ with $|X| = k.$ The number $c(G)$ is the smallest natural number $k > 2$ for ...
Barren_Wuffet's user avatar
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Conditions under which a non-doubly connected graph $G$ becomes doubly connected when a suitable edge is added?

What are the conditions under which a non-doubly connected graph $G$ becomes doubly connected when a suitable edge is added? I thought about this problem and was able to set some conditions for this ...
Mr. Nobody's user avatar
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Does there exist a 5-connected maximal planar graph that is perfect?

A graph $G$ is said to be perfect if $\chi(H)=\omega(H)$ hold for any induced subgraph $H_i\subseteq G$ (and so for $G$ itself, too) For maximal planar graphs with connectivity 3, it is easy to ...
licheng's user avatar
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Let $G$ be an $r$-regular graph with $|V(G)| = 2r + 1$. Prove that $\lambda(G) = r$ (edge-connectivity).

Let $G$ be an $r$-regular graph with $|V(G)| = 2r + 1$. Prove that $\lambda(G) = r$ (edge-connectivity). On the exam, I solved the problem in one direction by considering the fact that in any graph $\...
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What can't be added for "maximally connected graph" to keep some property said in definition?

In wikipedia it says A graph is said to be maximally connected if its connectivity equals its minimum degree. A graph is said to be maximally edge-connected if its edge-connectivity equals its ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Prove that minimal disconnecting set is a cut. (Definitions included in the body).

Definitions 1.) Given a connected graph $G$, the minimal disconnecting set is the set of minimum number of edges that needs to be removed so that $G$ has more than one component. 2.) A cut is a set of ...
Debu's user avatar
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Prove that edge connectivity of a complete graph with $n$ vertices is $n-1$

Question How to quickly see that the edge connectivity (minimum number edges to be removed to make a connected graph have more than one component) of a complete graph having $n$ vertices is $n-1$? ...
Debu's user avatar
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A connected k-regular bipartite graph is 2-connected. With the examples show, that we really need all the assumptions.

Prove: A connected k-regular bipartite graph is 2-connected. With the examples show, that we really need all the assumptions. I was able to prove this theorem (as here: A connected k-regular bipartite ...
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Prove that for every graph $G$, it holds that $|V(G)| \geq \kappa(G) \cdot (\text{diam}(G) - 1) + 2$. Find example for equality.

Prove that for every graph $G$, it holds that $|V(G)| \geq \kappa(G) \cdot (\text{diam}(G) - 1) + 2$. For $k \in \{1,2\}$ and $d \geq 2$, find an example of a $k$-connected graph with diameter $d$ for ...
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$G$ 3-connected graph, $xy \in E(G)$. $G'$ graph obtained from $G$ by removing the edge $xy$ and merging the vertices $x$ and $y$ into one vertex.

Let $G$ be a $3$-connected graph and $xy \in E(G)$. Let $G'$ be the graph obtained from $G$ by removing the edge $xy$ and merging the vertices $x$ and $y$ into one vertex. Prove: The graph $G'$ is $3$-...
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Proving lower bound for the length of a cycle in a 2-connected graph.

I'm trying to prove that every 2-connected graph $G$ has a cycle $C$ such that $\vert C\vert\ge\text{min}(\vert G\vert,2\kappa(G)$ where $\kappa(G)$ is the connectivity of the graph (may be larger ...
Math 2tor's user avatar
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Are all 2-connected graphs planar?

I know that all trees are planar, and so now I'm wondering whether 2-connected graphs are necessarily planar. I would imagine that this is true given that all 2-connected graphs have an ear ...
Mailbox's user avatar
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Simple graph connectivity when minimum degree is $\geq \frac{n-1} {2}$

Essentially the title, but we had to prove that the simple graph is connected. I know the standard way of doing this by assuming two components and then contradiction. But i wanted to know about ...
Sj2704's user avatar
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Special form of 3 vertex-connectedness for Graphs with every edge contained in a perfect matching

I am currently struggling with the following problem: Given a simple, connected Graph $G = (V,E)$ such that every edge is contained in a perfect matching of $G$. Show that for each edge $e \in E$ (of ...
Raoul Luqué's user avatar
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Triangle is $2$-connected or $3$? [duplicate]

A connected graph is $k$-connected if either after removing any $k−1$ vertices the remaining graph is connected. If I follow the definition,triangle is $3$-connected $(k=3)$ since removing any two ...
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Proof: If connected graph G has only one cut-vertex, then every longest path contains the cut vertex.

This is one of exercises from my uni's Discrete math problems. (Non-mandatory) And the job is to either found a counterexample or prove it. I considered approaching this problem using proof by ...
runtotherescue's user avatar
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The relationship between cyclic connectivity and vertex-disjoint cycles.

My question stems from the article "M. D. Plummer, On the cyclic connectivity of planar graphs" (1972). Before asking my question, the following necessary definitions and explanations are ...
licheng's user avatar
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Prove or disprove "one simple connected graph $G_n$ has no vertex of degree more than two if and only if it is $C_n$ or $C_n$ with one edge removed"

Recently, when I self-learnt Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 8th by Kenneth Rosen, I did only the even-numbered exercises which the author offers the detailed description instead of the odd ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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If the bridges of a $3$-regular graph $G$ lie on a single path then $G$ has a $1$-Factor (perfect matching)

If the bridges of a $3$-regular graph $G$ lie on a single path then $G$ has a $1$-Factor (perfect matching) I've proved that a $3$-regular graph with at most two bridges has a perfect matching ($1$-...
H4z3's user avatar
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Understanding why every 3-connected graph that is not $K_4$ has an edge such that suppressing an end also gives a 3-connected graph

I am reading Diestel graph theory rn. $\newcommand{\dotdiv}{\mathbin{\rlap{\;{}^{\boldsymbol{\cdot}}}-}}$The definition of $G\dotdiv e$ is as follows: it is the multigraph obtained from $G-e$ by ...
Keven McFlurry's user avatar
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Weighted colouring nodes in a graph, based on other already-coloured nodes

Say you have a directed acyclic graph. Any node can have a colour or colours. The colours a node has are weighted -- e.g. a node which is only red has red with weight 1; a node with highly weighted ...
modallyFragile's user avatar
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Need help with a weird Graph Theory Proof about "quasi-factorizable" graph

I need help formulating proof for a graph-theory problem: A graph $G = (V, E)$ is called quasi-factorizable if $G − u$ has a perfect matching for every vertex $u ∈ V$. Show that $G$ is quasi-...
Sparrow's user avatar
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G a k-connected bipartite graph with bipartition $(A, B)$ such that $|A|$, $|B| \geq 2k$. Show that $G$ contains a matching of size $2k$.

Let $k \geq 1$ be an integer, and let G be a k-connected bipartite graph with bipartition $(A, B)$ such that $|A|$, $|B| \geq 2k$. Show that $G$ contains a matching of size $2k$. I have managed to ...
The Math Hermit's user avatar
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Connectivity of bipartite graph

We consider $G$ to be a bipartite graph that is $(d \geq 1)$-regular and has at most $4d-1$ vertices. We wish to show that $G$ must be connected. My thinking was to prove by contradiction. So $G$ has ...
Jeff's user avatar
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If a simple graph $G$ is not connected, then $\overline{G}$ is connected

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple graph with $E \subseteq P_2(V)$ and define $\overline{G}=(V,\overline{E})$ as the complement graph. Show that if $G$ is not connected, then $\overline{G}$ is connected. I ...
J P's user avatar
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Let G be a connected graph in which every vertex has degree three. Show that if G has no cut-edge then every two edges of G lie on a common cycle.

"Let $G$ be a connected graph in which every vertex has degree three. Show that if $G$ has no cut-edge then every two edges of $G$ lie on a common cycle." I have an idea for this proof but I'...
mr. man's user avatar
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Graph theory proof - if $G$ is $2$-connected then for each $u$ there exists $v$ and a cycle $C$ that includes $u, v$ and all of $v$'s neighbors

Need to prove that if $G$ is $2$-connected then then for each $u$ there exists a $v$ and a cycle $C$ that includes $u$, $v$ and all of $v$'s neighbors. I have reached an insight that all vertices must ...
Poncho's user avatar
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How to extract a connected tree of nodes from undirected graph with certain attributes?

I am working on a problem where I need to extract a connected tree of nodes based on certain attributes while optimizing for the minimum number of nodes. Some attributes of the nodes are known in ...
bsha's user avatar
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Name of the edge whose removal causes the graph to be weakly connected

Given a strongly connected digraph G, there exists an edge that, when removed, makes the graph weakly connected. What is this edge called?
lakdee's user avatar
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Subdivision of G has same connectivity as G

(I am referring to vertex connectivity). It seems intuitive to me that a subdivision of a graph cannot have smaller connectivity, however I am struggling to find a proof of this. Specifically, $K_k$ ...
nunya b's user avatar
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Determine if each of the following graphs is connected and/or super-connected. Briefly justify your responses. [closed]

I am struggling to answer this question, and I was hoping for some assistance and/or help, it would be greatly appreciated. This link is a screenshot of the question because it does include diagrams: ...
Ella's user avatar
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Which graphs remain connected when any connected subgraph is removed?

Which graphs remain connected when any connected subgraph is removed? For example, complete graphs; $K_n$ or cyclic graphs; $C_n$ , fulfill this. Can someone give an example of another that is neither ...
tomascatuxo's user avatar
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graphs that when removing any path are still connected

My question is this: Which graphs remain connected when any path is removed? For example, complete graphs, $K_n$, fulfill this. Another example are the cyclic graphs, $C_n$. Can someone give an ...
tomascatuxo's user avatar
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How to show κ′(G) = δ(G) for δ(G) ≥ ⌊n/2⌋

I'm really struggling with the following proof. Prove that if G is an n-vertex graph and δ(G) ≥ ⌊n/2⌋, then κ′(G) = δ(G). My first thought was to construct a proof by contradiction, however, it ...
shrizzy's user avatar
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Minimum cost k-edge connected subgraph

I read somewhere that the problem of finding a k-edge connected spanning subgraph with the minimum number of edges is $ \mathcal{NP} $-hard in general. Is it the case for positive weighted graphs with ...
Bence's user avatar
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2-connected graphs that contain no even cycle have a very simple structure

I recently received as an exercise the statement « 2-connected graphs that contain no even cycle as a subgraph have a very simple structure. » I then had to describe that structure and prove it. I did ...
maitrehihois's user avatar
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Prove that we can turn a hypercube into a tree by deleting the correct number of edges

An $n$-dimensional hypercube has $n2^{n-1}$ edges, and a tree has $n-1$ edges where $n= |V|$, so I know we need to delete the difference of these 2 quantities if we wanted to obtain a tree. However, I ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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Euler's formula doesn't work for null graph?

Given the null graph with no edges or vertices, we have a connected planar graph as no edges cross when this graph is drawn in the plane, and the fact that any two distinct vertices have a path ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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The connectivity of a simple graph

Let $G = \langle V, E \rangle$ be a simple graph such that $|V| = 7$ and $|E| = 16$. Denote the number of G's components by $\alpha$. Is it necessary that $\alpha = 1$? I think that the statement is ...
X4J's user avatar
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Construct some special non-Hamiltonian graphs.

The following theorem is well known. Theorem 1. If $G$ is a graph containing a set $S \subset V(G)$ such that $G-S$ has more than $|S|$ components, then $G$ is not Hamiltonian. We know the converse of ...
licheng's user avatar
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An extremal problem concerning sizes and connectivity. [closed]

Inspired by this question, we can ask a more general question. Question 1. Let $G$ be a connected graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. Let $C$ be a cycle of $G$ such that after deleting all edges ...
licheng's user avatar
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Find a minimum 2-connected 5-regular non-Hamiltonian graph

Inspired by the post. According to this paper, there are $k$-connected $k$-regular non-Hamiltonian graphs for $k=4$ and $k \ge 8$ but the other cases are not shown there. Now I need to construct a 2-...
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