I have many questions about the very abstract concept of global $\mathbf{Proj}$. I am following Hartshorne's book Algebraic Geometry, where this concept is on II.7, page 160.
Let $(X, \mathcal{O}_{X})$ be a noetherian scheme and $\mathcal{S} = \bigoplus_{d \geq 0} \mathcal{S_{d}}$ a quasi-coherent sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_{X}$-modules, which has a structure of a sheaf of graded $\mathcal{O}_{X}$-algebras. Assume that $\mathcal{S}_{0} = \mathcal{O}_{X}$, that $\mathcal{S}_{1}$ is a coherent $\mathcal{O}_{X}$-module and that $\mathcal{S}$ is locally generated by $\mathcal{S}_{1}$ as an $\mathcal{O}_{X}$-algebra. Why this implies $\mathcal{S}_{d}$ is coherent for all $d \geq 0$?
For the construction of the global $\mathbf{Proj}$, for each affine subset $U = \mathrm{Spec} A$ of $X$, let $\mathcal{S}(U) = \Gamma(U, \mathcal{S}|_{U})$, which is a graded $A$-algebra. Then we have a natural morphism $\pi_{U}: \mathrm{Proj} \mathcal{S}(U) \rightarrow U$. Let $f \in A$ and $U_{f} = \mathrm{Spec} A_{f}$. Hartshorne says that since $\mathcal{S}$ is quasi-coherent we have $\mathrm{Proj} \mathcal{S}(U_{f}) \cong \pi_{U}^{-1}(U_{f})$. Why? I can not see that.
In my opinion, the global $\mathbf{Proj}$ is a very abstract concept that I can not get any concrete example of blowing up. Do you know a book where I can find concrete examples?
Thank you!