Questions tagged [error-propagation]

For questions on propagation of errors.

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8 votes
3 answers

Local vs global truncation error

I was reading about local and global truncation error, and, I must be honest, I'm not really getting the idea of the two and what's the difference. Lets focus on the forward Euler method in ...
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2 answers

Loss of significance in $a-b$

When we have two given numbers $a$ and $b$ ,if $a$ is really close to $b$,when performing $ a - b$ , we lose many significant figures,and the relative error gets really big. But why care about the ...
ArminAshrafi's user avatar
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1 answer

Rounding error of trapezoidal method

I'm working with the Modified Euler method sometimes called Heun's method or explicit trapezoidal method. I have a book on ordinary differential equations numerical analysis that claims: The effect ...
user1868607's user avatar
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Discrepancy in value of $\int_0^\frac\pi2 \delta(\tan(t)-xt)dt$

The goal would have been for the smallest positive solution of $y\cot(y)=x$ using a Dirac $\delta(x)$ Fourier series and the Bateman function: $$y\cot(y)=x\mathop\implies^?\frac1{\sec^2(y)-x}=\int_0^\...
Тyma Gaidash's user avatar
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1 answer

Error propagation, why use variences?

I have been reading up on error propagation and am slightly confused about something. We can the error in $c=f(a,b)$ as the: $$\sigma(c)= f_a \sigma_a+f_b \sigma _b$$ Firstly is this correct and am I ...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
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Find variance of random variable $W\cos\theta+L\sin\theta$ where $L,W,\theta$ are normal random variables. Uncertainty propagation problem.

I have three variables - these are length ($L$), width ($W$) and angle ($\theta$). Each has a known mean and variance. $\theta$ is independent, but $L$ and $W$ are correlated, and I know their ...
Mike Woods's user avatar
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2 answers

Simpson's Rule for IVP. Truncation Error proof

Edit: replaced all c's with y's as the c just denotes replacing a series of coupled linear equations Ay with uncoupled equations $\Lambda c$ no biggie. Im working through the lecture notes for a ...
Alex Byasse's user avatar
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2 answers

What does it mean to calculate a number to $n$ decimals of exactness.

I was asked to numerically calculate Bessel functions for certain points and report their values to "6 decimal places of exactness". I did this in matlab and there's no truncate function, so I was ...
ben ari's user avatar
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Is $\approx$ an equivalence relation? If $\approx$ is transitive, then does the error inherent in the approximation accumulate?

I was doing some physics calculations that involved approximations such as the small-angle approximation. I then started to wonder about how the relation $\approx$ can be used in comparison to the ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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2 answers

Propagation of error for an integral using Leibnitz' rule

I'm computing integrals $u_i$, where $$u_i = \int_a^b s^i G(s) ds$$ and $a$ and $b$ are constants. Now I want to estimate the error in $u_i$; I have estimates for the error $\sigma_G$ of $G$, and ...
Oliver's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I simulate uncertainty propagation

I am learning about uncertainty propagation, but it is all very obscure and I am not sure I understand it very well. I have a couple of exercises, but I want to run some simulations just to make sure ...
user17004502's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Calculating Covariance. (Multiplication of Two Covariance Matrices)

I have an equation T3=T1*T2 where T is 3*3 Transformation matrix representing position of an object in 3D. Now each of these position has some error in the form of 3*3 covariance matrix i-e ∑. My ...
Abu Bakr's user avatar
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Inverse Propagation of Uncertainty

Can any one help me find a reference under the title of " Inverse Propagation of Uncertainty". I am starting a research on this topic after I had studied the forward propagation of uncertainty. ...
Nizar's user avatar
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3 answers

Calculate uncertainty of sine function result

I have an angle given in degrees: $$\theta_{\min} = 63^{\circ} \pm 0.5^{\circ}$$ I need to calculate it's sine and still know the uncertainty of the value: $$n = 2\sin(\theta_{\min}) = 1....
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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1 answer

Minimum error in floating point approximation of an elementary function.

I need a confirmation of a thing that probably is silly. Let $x$ a floating point number representable using $e$ bits for exponent and $m$ bits for mantissa, let $f$ a be an elementary function, you ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Order of error of a fraction

If two functions can be written as the sum of some expression and an error term of higher orders of error $\epsilon$: $$f(x+\epsilon)=f_0(x,\epsilon)+O(\epsilon^m)\quad \text{ and} \quad g(x+\epsilon)...
user175622's user avatar
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1 answer

Proving the relative error of division.

The problem says to show that the relative error for division on a computer is \begin{align}\textrm{Rel}\left(\frac{x_{A}}{y_{A}}\right)&=\frac{\textrm{Rel}(x_{A})-\textrm{Rel}(y_{A})}{1-\textrm{...
BMEdwards37's user avatar