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Questions tagged [discrete-logarithms]

For questions related to the discrete logarithm problem; modulo $p$, in finite fields, over elliptic curves, or in an abstract group.

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discrete logarithm over finite fields

Computing the discrete logarithm of a general field element $\beta \in \mathbb{F}_q$ with respect to a primitive $\alpha$ is generally an NP-intermediate problem. However, is there any non-trivial ...
CLAUDE's user avatar
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Removing vertices from rooted tree to make it balanced

The question says, what is the least number of vertices that must be deleted from T to yield a balanced tree. The correct answer is 1. But how, i see the graph is already balanced and doesn’t need ...
kic srx's user avatar
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Discrete Logarithm Problem with Additional Information

Let $p = 2 m {q^2} + 1$ be a prime, where $m$ is a smooth integr and $q$ be any odd prime, and ${g_1},{g_2},h$ be primitive elements of ${\mathbb{F}_p}$ where are related by $${g_1}^{{x_1}} = h\,\,...
RuhAllah37's user avatar
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Seeking for an algebraic proof of a problem of number theory

This is a problem in a test stands as a simulation of the NCEE (the college entrance examination of China), it starts by giving a definition of the discrete log: Let $p$ be a prime number, and let $X=\...
Dylech30th's user avatar
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Proof that you can solve the discrete logarithm problem given the period of a certain function.

Given $q$ a prime number , $a$ a primitive root modulo $q$ and $b=a^x \pmod q$. The discrete logarithm problem is to find $x$ (specifically the smallest positive integer $x$ for which the previous ...
Omeglac's user avatar
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discrete_log in elliptic curve torsion basis using sage

I want to solve a discrete log problem on elliptic curve using sagemath. Given a basis of E[D], denoted as P and Q. How to solve aP + bQ = R where R is a point of order D.
matthew's user avatar
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Given a modulus p, two primitive roots and the two products of the modular exponentiation attained by swapping the exponents: find the exponents.

Given a prime $p$, two of its primitive roots $(h_1, h_2)$, $A_1=(h_1^xh_2^y) \mod p,$ $A_2=(h_1^yh_2^x) \mod p$, find $(x,y)$. How can it be solved? Example: $p=23$, $(h_1=2, h_2=3)$, $A_1=(2^x3^y) \...
Fabbrini's user avatar
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Solving Discrete logarithm Problem ($6^x=112\!\!\!\mod\!\!151$) from given equation

I'm trying to solve the discrete logarithm problem $6^x\equiv112\!\!\!\mod\!\!151.$ I am given that $6^{72}\cdot112^{65}\equiv112^{136} \!\!\!\mod\!\!151$ I then calculate from this equation that $6^{...
Sebastian Sigurdarson's user avatar
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How do you solve a discrete logarithm $𝑎^𝑥≡𝑏\pmod n$ when $\gcd(𝑎,𝑛)≠1$?

I am trying to solve the discrete logarithm using the baby-step giant-step algorithm which requires the computation of $a^{-1}$ by using the set of substitutions to reduce it to a case where $\gcd(a, ...
nickponline's user avatar
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On Factoring and Discrete Logarithms in $\mathbb{F}_p$

Suppose $n$ is an integer with factorization $n = ab$, and $a, b$ unknown and not necessarily prime. From this point forward, assume that we are free to choose $p$. Let $g$ denote a primitive element ...
vvg's user avatar
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A question on Zech's Logarithm

I was reading the chapter on Discrete logarithms over finite fields in Handbook of Finite fields, specifically this online reference to the chapter on discrete logs. In Remark 11.6.10 (reproduced ...
vvg's user avatar
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Find $g^y$ in discrete log problem

If I have g = primitive root and p = prime number such that: X = $g^x$ mod p Y = $X^y$ mod p I know the values of g, p, X, Y. Can I calculate $g^y$ without knowing x? How do I do that? For example: ...
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Why is it said that it's difficult to solve for $k$ in $b^k=a$ as a discrete log problem?

I was looking up a tutorial that talked about the finite field and discrete log problem. It's said that solving for $k$ in $b^k=a$ is a problem that is difficult. The example given was: What power do ...
xenon's user avatar
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Assuming secp256k1 curve and given fixed (but random) $h$ and $d$ values, is it possible to calculate a $k$ such that $h\equiv(k\,G)_X\,(k-d)\pmod n$?

For generator point $G$ in the secp256k1 curve, I want to find a value $k$ such that: $$h\equiv(k\,G)_X\,(k-d)\pmod n$$ where $n$ is the group order, and $(k\,G)_X$ indicates the x-coordinate (mod n) ...
J. Smitherson's user avatar
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How hard the discrete logarithm Problem modulo P is

I actually have two questions related to how hard the discrete logarithm problem is. In the two questions, I will use the following notation for the DLP: $g^x\equiv h \pmod{p}$, where $p$ is a prime, ...
Hesham Abdelgawad's user avatar
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Discrete Logarithm Problem as Period finding of a function

The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) : Find $b$ knowing $s,a$ and $p$ such that $$b=a^s\mod p$$ where $p$ is a prime number and $a$ is a generator of the group defined by $p$. It is stated that the ...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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Discrete logarithm method to send keys.

In my criptography course I was given the following exercise: ElGamal proposed the following digital signature scheme using discrete logarithms over a field $\mathbb{F}_p$, where $p$ is a large prime. ...
Marcos's user avatar
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When can baby-step giant-step algorithm not be used to solve a DLP?

I'm trying to understand when there is a solution to the general DLP: given a, b, and n find ...
nickponline's user avatar
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I want to make sure that this is right with respect to the cardinality

Consider the following sets: $A=\{0,1\}$, $B=\{\{0,1\}\}$ and $C=A\cup B$. Enumerate the following sets and report their cardinality: No. 1: $2^C$ No. 2: $C\times C$ (cross-product) No. 1: $\{\},\{0\},...
Mustang 5.0's user avatar
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Solving for $x$ in discrete logarithm [closed]

$$9 = 2^x \text{ mod } 11$$ How do you use a calculator to obtain this value? The $x$ is an integer. Used in Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm.
Grace Mathew's user avatar
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Mistake in pollard rho method for discrete logarithm

I'm reading about pollard rho's algorithm for computating the discrete log. To comprehend the algorithm, I do a concrete example, but obviously I'm making a mistake. In general: Let $G = \langle g \...
ATW's user avatar
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Is generator order the only factor in the hardness of DLP?

We are studying discrete logarithms and how they are used in cryptography. When working in $\mathbb{Z}_{p}^*$ I understand the importance of using a safe prime as the modulus so as to avoid being able ...
XRBtoTheMOON's user avatar
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Discrete logarithm problem: does the base have to be a generator of Z?

$\mathbb{Z}_p$ under multiplication, p=13, Z={1,…12} I need to find the discrete logarithm of base 5 to 8: So essentially $5^x \equiv 8 \pmod{13}$ From what I read the base must be a generator of $\...
Ietpt123's user avatar
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What does "underlying field" mean in the context of groups?

I read a statement in this answer which said "In conics, the discrete logarithm problem of this group (conics) is no more difficult than the discrete logarithm over the underlying field". ...
user93353's user avatar
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Discrete logarithm problem in base 10. When is it of a very special form?

Doing some personal research I just stumbled upon this problem: Given an integer $m\in \mathbb{Z}$ that is coprime to 10, I am interested in whether or not there exists an integer $n\in\mathbb{Z}$ ...
DondeEs's user avatar
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A simple congruent equation $3^a\equiv1+b\mod m$ [closed]

I come across a simple congruent equation as follows: let $m\geq 10$ be an integer.It is not a power of $3$. Then how can we find some $a$ and $b$ (they are integers) such that $$3^a\equiv1+b\pmod{m},...
1011's user avatar
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Rewriting logarithms

I am trying to understand the lower bound of a Bloom filter and want to know how this rewriting is possible from this article (page 6-7 (or 490)). If $$m\geq n\mathrm{log}_2(1/\epsilon)$$ is some ...
hello_moto's user avatar
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Discrete Logarithm Problem used in currently used cryptosystems

Is it incorrect to say "Many important algorithms in public-key cryptosystems used at present have their security based on the assumption that the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) over some ...
Hasini's user avatar
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Baby-Step-Giant-Step transformation Question

In most texts, the BSGS Algorithm solves $$g^x = b \bmod p$$ for x by rewriting the expression to $$g^{jm+i} = b \bmod p$$ then do: $$g^i = b(g^{-m})^j \bmod p$$ This requires to compute the inverse ...
taomii's user avatar
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Can you explain this relation between finite fields and circles?

Let $p$ be a prime such that $p \bmod 4 = 1$, so there exists some $i=\sqrt{-1}$ in $\mathbb{F}_p$. Furthermore, let $r \in \mathbb{N}$ be the radius of a circle such that there are $p-1$ lattice ...
Robin's user avatar
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Definition of minus power in cyclic group

I am trying to understand Schnorr signature scheme, and in the text book there is the following computetion: $$g^s\cdot y^{-r}\stackrel{?}{=}I$$ The context is cyclic groups, and $g$ is a generator of ...
Ran Eldan's user avatar
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Semaev's attack - strange step?

Semaev's elliptic curve discrete logarithm calculation algorithm (paper) has such first steps: given P and Q = nP, q - field modulo, E = EllipticCurve(GF(q), [a,b]) # y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b ...
kiyama's user avatar
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Unable to understand the final step in Pohlig-Hellman algorithm to solve the Discrete Log Problem

To solve for $x$ $2^x \equiv 41 \mod 211$ $\phi(p) = p - 1 = 210 =$ Solving by Pohlig-Hellman, we get to $x \equiv 3 \mod 7$ $x \equiv 2 \mod 5$ $x \equiv 2 \mod 3$ $x \equiv 1 \mod 2$ Then ...
user93353's user avatar
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What is the name of this method?

I have been doing some research into discrete log problem in the form of $$f(x) = g^{\operatorname{floor}(x)} \; \text{mod } p.$$ Interestingly I found that there is a function $t(x)$ where $t(f(x))= ...
Fred's user avatar
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Domain of function $x^{1/2}$

What different of 2 function: $\sqrt{x}$ and $x^{1/2}$? Why domain of $\sqrt{x}$ is $x \ge 0$ but domain of $x^{1/2}$ is $x>0$?
Khanh Mai's user avatar
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Integrating $\int_0^\infty \frac{\ln t}{t^2+a^2}\,dt$ with residue theorem. [duplicate]

I want to calculate $$\int_0^\infty \frac{\ln t}{t^2+a^2}\,dt$$ using the Residue Theorem. The contour I want to use is almost the upper half circle of radius $R$, but going around $0$ following a ...
mat_fun's user avatar
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First and second derivative of a function log*(n) ("log star").

I would like to ask what are the derivative values (first and second) of a function "log star": $f(n) = \log^*(n)$? I want to calculate some limit and use the De'l Hospital property, so that'...
Wojciech Szlosek's user avatar
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In $Z_{p^e}^*$, why is $p$-adic presentation of $x = \sum_{i=0}^{e-1} x_i p^{i}$, why is $g^{p_e(x_1 + \dots + x_{e_1} p^{e-2})} = 1$

During studying for a cryptography course, I encountered the following formula in a section about calculating discrete logarithm in a group $\mathbb{Z}_n^*$. Assume that $n= p^e$ for some prime. Let $...
BlockchainThomas's user avatar
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Parity of discrete logarithms is independent of base

By "parity" I mean the residue with respect to modulus 2, that is simply even or odd. The problem is stated as follows: "Assume p is an odd prime, suppose $r_1$ and $r_2$ are primitive ...
Anna Naden's user avatar
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Determine dlog in quotient rings of polynomial rings

Question: Determine $\operatorname{dlog}_x (x^2 + 1)$ in $\Bbb Z_5[x]/\langle\,x^3 + x + 1\,\rangle$ So I know the elements of $F = \Bbb Z_5[x]/\langle\,x^3 + x + 1\,\rangle $ are of the form $ax^2 +...
Ankit Kumar's user avatar
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Definition of finite field with fixed characteristic

In this article Discrete logarithms in quasi-polynomial time in finite fields of fixed characteristic the term finite fields of fixed characteristic is not defined and I couldn't find it on the ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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What is discrete logarithm?

Can someone help me out with explaining what discrete logarithm is in layman's term. Here's the Wikipedia article:
Dave Kent 's user avatar
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How to find this discrete limit?

While proving some discrete Hardy-type inequalities I tried to prove the following limit for non-negative sequence $a(n)$ and $p>1$ $$\lim_{p\rightarrow1}\frac{1}{p-1}\left[\sum_{n=1}^{r}a(n)^{p}-\...
Ramy's user avatar
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Hardness to solve DL-Problem

I was wondering why some groups provide more security to cryptosystems relying on DL-Problem. It is not clear to me wether it is just due to the known attacks or if there are some other reasons. So ...
Newbie1234567's user avatar
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Can I find the exponent of a matrix given only a vector and its image?

here is my problem : Given a $GL(m,2)$ matrix $A$, and $x,y$ two non-zero $F_2$ vectors of length $m$ with the premise that $y = x(A^n)$ for some positive integer $n$. The goal is to find n. Is it ...
Cyrius Nugier's user avatar
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Finding discrete logarithm of composite numbers

I started to learn discete logarithm the definition says that:suppose that "p" is a prime number , "r" is a primitive root (modulo p) and "a" is an integer between "1 and p-1" inclusive.If r^e (...
Not a Salmon Fish's user avatar
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When will the random bit sequence start to repeat in pseudo random number generator

Let's say we have the Blum-Micali pseudorandom number generator. from wikipedia: Let $p$ be an odd prime, and let $g$ be a primitive root modulo $p$. Let $x_0$ be a seed, and let $x_{i+1} = g^{x_i}\ ...
BlueMango's user avatar
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how would I solve $22$ ≡ $5^a$ mod $23$ for $ a$?

I need to solve $22$ ≡ $5^a$ mod $23$ for $a$. I am new to discrete logarithms, and I'm confused how to go about this. I tried using the baby step giant step algorithm approach but I'm still unsure
boxcut's user avatar
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Hard problems that do not require predefined parameters

(A) Is the following problem hard (i.e. no known solution in polynomial time)? For large values of $N$ and $M$ (e.g. $N \ge 4096$, $M \ge 130$), find values for $g,x,c,p$ and $q$ such that: $ g^x \...
Iyad's user avatar
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Extending "the ring of exponents" from $\Bbb{Z}$ to that which contains a solution to $4^x - 3 = 0 \pmod 5$?

Let $R = \Bbb{Z}/5\Bbb{Z}$ be the ring of integers modulo $5$. Then $4^x = 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, \dots$ as $x$ ranges over $\Bbb{Z}$. Thus $4^x = 3$ and $4^x = 2$ have no solution $x \in \Bbb{Z}$. ...
Debug's user avatar
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