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Questions tagged [computer-algebra-systems]

A computer algebra system (CAS) is a program which is able to carry out various symbolic manipulations with mathematical expressions. Some well-known computer-algebra systems are Mathematica, Maple, Wolfram Alpha, GAP, SAGE. Questions on this site about computer algebra systems should be mathematical in nature, and not just about the syntax or the mechanics of the CAS. Otherwise the question would be better suited for a different Stack Exchange site.

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References on a variant of Geometric Calculus

Geometric algebra and (standard) calculus, when synthesized, give rise to geometric calculus, a very powerful formalism. I have read a bit about fractional calculus and time-scale calculus, both very ...
user50793's user avatar
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How to tell WolfranAlpha that variables given in the equation are positive integers? [closed]

This question is similar to one here, but it's not the same. So, I want to ask WolframAlpha with math input (I don't know natural language) if the following identity holds (of course it does, it's a ...
1213288's user avatar
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Normal Basis using complex coefficients in SageMath [closed]

The following code does not work with complex coefficients: ...
Anakin Dey's user avatar
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How can I declare a ring in Singular CAS with variable names coming from a list of strings?

The following code constructs a list of strings list l = ("x1", "x2", "x3"); Now I want to declare a ring with variables ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Algorithm to determine closedness of orbits?

Consider a reductive group $G$ acting on an affine variety $X$. It is known that for every $x\in X$, we have $G.x\subseteq\overline{G.x}$ is open dense. Then $\partial({G.x})\subseteq X$ is a closed ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Algorithm computing invariants of $\mathrm{SL}(2)\curvearrowright\mathbb{A}^5$.

Consider a field $\Bbbk$ of characteristic zero. The natural action $\mathrm{SL}(2)\curvearrowright\Bbbk^2$ induces an action on $\Bbbk^5\cong\mathrm{Sym}^4(\Bbbk^2)$. View $\Bbbk^5$ as the affine ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Solve 1 Exponential Equation With 3 Initial Conditions [closed]

I have an exponential equation, $$ \begin{align} y = A - Be^{kx} \end{align} $$ where $(x,y) = (0,3500)$, $(x,y) = (6600,100)$, and $(x,y) = (6000,1000)$ are the initial conditions (IC). I tried ...
innating's user avatar
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How to break symmetry of a polynomial ideal to simplify Groebner basis?

I have an ideal $I$ generated by a set of polynomials $\{ p_i \}$. There are some variable permutations to which the ideal is symmetric. By this I mean (apologies if there is a standard term for this) ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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Software language specification: null VS empty objects.

I have noticed that in software language specifications, there is pretty much always a NULL element and I am wondering if it is strictly necessary and how it maps to algebraic structures, given that ...
Barzi2001's user avatar
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Finding the general term of a given P-recursive sequence

I managed to prove that a certain sequence of rational numbers $(c_n)_n$ satisfies the following P-recursive equation: $$3(n-1)(n+2)c_{n+2}=(3n^2-3n+2)c_{n+1}+6nc_n$$ with "initial conditions&...
Kolakoski54's user avatar
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Expand product of sums in sympy by introducing new dummy indices

I want to use sympy to simplify some expressions which contain products of sums, this will require expanding out the products and cancelling equal terms. ...
cyfirx's user avatar
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MAGMA: How to efficiently do coercion of element of HomGrp to element of GrpAuto? [closed]

Suppose I have a finite $p$-group $G$ as GrpPC in MAGMA. The computation of the automorphism group $\mathrm{Aut}(G)$ takes a very long time. Suppose that I also ...
Aericura's user avatar
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GAP orthogonal groups: Specifying the invariant bilinear form

If I read the GAP manual correctly, one should be able to specify the underlying invariant bilinear form, when constructing an orthogonal group. However, when I try something like: ...
Fungaria's user avatar
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Reference Request: Computer program for calculating conical hull

Suppose we are given several vectors $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_m$ in an $n$-dimensional space. The convex cone spanned by them is defined to be the set \begin{equation} C=\{\sum_{i=1}^mt_i\alpha_i|\ t_i\...
Dick. Y's user avatar
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Is There an Open Source Equivalent for Mathematica's SeriesCoefficient Function?

I am exploring options for using computer to extract the coefficient of $x^n$ from the Taylor series expansion of a function of $x$, where $n$ is kept as a symbolic entity. While Mathematica offers a ...
LeafGlowPath's user avatar
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Simplifying rational function in Sage

Let $g\geq 1$ be an integer and define three rational functions and their sum by \begin{align*} H(q,t) &= f_1(q,t) + f_2(q,t) + f_3(q,t) \\ &:= \frac{t^{8g-4}q^{2g-1}(1+tq)^{2g-1}(1+q^2t^3)^{...
Bailey's user avatar
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Degree zero part of localized graded ring in computer algebra

Does anyone know how to do the following computation in a standard computer algebra package (MAGMA, SAGE, Macualy2) Let $S$ be a graded ring given by explicit generators (not necessarily all in degree ...
Ben C's user avatar
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Finding orbits of an action on a set of basis vector with GAP

I work with the computer algebra system GAP in this question. Let $K$ be a field (for example the rational numbers). I have a set $W$ consisting of sets of vectors basis of $K^n$ that only have ...
Mare's user avatar
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Computationally evaluating messy symbolic sums involving geometric series

Let $t$ be a positive integer, let $p$ be a prime number, and let $q$ be a real number. I need to evaluate the sum $$ \sum_{\substack{1 \leq c \leq t \\ c \not \equiv 1 \pmod{p}}} q^{-\big((p-2)c + \...
Sebastian Monnet's user avatar
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Numerically extracting generators of polynomial ideal from witness sets of an algebraic variety

I have been using Bertini, a numerical algebraic geometry tool, to explore the (positive dimensional) space of complex solutions to a set of polynomials. While the details of its techniques are ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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If $R \sin \psi = r \sin \phi$ and $R \cos \psi = -ar \cos \phi$, what are $R$ and $\psi$?

Given $$-ar \cos \phi = R \cos \psi \\ r \sin \phi = R \sin \psi$$ how do I find $R, \psi$ in terms of $r, \phi$? My work so far below: $$\tan \psi = \frac 1 {-a} \tan \phi \\ \psi = \arctan(\frac {-...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How to use CAS to determine if complex solutions to system of polynomial equations are connected or disconnected?

Given a system of polynomial equations in several complex variables, is there a way to determine if the solution space has disconnected components using some computational algebra system like ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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Can anyone come up with a method for integrating product of logarithms?

So recently I’ve been studying integrals of products of logarithms $$\int \prod_{n=1}^N \log(x+a_n) dx$$ Can anyone come up with general method for dealing with such integral? Let's start simple, with ...
Bryle Morga's user avatar
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Compute integral closure using a computer

Suppose given an inclusion $A\subset B$ of finitely-presented commutative algebras over a field. Is there a CAS which can decide whether $B$ is a finite $A$-module? What if instead of f.p. k-algebras, ...
Tomo's user avatar
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Iterate through the finite groups in MAGMA

How may I iterate over the finite groups in MAGMA of orders between $1$ and $N$ (where possible), and compute a given property of them?
Robin's user avatar
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How to use computer algebra system

Consider the two vector-valued functions \begin{align} &f(x,y)=(x+y^2, y+x^3) \\ & g(x,y)=(2x+y^3, 2y+x^4). \end{align} Then \begin{align} f(g(x,y))&=((2x+y^3)+(2y+x^4)^2,(2y+x^4)+(2x+y^...
MAS's user avatar
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Why do CAS struggle with $\int\frac{dx}{1+\sinh x}$?

$\int\frac{dx}{1+\sinh x}$ is a slightly annoying but still easily solved integral using a weierstrass substitution and PFD. I'm mainly referring to WolframAlpha, but I've seen other computer algebra ...
Nathan29006781's user avatar
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Computer Algebra System for Homotopy Types of Finite Simplicial Sets

I hope this is the right place to ask the following question, if not please guide me towards the correct forum... I want to show that two certain finite simplicial sets are not weakly homotopy ...
Jonas Linssen's user avatar
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Which CAS can do non-commutative differential algebra?

I am looking for a CAS (possibly incl. additional packages/libraries) that can compute generic non-commutative differential expressions. Let me illustrate what I mean by two examples. Let $(R,\partial)...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Calculate $\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} x^2\exp(-a\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2})d\mathbf{x}$ without spherical coordinates

Which tool can I use to (numerically?) evaluate $$ \int_{-\infty}^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty x^2\exp\left(-a\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}\right) dx ~ dy ~ dz,~a>0 $$ without having to ...
integralette's user avatar
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Variant of Segre embedding

We work over a field $k$. We know that there is the Segre embedding $\def\P{\mathbb{P}} \P^2 \times \P^1 \to \P^5$. Now I want an embedding of $\P^2 \times \def\A{\mathbb{A}}\A^1$ into some projective ...
Johann Birnick's user avatar
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Multiplicity of a singular point, Ideals, and Maple/Algorithms

I am teaching myself about algebraic geometry, and the classification of singular points on algebraic curves $f(x,y)=0$, where $x,y\in\mathbb{C}$. One way to classify these singular points (a set of $...
Sora8DTL's user avatar
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Can you solve $X A X^T = B$ for $X$ over Gaussian rationals in GAP?

I have two symmetric matrices : $A$ is $a \times a$ and $B$ is $b \times b$. I'm trying to find solutions for $X A X^T = B$. $A$ and $B$ are constant and $X$ is the unknown $b \times a$ matrix. All ...
unknown's user avatar
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Converting a group element to an ordered list of generators in GAP

Consider the free group on {a,b} which is gap is constructed with FreeGroup("a","b"). I want to cyclically reduce words. For example, given word $a^{-1}*b*a$, this would be ...
Mithrandir's user avatar
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Automatic Differentiation and Product Rule

There is an explanation for the algorithm for Automatic Differentiation on the MathWorks Website. Their example equation is: $$f(x) = x_1 \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(x_1^2 + x_2^2)\right)$$ Their ...
proof_by_example's user avatar
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Groebner basis over rational vs finite field

Some algorithms for calculating a Groebner basis are optimized for calculating with coefficients in a finite field. Having determined the basis over a finite field, I'd like to understand what ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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Polynomial constraints for restricting: $a=0$ if and only if $b\neq 0$

For this discussion, I will be considering polynomials over multiple complex variables, and a system of polynomial constraints, where the constraints on the variables can be written as a set of ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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Computer algebra system for Tensor Algebra

I am searching for a computer algebra system that allows to tackle the following problem: Let $V = \mathbb{R}^3$. Consider the free commutative algebra $\mathrm{S}^\bullet V$, with $\mathrm{S}^kV$ ...
Marvin Dippell's user avatar
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Viewing monoid rings as rings with identity in GAP

I look at monoid algebra of finite monoids with GAP and want to force GAP to view them as algebras with one. But it seems it does not work: ...
Mare's user avatar
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Problem about the Galois group elements in Sage

I am computing a Galois group as below in Sage. K.<a> = NumberField(x^4-2) L = K.galois_closure('b') G=L.galois_group() Here, $G=\text{Gal}(L/\mathbb{Q)} \...
Ninja's user avatar
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Computing the cohomology of a complex over $F[x,y]$

Is there a method for computing the generators of the cohomology of a chain complex over the ring $R=F[x,y]$? When $R$ is a PID one can use Smith normal form and there are libraries in Sage that ...
ali's user avatar
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Pari GP/Magma: how to calculate the Galois group over arbitrary number fields? [closed]

Let's say I have a polynomial $f(x) = x^5 + 3x + 5$. You can check on Pari that the Galois Group over $\mathbb{Q}$ is $S_5$. $K$ be the intermediate field obtained by adjoining a root of $f(x)$ to $\...
Aditya Ghosh's user avatar
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Question about automorphisms of the cyclotomic field and Sagemath

Let $K = \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_5)$ be the fifth cyclotomic field. I write the following code in sage ...
Ninja's user avatar
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Central Products in SageMath

I would like to compute the Central Product of two groups in SageMath. I cannot find any builtins and I'm not sure what group theory packages for Sage may exist. Is there anything out there or am I ...
Anakin Dey's user avatar
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Index of an explicit subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}_4(\mathbb{Z})$

Let $H$ be the subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}_4(\mathbb{Z})$ generated by the $4!$ permutation matrices together with $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 &...
Joshua P. Swanson's user avatar
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Best computer algebra system for non-commutative computations

I'm interested in simplifying expressions like $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty dq_1\int_{-\infty}^\infty dq_2\int_{-\infty}^\infty dq_3f(q_1,q_2,q_3)\langle\ |b(p_1)b(p_1)a^+(q_1)b(q_2)b(q_3)b^+(r_1)b^+(r_2)a^...
William Wright's user avatar
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Algorithm to check whether rational polynomial is irreducible over $\mathbb{C}$?

Let $F\in\mathbb{Q}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ a multivariate polynomial. Is there an algorithm for checking whether $F$ is irreducible over $\mathbb{C}$? Is this implemented somewhere?
Hans's user avatar
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How to calculate Hilbert polynomial

Consider the ideal $I=\langle x_0^2+x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2,x_0x_1+x_2x_3\rangle \subseteq k[x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3]$ for $k=\mathbb{F}_{32749}$. I am trying to calculate the dimension of the projective variety ...
Shean's user avatar
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Unit group structure GAP code. [duplicate]

I want the structure of the unit group of the group algebra $F_{3^k}D_{30}$ using GAP, where $F_{3^k}$ is any finite field of characteristic $3$ and $D_{30}$ is the dihedral group of order $30.$ I ...
neelkanth's user avatar
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How to solve a trinomial with a rational exponent $x^{q}-x-c=0$

I require solutions to equations of the following form: $x^{q}-x-c = 0$ where $q$ is a rational number very close to 1 with $q$ such that: $$q=\frac{p^k+1}{p^k}$$ $$q=\frac{p^k}{p^k-1}$$ $p$ prime, ...
Anaxagoras's user avatar

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