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Questions tagged [descriptive-complexity]

a subfield of computational complexity. Instead of creating a program, logical operators, like quantifiers and least fixed point, are used to categorize problems

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Inexpressibility results in $FO+LFP$

When we want to prove that some property is not expressible in certain logic, we often use EF-game or it's variants to show this result in finite model theory. for example, we can show that ...
deopen's user avatar
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Kolmogorov Complexity and Compression Schemes

My question concerns strings with low Kolmogorov Complexities and if there is a single compression scheme that can be used to compress them I have been introduced to Kolmogorov Complexity through ...
Anwar's user avatar
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Has it been proven that second order statements cannot be computed in polynomial time? Can some statements be proven to only be second order expresibl

I have read about the Immerman Vardi theorem and I do not understand what the implications fully are. Does it say that second order logic cannot be expressible in polynomial time? Or merely that all ...
Johnny95849's user avatar
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How To Get Subset Behavior In A Sum?

I'm studying a process where I am having to take a sum of integrals across parallelograms with various offsets based on sums of powers of $\frac{1}{3}$. So for instance, at Level $k=2$ of the process, ...
JavamonkYT's user avatar
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Applications of Model Theory and Category Theory

Do Model Theory and Category Theory have applications in solving Complexity and Game Theory problems in computer science? I am looking for an example of these...(If there is any...)
user850424's user avatar
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Number of possible boolean functions in a DAG of lookup tables?

A K-input lookup table (K-LUT) can represent any function with K boolean inputs and a single boolean output. The number of possible functions represented by this LUT is $2^{2^K}$ according to this ...
mohsaied's user avatar
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Show that set of words in NP

Let 𝐴 ∈ NP. How can I show that the set of all cyclic permutations of words from 𝐴 also lies in NP The issue I have with this task is that I cannot understand the correlation of cyclic permutation ...
Michael's user avatar
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Coarsenings of the topology on $2^\omega$ with $F_\sigma$ (sub)base

Motivation: I am interested in computational representations of topological spaces which are particularly "explicit", in the somewhat vague sense that we can specify everything we care about ...
Robin Saunders's user avatar
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Complexity of formulae involving projective sets in Polish spaces

I am no expert in descriptive set theory, but for some reason want to estimate the complexity of a certain formula. The framework. Let be $F$ a projective set in the Polish space $X=\mathbb R^{\...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Does ((L=NP) and (PH=PSPACE)) imply (FO=SO)? Is (L=/=NP) or (PH=/=PSPACE)?

First-order logic with a commutative, transitive closure operator added yields SL, which equals L, problems solvable in logarithmic space. [1] L = FO with commutative transitive closure operator. ...
Jesus is Lord's user avatar
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Computing the Sum of Log n Bits in First Order Logic

I have read the so-called Bit-Sum Lemma from Neil Immerman. "Descriptive Complexity" (Lemma 1.18) and from Barrington, Immerman and Straubing. "On uniformity within $NC^1$" (Lemma 7.2) but I am ...
Ioannis Kokkinis's user avatar
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algebras for extensions of FO and existential SO

As cylindric algebra is the algebraization of FO with equality: How can be this algebra extended s.t. ESO is captured by it, e.g. how to algebraize quantifications of relation variables? How can one ...
user23657's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an algorithmic complexity measure that strikes a balance between regularity and randomness of a string?

If my understanding is correct, Kolmogorov complexity would assign the highest value (description length) to a totally random string, such as: abewdwflkweoasfksalsfnlka the lowest value to a ...
Alex Kinman's user avatar
4 votes
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Any examples of exact calculation of Kolmogorov Complexity??

First question: It is known that Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) is not computable (systematically). I would like to know if there are any "real-world" examples-applications where the KC has been computed ...
Robert_Lewis's user avatar
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How many different graphs of order $n$ are there?

I'm interested in all four combinations: directed and undirected, cyclic and acyclic. I'm having trouble calculating how big the complexity gets as you add more nodes to a graph. Clearly, the number ...
Mark Rosenblitt-Janssen's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is algebra with the most structure? [closed]

If you agree that complex numbers are more "complicated" than real numbers, and quaternions are more "complicated" then the complex numbers. What currently known is the most complicated algebra? I ...
zooby's user avatar
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Proof complexity and computational complexity

What is the relation between proof complexity and computational complexity (Turning machine)? Is there any reference around these stuff?
abc's user avatar
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The problem $K(x) \le K(y)$ is not decidable for Kolmogorov complexity $K$

Let $X$ be some finite alphabet. Given $(x,y) \in X^{\ast}\times X^{\ast}$, how to show that $K(x) \le K(y)$ is not decidable? I know that $K(x) \le k$ for some fixed $k$ is not decidable, so I tried ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Each recursive approximating sequence for Kolmogorov complexity is not uniform

Denote the plain Kolmogorov complexity by $C(x)$. Let $\phi(t,x)$ be a recursive function and $\lim_{t\to\infty} \phi(t,x) = C(x)$ for all $x$. For each $t$ define $\psi_t(x) := \phi(t,x)$ for all $...
StefanH's user avatar
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Kolmogorov complexity of substring if string is divided according to rule

Denote the plain Kolmogorov complexity of a string $u$ by $C(u)$. Now let $u$ be a string of length $n$ with $C(u) \ge n - O(1)$ and suppose $u = u_1 \cdots u_{\log n}$, a subdivision of the string. ...
StefanH's user avatar
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On Kolmogorov complexity of first and last half of a string

Denote by $C(x)$ the plain Kolmogorov complexity of $x$ and let $x$ satisfy $C(x) \ge n - O(1)$ with $n = |x|$. If $x = yz$ with $|y| = |z|$ show that $C(y), C(z) \ge n/2 - O(1)$. Any ideas how to ...
StefanH's user avatar
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What to study to learn descriptive complexity?

I have an assignment to study the descriptive complexity of a given device that is described with some algebra and informal statements. I have a background in computer engineering but I haven't ...
ivarec's user avatar
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Basic questions about descriptive complexity

I'm trying to learn descriptive complexity, and I'm having trouble on a basic level wrapping my head around what it means for a logical formula to define a computational language. I've tried and ...
GMB's user avatar
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A question on Kolmogorov Complexity

Is it true that for all strings of a given length at least one has its Kolmogorov complexity equal to its length ? Is there a proof if the answer is in affirmative? (For any alphabet with more than ...
ARi's user avatar
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"linear order" in descriptive complexity description of class P

In the presence of linear order, first-order logic with a least fixed point operator gives P, the problems solvable in deterministic polynomial time. So, what does "linear order" mean here?
mars's user avatar
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LFP - shortest path problem

Curious question: Can anyone show me how to describe shortest path problem using LFP + first order logic? I am just getting lost on how to describe the problem, though I know that LFP + first-order ...
user27515's user avatar
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