Is there a general equation for a cube root of a complex number that does not exploit De Moivre's Theorem or in any way use trigonometric functions?
For example, a square root of a complex number $x$ is $$\sqrt{\frac{|x|+\operatorname{Re}(x)}{2}}+i\sqrt{\frac{|x|-\operatorname{Re}(x)}{2}}.$$ Is there a similar equation for a cube root of $x$?
By introducing $a$ and $b$ such that $(a+ib)^3=x$, we can then expand and obtain two equations in $a$ and $b$ by equating the real and imaginary parts on each side.
However, the resulting equations are cubic and I don't know any method to find the roots of a cubic equation without having to take the cube root of a complex number, which is the problem I want to solve in the first place.