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Questions tagged [birkhoff-polytopes]

The Birkhoff polytope is a convex polytope whose points are doubly stochastic matrices and whose vertices are permutation matrices.

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Can Sinkhorn's algorithm reach any point on the Birkhoff polytope?

It is well known that Sinkhorn's algorithm converges to a doubly stochastic matrix given a non-negative square input matrix. Knowing that Sinkhorn's algorithm always produces a DSM, I am interested in ...
dopexxx's user avatar
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Orthogonal Projection onto the Convex Hull of Permutation Matrix

Given a matrix $\boldsymbol{Y} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ where $n \leq m$. I want to find its projection onto the Convex Hull of Permutation Matrices: $$ \mathcal{P} = \left\{ \boldsymbol{P} \mid \...
Royi's user avatar
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The permutation matrices are the doubly stochastic matrices with the highest Frobenius norm

In a 2013 talk, Alexandre d'Aspremont did claim the following: Among all doubly stochastic matrices, the rotations, hence, the permutation matrices, have the highest Frobenius norm I had never ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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Birkhoff polytope vs permutation polyhedron

I cannot understand a few things about the Birkhoff polytope. The Birkhoff polytope is defined as a polyhedron of all $n \times n$ doubly stochastic matrices. How is is it polytope then? To transform ...
kain's user avatar
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Is there a short representation for the convex hull of all row and column permutations of a matrix?

Suppose $S$ is the set of all $n\times n$ permutation matrices. For a matrix $\mathbf{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ define the set $P(\mathbf{A})$ as the set of all equal row and column permutations of ...
Kirschquark's user avatar
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Finding all integer solutions for a Linear Program over the Birkhoff Polytope

I have the situation where the Birkhoff Polytope is the space of all valid solutions to a linear function I am interested in maximizing. It is my understanding that, because the vertices of the ...
Michael Keller's user avatar
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Confusion in one statement related to the Birkhoff polytope

I know that the set of doubly stochastic matrices $(\Omega(n))$ form a polyhedron. I only know about polyhedron is that it is a $3$-dimensional shape with flat polygonal faces, straight edges and ...
Mathematics learner's user avatar
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Prove that a matrix can be written as a sum of permutation matrices

Given a square matrix $A$ of size $n$ whose entries are non-negative integers and where the sum of each column and row is equal to $k$, prove that $A$ can be written as a sum of $k$ permutation ...
314canelas's user avatar
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The optimal value function over all doubly stochastic matrices

Let $I = J = \{1,\dots,n\}$. Define set $X \subset \Bbb R^{I \times J}$ as all $n \times n$ doubly stochastic matrices $x = (x_{ij})$ satisfying $$\sum_{j=1}^n x_{ij} = 1, \quad \forall i $$ $$\sum_{i=...
sam's user avatar
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What is the linear description of a transformation of Birkhoff polytope?

Let $I, J$ be finite sets and $|I|=|J|=n$, Let $F$ be a Birkhoff polytope formed by the convex hull of $n\times n$ doubly stochastic matrices: $$F=\{R^{I\times J}_+: \sum_j x( i,j)=1,\forall i\in I, ...
sam's user avatar
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Finding optimal permutation via minimizing non-convex objective over Birkhoff polytope

Suppose function $f$ is non-convex and non-linear, $P$ is a permutation matrix and $x$ is input data. In this case, we consider a convex relaxation of $P$ by letting $P$ be in the set of doubly ...
phil's user avatar
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Counting the number of facets of the alternating sign matrix polytopes ($ASM_n$).

I’m reading the following definitions and theorem on alternating sign matrices (ASMs). Definition 1. Alternating sign matrices (ASMs) are square matrices with the following properties: entries $\in\{...
ensbana's user avatar
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Birkhoff-von Neumann Theorem

I am reading from Linear Algebra in Action by Dym and am working through the proof of the BvN Theorem. For the sake of clarity, ill write up everything until the point where I get lost. Theorem: Let $...
Alex Sampson's user avatar
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Can every doubly stochastic be generated by the Sinkhorn Knopp algorithm?

I want to generate doubly stochastic matrices in a way that doesn't exclude any doubly stochastic matrix. At the moment I am generating an $n \times n$ matrix whose components are from a $\text{...
Kiss my axis's user avatar
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Prove that the set of doubly stochastic $3 \times 3$ matrices is a polyhedron

Let $B_3$ be the set of $3 \times 3$ matrices $M$ with non-negative entries whose rows and columns all add up to $1$. Show that $B_3$ is a polyhedron. Hint: represent a matrix $M$ as a vector $x$ in $\...
Ethan's user avatar
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How wide is the Birkhoff Polytope?

Now also posted on Math Overflow. Define the width of a polytope $P \subset \mathbb R^d$ as the minimum length of the interval $\{v \cdot p:p \in P\}$ for $v$ in the unit sphere. In other words the ...
Daron's user avatar
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Proof involving the Birkhoff polytope

Setup: Fix $n$. Let $\mathcal{B}$ denote the $n$-dimensional Birkhoff polytope, i.e. the set of all $n \times n$ doubly stochastic matrices. There is a fixed natural number $N(n)$. We drop the ...
Canine360's user avatar
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Number of facets of the Birkhoff polytopes $B(n)$.

The wikipedia's page for Birkhoff polytope states that the polytope has $n^2$ facets, determined by the inequalities $x_{ij} \geq 0$, for $1 \leq i,j \leq n$. I've tried different things but can't see ...
ensbana's user avatar
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Project an orthogonal matrix onto the Birkhoff Polytope

It is known that the permutation matrices lie at the intersection of the orthogonal group $\mathbb{O}^N$ with the Birkhoff polytope $\mathbb{DS}^N$. It is also known that any non-negative matrix $X\in\...
Tolga Birdal's user avatar
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$n$-sphere enclosing the Birkhoff polytope

I am not a mathematician by training, so please feel free to correct my logic or descriptions when necessary: Let $P$ denote a $\textit{permutation matrix}$: $$ \begin{equation} P := \{X \in \{0,1\}^{...
Tolga Birdal's user avatar
5 votes
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What are the facets of the Birkhoff Polytope when $n=2$?

I've read in several sources that the number of facets of the Birkhoff polytope $\mathcal{B}(n)$ is $n^2$. Is this supposed to hold when $n=2$? Since $\mathcal{B}(2)$ has dimension $1$, the facets ...
M47145's user avatar
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Facets of the Birkhoff polytope

I recently became interested in the geometric structure of the Birkhoff polytope since it's connected to a problem that I'm working on. The Wikipedia article states that the Birkhoff polytope has $n^2$...
blink's user avatar
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Is there a representational face lattice for the tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope?

Is there a representational face lattice for the tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope of dimension d; i.e., $\Omega^t_{d+1}$? That is, is there a system of representing the faces of $\Omega^t_{d+1}$ so that ...
Dan Moore's user avatar
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Birkhoff decomposition with maximization objective.

Given a doubly-stochastic matrix $\pi$, Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem states that $\pi$ can be written as a convex combination of permutation matrices: $$\pi=\sum_{i\leq k} \alpha_i B_i$$ where $\...
hilberts_drinking_problem's user avatar
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Why is calculating the volume of the Birkhoff polytope complicated?

It is known that calculating the volume of the Birkhoff polytope in higher dimension is still open. I am not very good at it. I am trying to understand why it is complicated. It would be really ...
Mohammad Saifullah's user avatar
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Birkhoff-von Neumann Proof inequality explanation Could someone possible explain how the inequality arises in $(44)$?
smith's user avatar
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My proof of Birkhoff–von Neumann theorem whit a probabilistic point of view

I have just found a very beautiful and short proof for the birkhoff-von Neuman theorem that gives a new probabilistic approach. Notations : Let, $S_{n}$ be the set of permutations of the set {$1,...,...
MAJDOUB khalid's user avatar
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Birkhoff representation of a stochastic matrix

From the Birkhoff theorem, it is known that every doubly stochastic matrix can be written as a convex combination of permutation matrices, although this representation might not be unique. Assume ...
Saeid Haghighatshoar's user avatar
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Count and description of vertices of certain faces - called MTBFs - of the Tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope $\Omega^t_{d+k}$

For $k \ge 1$, $d \ge 2$ and $k \le d - 1$, let ${}^f_d\Omega^t_{d+k} (d;c_k(d - 1))$ be the intersection of $k - 1$ facets of the Tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope $\Omega^t_{d+k}$ with equations: $a_{...
Dan Moore's user avatar
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What are the facets of the Tridiagonal Birkhoff $d$-polytope $\Omega^t_{d+1}$?

The Birkhoff $d$-polytope $\Omega_{d+1}$ is the convex polytope in $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$ $\times$ $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$ of doubly stochastic matrices: • All matrices contained in $\Omega_{d+1}$ have non-...
Dan Moore's user avatar
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3 answers

Projection onto Birkhoff Polytope

Suppose we would like to compute the Euclidean projection of an arbitrary matrix $A$ onto the Birkhoff polytope, the set of doubly-stochastic matrices. Under some conditions on $A$, Sinkhorn's ...
cong's user avatar
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Proof that the set of doubly-stochastic matrices forms a convex polytope?

Does the set of all doubly-stochastic matrices form a convex polytope? In general, I wonder how the proofs of convexity and geometry can be established for sets of matrices of this kind? Anything to ...
qlinck's user avatar
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What's the algorithm of finding the convex combination of permutation matrices for a doubly stochastic matrix?

According to Birkhoff, $n$-by-$n$ stochastic matrices form a convex polytope whose extreme points are precisely the permutation matrices. It implies that any doubly stochastic matrix can be written as ...
xzhu's user avatar
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Does Birkhoff - von Neumann imply any of the fundamental theorems in combinatorics?

I recently had the occasion to think about Hall's Marriage Theorem for the first time since my undergraduate combinatorics class more than a decade ago. Reading the wikipedia article linked above, I ...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
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How do I generate doubly-stochastic matrices uniform randomly?

A doubly-stochastic matrix is an $n \times n$ matrix $P$ such that $$ \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1 $$ where $p_{ij}\ge 0$. Can someone please suggest an algorithm for generating these ...
Henry B.'s user avatar
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