I find the explaination here pretty useful, it might not be doable in class, but a self-learner can find some use of it. Here is the copy
In a way, these are tautological, but it’s worth spelling out the tautology. Denote $𝐴=[𝑎_{𝑖𝑗}]^{𝑚,𝑛}_{𝑖,𝑗=1}$, so its column vectors are $𝐜_𝐣=(𝑎_{1𝑗},…,𝑎_{𝑚𝑗})$, or in more confusing but concise notation, $𝐜_𝐣=[𝑎_{𝑖𝑗}]^𝑚_{𝑖=1}$. The definition of the product of this matrix with a vector $𝐯=[𝑣_𝑗]^𝑛_{𝑗=1}$ is:
This has a nice interpretation in terms of linear combinations: the matrix product is a linear combination of the columns of the matrix, where the coefficients of the combination are the entries of the input vector. That is,
Since the image of 𝐴
is, by definition, the set of all possible values of the left-hand side, and since the $𝐜_𝐣$ are the same in all of these expressions regardless of what $𝐯$ is, every element of the image is a linear combination of the $𝐜𝐣$; conversely, for any linear combination $𝐰=\sum^𝑛_{𝑗=1}𝑢_𝑗𝐜_𝑗$, we can write $𝐰=𝐴𝐮$, where $𝐮=(𝑢_1,…,𝑢_𝑛)$.
Therefore the image is exactly the set of all linear combinations of the matrix columns, i.e. their span.
For the implication about column rank, we have to agree on a definition of the column rank. I can’t think of one that is significantly different from “the dimension of the space spanned by the columns”, which is just a rephrasing of “the dimension of the image” in light of the previous point.