Questions tagged [discrete-time]

For questions related to discrete time. Discrete time views values of variables as occurring at distinct, separate "points in time", or equivalently as being unchanged throughout each non-zero region of time ("time period")—that is, time is viewed as a discrete variable.

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11 votes
3 answers

What are the lines on a Bifurcation Diagram?

Here is the Bifurcation Diagram for the logistic map $x_{n+1}=rx_{n}(1-x_{n})$: And here is an enlargement of a particular section What are the faded lines that appear in the dark sections of the ...
Plato's user avatar
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What is the name of this interval operation?

I have encountered an basic operation on a set of intervals which I think should have a common name and be in textbooks. Unfortunately, my searches have turned up empty. Imagine you have a set of ...
Hans van der Laan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Conditional probability for path calculation in a markov chain model

This question extends a previous question I asked with respect to the markov chain model. I post another question here since I'm trying to follow the Stack Exchange's guidelines. So, based on the ...
nimen55290's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Issue with IDTFT (Inverse Discrete Time Fourier Transform) of a periodic impulse train

I'm working through examples in Oppenheim and Willsky's Signals and Systems 2nd Edition, and I'm having trouble with taking the Discrete Time Inverse Fourier Transform of a periodic impulse train ...
Researcher R's user avatar
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1 answer

Transitional probabilities in a markov chain model

Just for the sake of providing some context, I'm dealing with the following: Alice's smartphone plan includes a voicemail service with a maximum storage capacity of two voice messages. On a daily ...
nimen55290's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to find the time for a treatment when counting the difference of pills taken?

The problem is as follows: Louis took three and a half type $A$ pills every twelve hours and a half type $B$ pills every $6$ hours. He did this until the difference in the number of pills taken was $...
Chris Steinbeck Bell's user avatar