I'm sorry if this is a duplicate in any way. Throughout I use cycle notation and write maps $m:X\to Y$ on the right of their arguments (e.g. $xm=y$ for $m(x)=y$).
This is Exercise 1.7 of Howie's Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory.
The Details:
Definition 1: Let $S$ be a semigroup and $A$ be a subset of $S$. The subsemigroup of $S$ generated by $A$ is given by the intersection of all the subsemigroups of $S$ containing $A$, denoted $\langle A\rangle$.
Definition 2: The full transformation semigroup $\mathscr{T}_n$ on the set $N=\{1, \dots,n\}$ is given by all maps $\alpha:N\to N$, together with composition of transformations.
Definition 3: For $i\ne j$ in $N$, let $\lvert\lvert i\, j \rvert\rvert$ denote the map $\phi\in\mathscr{T}_n$ for which $$i\phi =j,\quad x\phi=x\quad (x\ne i).$$
Let $\pi=\lvert\lvert 1\, 2 \rvert\rvert$.
Lemma 1: The following hold: $$\begin{align} (1\, i)\circ\pi\circ (1\, i)&=\lvert\lvert i\, 2 \rvert\rvert\quad (i\ge 3), \\ (2\, j)\circ\pi\circ (2\, j)&=\lvert\lvert 1\, j \rvert\rvert\quad (i\ge 3), \\ (i\, j)\circ\lvert\lvert i\, j \rvert\rvert\circ (i\, j)&=\lvert\lvert j\, i \rvert\rvert\quad (i, j\ge 1, i\ne j). \end{align}$$
Proof: Just plug & chug.$\square$
Lemma 2: Let $\varphi\in\mathscr{T}_n$ with $\lvert\operatorname{im}\varphi\rvert=r\le n-1$. Let $i\ne j$ such that $i\varphi=j\varphi$ and let $z\in N\setminus\operatorname{im}\varphi.$ Then $$\varphi=\lvert\lvert i\, j \rvert\rvert\circ\hat{\varphi},$$ where $$i\hat{\varphi}=z,\quad k\hat{\varphi}=k\varphi\quad (k\ne i).$$
Proof: This is again just a matter of plug & chug: the maps agree on $N$.$\square$
The Question:
Let's get a possible typo out of the way first.
A subquestion: Does $$(1\, i)\circ(2\, j)\circ\lvert\lvert i\, j \rvert\rvert\circ (2\, j)\circ (1\, i)=\lvert\lvert i\, j \rvert\rvert$$ for $i,j\ge 3, i\ne j$?
Perhaps I'm being stupid but I can't get the LHS to agree with the RHS on $1$ (as $1\mapsto i\mapsto i \mapsto j\mapsto 2\mapsto 2$ but I need $1\lvert\lvert i\, j \rvert\rvert=1$). The correct version of this result is considered as part of Lemma 1.
Let $\tau=(1\, 2), \zeta=(1\, 2\, \dots \, n)$.
Deduce (from Lemma 1 and Lemma 2) that $\mathscr{T}_n=\langle\zeta, \tau, \pi\rangle$.
My Attempt:
I'm not sure where to start. I did the previous question of Howie's book (showing the symmetric group $\mathscr{S}_n=\langle\tau, \zeta\rangle$) without any trouble. That might be of some use here. I can see how Lemma 1 might be made to fit $\zeta, \tau$ and $\pi$, making elements of $\mathscr{T}_n$.
Please help :)