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Questions tagged [galerkin-methods]

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Evans - existence of parabolic PDE, why does $B(u_m,v)\to B(u,v)$?

In Evans book, chapter 7.1, he establishes existence of weak solutions of $$\partial_t u + Lu = f$$ where $L$ is a uniformly elliptic differential operator. He first shows that for any $m$, the ...
l'étudiant's user avatar
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Weak form FEM discretisation of Non-Linear System

I am trying to derive the FEM solution for the equation $u''(x) + \left( u'(x) \right)^2=0$ with $u(1)=0, u'(0)=1$ over the interval $[0, 1]$. Constrain the trial function, $v$, to also be zero at $x=...
Krys's user avatar
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Galerkin Method - Why does integration-by-parts eliminate need to enforce Neumann boundaries?

Disclaimer: I have not taken any class in functional analysis and the only class I have ever taken in differential equations is at the barest-bones introductory level. From what I know of the Galerkin ...
Timothy Leong's user avatar
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Seeking Insights: Partial Differential Equation and Galerkin Method

I'm trying to solve the evolution problem below using the standard Galerkin method: ...
elmas's user avatar
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Which subspaces are considered in the Bubnov-Galerkin method?

A PDE problem in the form $$−∇⋅(k(x)∇u)=f$$ can be expressed in the form $$Au=f$$ where the linear operator $A$ is defined by the expression $$Au=−∇⋅(k(x)∇u)$$ In the Bubnov-Galerkin method, $u$ is ...
Tomek Dobrzynski's user avatar
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purpose of interpolants in Galerkin methods

I am learning about the finite element method in an abstract Banach and Hilbert space setting, especially for an application to differential forms, and I am a bit lost on the big picture about the ...
christianl's user avatar
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Essential Boundary Condition and Natural Boundary Conditions in Weak Form Galerkin

Some days ago my teacher gave me a question about using weak form Galerkin to solve an ODE. I'm not so good at solving Differential Equations so I'm here asking for some help(By the way my English is ...
Puang Li's user avatar
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Matrix formulation to the BVP using galerkin method

Derive a matrix formulation to the BVP using galerkin method: \begin{align} \frac{\partial^2f}{dx^2}+\frac{\partial^2f}{dy^2}&=0\text{ within }A\in(0,2)\times(0,2)\\ f=0\text{ on }C_1&:x=0,y=\...
N00BMaster's user avatar
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Integrals for the the localized pyramid basis functions in Galerkin Method

I tried to show the following relations for the localized pyramid basis function $\phi_{i j}(x, y)=(1-|x| /$ $h)(1-|y| / h),|x|<h,|y|<h$, where $x$ and $y$ are measured from the site $(i, j)$. ...
Márquez Carranza Arturo Ariel's user avatar
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Why does my implementation of the galerkin method yield the correct values, but with inverted sign

I tried to implement the galerkin-method for the one dimensional poisson equation. I chose for the boundary conditions $$ u(0) = u(1) = 0 $$ and for the "source" term $f(x)$ $$ \frac{\...
Boiler4562's user avatar
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PDEs: Derive source term of discontinuous advection equation (DGFEM)

We are looking at the equation $$ \partial_t u+a(x) \partial_x u=g(x, t), \quad x \in[-2,2] $$ with $$ a(x)= \begin{cases}1.5 & |x| \leq 0.5 \\ 1 & \text { otherwise }\end{cases} $$ We are ...
Victor Hansen's user avatar
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Basis functions for Galerkin approximation of BVP

Given the following boundary-value problem (BVP) for $\lambda$: $$y^{(4)}+ay''+\lambda b y'+\lambda^2 y=0,\quad y=y(x),\quad 0\le x\le 1,\\ y(0)=y''(0)=y''(1)=y^{(3)}+ay'(1)=0$$ how can we ...
Trevor3's user avatar
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Numerical methods for $u_t+c u_x= \frac{-c}{x}u$?

I am looking for possible numerical methods to solve the PDE $$u_t+c u_x= \frac{-c}{x}u$$ for $u(x,t):\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ and where $c>0$ is a constant. I am particularly ...
NotaChoice's user avatar
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Can you describe the Galerkin numerical method to solve the wave equation?

How would you describe the Galerkin method to solving the wave equation $$u_{tt}= c^2\Delta u$$ to someone who wants to implement it immediately? More precisely, we want to solve the Cauchy problem $$...
NotaChoice's user avatar
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What part of the Galerkin method ensures a solution with accurate nodal values?

I graduated over a year ago as a mechanical/industrial engineer and I've recently been re-studying my last year engineering courses that focused on numerical methods for simulation, including the ...
Quertie's user avatar
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Finite elements method: why test fuction vanishes on boundaries

I am trying to understand why (and exactly when) the test functions must vanish at the boundaries when Dirichlet conditions are applied to a PDE. The context is the learning of the finite element ...
user1420303's user avatar
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Radial basis functions for spectral solution of PDE in spherical coordinates

I want to solve the following PDE defined in 3D-space and time: $(z \partial_t-F(t)\partial_z)f(t,\vec{x})+C[f]=S(t,z,r),$ where $r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}$ and $C[f]$ is a linear integral operator. The ...
Benoit's user avatar
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General non-FEM Galerkin, boundary conditions

Consider the weak form of our all-time favorite Poisson-equation, $$- \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v\, \mathrm{d} x = \int_{\Gamma}v \nabla u \cdot \mathrm{d}x +\int_{\Omega} fv\, \mathrm{d} ...
welahi's user avatar
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Conservation laws in the finite element method for domains with curved boundaries

Consider, for concreteness, the finite element (FE) method applied to stationary heat conduction in a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$. Let the heat flux (thermal energy per unit area and time) be ...
WaltherArgyris's user avatar
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Test function for Weak formulation

Can anybody give an elaborate explanation as to why we multiply a test function on both sides of the boundary value problem and then integrate it into the procedure of weak formulation? e.g A BVP $$ -\...
Art of Juking's user avatar
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Variational formulation using galerkin scheme

Consider the boundary problem $$ \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t}+ A^2 u+Af(u)+\lambda g(u)=0\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{ in }\ \ \ \Omega. $$ $$ \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial \nu}=\dfrac{\partial \Delta u}{\partial \...
Student's user avatar
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References for discontinuous Galerkin method with one dimensional case?

Could anyone recommend some references on discontinuous Galerkin method for beginners? It is nice to contain the one-dimensional case. Thanks in advance!
Yidong Luo's user avatar
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Chebyshev differentiation matrices and Galerkin method

I've been reading the "Spectral Methods in Matlab" by Lloyd N. Trefethen and I'm interested in solving PDE's with spectral methods. From what I understand this book gives us a method (at ...
Bidon's user avatar
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Finite-dimensional truncations of unbounded operators and resolvent convergence

Let $A$ be an unbounded self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, with domain $\mathrm{dom}\,A$, and consider a growing sequence $(P_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ of orthogonal projectors in $\...
Davide's user avatar
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Requirements for Korn's inequality on piecewise $H_1$ vector field

I am looking at the Korn's inequality on $H^1$ vector fields, as described in this paper by Brenner. In particular, I am looking at how the seminorms defined in examples 2.3 - 2.5 satisfy the ...
Quang Thinh Ha's user avatar
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Inequality between inner product of functions in dual space

I'm reading Brezzi's paper on DG method and is currently puzzled on how equations (5.7) is used to derive equation (5.8). Further searches lead me to learning that the space defined $\mathbf{V}'$ is ...
Quang Thinh Ha's user avatar
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Help deriving a Fourier-Galerkin approximation for a variable coefficient partial differential equation

I've been trying to derive a Fourier-Galerkin approximation of \begin{equation} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \sin(x) \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 0 \end{equation} But I'm not sure that my steps ...
Rage's user avatar
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Galerkin method for system of ode's

I have the following system of ode's $$ \begin{cases} \frac{du_1}{dx}=u_1+u_2,\\ \frac{du_2}{dx}=u_1u_2 \end{cases} $$ BCS $$\frac{du_1}{dx}|_{x=0}=1,\frac{du_2}{dx}|_{x=1}=2 $$ $$x \in\Omega=[0,1]$$ ...
John G.'s user avatar
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Galerkin method for nonlinear ode

I'm trying to solve the following differential equation: $$\frac{d^2u}{dx^2}=\frac{du}{dx}u+u^2+x$$ $$x \in \Omega=[0,1]$$ $$BCS:u|_{x=0}=1;\frac{du}{dx}|_{x=1}=1$$ You can see that the right side ...
John G.'s user avatar
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Solving 1D Poisson equation using finite element method and understanding the Galerkin orthogonality

Let's consider the following test problem $$ u'' = 12x^2 - 36x + 18 \qquad u(0) = u(3) = 0 $$ Analytical solution is $$ u(x) = (x-3)^2 x^2 $$ I'm solving this using the finite element method, ...
Jukka Aho's user avatar
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FEM: Steady-State heat diffusion and convection

So the strong form of the heat diffusion and convection PDE is given as $\rho c_m \mathbf{v}\cdot\nabla T - \nabla \cdot \nabla T = \dot{q}\\ T(\mathbf{x},t) = T_e(\mathbf{x},t)~~~ on ~~~\Gamma_e ~~~~...
Phobos's user avatar
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How to solve this simple nonlinear ODE using the Galerkin's Method

I'm trying to solve a more complicated differential equation using the Galerkin's Method, but before that, I'm trying to understand how I would solve this simpler one: $$ \cfrac{d^2u}{dx^2} + u^2 = 1;...
leo.b.'s user avatar
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Galerkin approximation for an elliptic BVP

What is the process for deducing Galerkin approximation for an elliptic boundary value problem? For example, for a problem like-- $$ -\Delta u + cu = f\ \ \mathrm{in}\ Ω $$ $$ u = g\ \ \mathrm{on}\ ...
Tariqul Dipu's user avatar
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RK4 gives nan for finite element galerkin method with 8+ basis

Exact Solution = $e^t \sin(\pi(x)) $ $f(x,t) = e^t(1-\beta \pi^2)\sin(\pi(x))$ $H = 1/N$ $ \phi_0 = (H - x)/H \hspace{5mm} in \hspace{5mm} [0, H] \hspace{5mm} else \hspace{5mm} 0 $ $ \phi_N = (x - ...
VISHESH MANGLA's user avatar
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Using finite element galerkin to solve the heat equation (homogeneous bcs)

I 'm trying to solve the 4 types of heat equations homogeneous linear, non-homogeneous and non linear. This is the code that I have written for linear homogeneous case for beta = -1 and N of your ...
VISHESH MANGLA's user avatar
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Singular matrix for solving Helmholtz PDE with Neumann boundary condition

I am trying to solve the Helmholtz PDE $-\nabla^2u + u = f \quad \text{on} \; \Omega$ with homogeneous Neumann boundary condition $\partial_n u = 0 \; \text{on} \; \partial \Omega$. I noted that an ...
Adi279's user avatar
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Orthogonal projection in $L^2(\Omega)$ and $W_{0}^{1,2}(\Omega)$

While stydying the proof of the existence theorem for weak solutions for parabolic equations using the Galerkin approximation I encountered the following problem: Assume that $\Omega \subseteq {\...
jenda358's user avatar
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Existence of Galerkin Approximation for Navier-Stokes equations

In some existence proof for the stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations I came across the following Lemma: For $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, $\psi _k \in C_c^\infty(\Omega)$ for $k=1,...,m$...
jason paper's user avatar
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Scope of (Petrov-)Galerkin methods

(I acknowledge that this question is somewhat conceptual, as I'm not an expert in the subject.) I would like to understand what the general consensus is in the numerical analysis community on when to ...
user431632's user avatar
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Galerkin Method - Beam Natural Modes

I try to solve Euler-Bernoulli Beam with Galerkin method, being clamped at one side and being free at the other to find the natural frequencies of vibration. I assume the solution field as follows ...
nicomedian's user avatar
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What is the difference between trial and test functions in the context of numerical integration?

I know that in, for example, Galerkin's method we try to approximate the solution via a sum $$ \sum_{j=1}^{n} u_{j} a\left(e_{j}, e_{i}\right) $$ with $a\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle$ a bilinear form ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Stiffness Matrix Formation for PDE with Neumann Boundary

Given the problem $$-\nabla u + u = f$$ $$ n\cdot\nabla u = g \quad\text{on} \quad \Gamma$$ I can show the discretization given through the Galerkin formulation is $Au=b$ where $$ A = \int_\Omega \...
Infinitus's user avatar
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Why the Galerkin Orthogonality Holds?

This is not homework. I'm going over my lecture notes to study for an exam. For an Abstract Elliptic Problem such as the problem with V a Hilbert Space $$\begin{cases} \text{Find } u \in V \text{ ...
Not a chance's user avatar
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About Finite Elements Method and stabilization using Upwind Scheme

I'm asking here cause I have a doubt about approximate solution of this problem: \begin{equation} \begin{cases}-\epsilon u''+bu'=0 \\ u(0) = 0, u(1)=1 \end{cases} \end{equation} which is a diffusion ...
James Arten's user avatar
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How Young inequality was applied?

Let $|\cdot|$ a norm in $L^2$ and $\|\cdot\|$ a norm in $H_0^1$. Then $\begin{align} &|u_h^n|^2 + 2 \theta \Delta t h^{-1} |u_h^n|\|u_h^{n+\theta}\| |u_h^{n+ \theta} - u_h^n| +2 \theta \Delta t |...
João Paulo Andrade's user avatar
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Courant (1943) and History of Finite Element Method

I am interested in the history of Finite Element Methods and Methods of Weighted Residuals (MWR), especially reduced quadrature and collocation methods. I have a paper coming out called “Orthogonal ...
L. Young's user avatar
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FEM: Testing basis functions in a subspace V_h

In the finite element method, at a certain point we arrive at the following Galerkian problem where it is desired to find the solution $u_h \space \in V_h$ that solves the following equation: $$ a(...
Antonio Silvestre's user avatar
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Finite element method for nonlinear differential equation

I encounter this problem $$\frac{df(u(x))}{dx} = g(x)$$ with $$u(0) = u(1) = 0$$ I first convert it to weak form $f(u(x))v(x)]^1_0 - \int^{1}_0 \frac{dv(x)}{dx}f(u(x))dx =- \int^{1}_0 \frac{dv(x)}{dx}...
metricspace's user avatar
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Why of this bound $||u_{m0}|| \leq ||u_0||$, where $u_{m0}$ is a projection of $u_0$?

I'm dealing with Navier-Stokes equations, using the book of Teman. Theres a bound of a projection of a function that i didn't understood, so i will introduce the main concepts with i am dealing with. ...
João Paulo Andrade's user avatar
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Flux Limiter for 2D Discontinuous Galerkin FEM

I want to learn about implementing convection-diffusion simulations using discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element methods to solve $$ \dfrac{\partial c}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \mathbf{J}, $$ ...
cellTransformer's user avatar