Let $G$ be a group with $|G|=1575$. If $H \lhd G$ and $|H|=9$, then $H \subseteq Z(G)$.
What I've done so far is $|G|=1575=3^25^27$. I consider $G$ acting on $H$ by conjugation, or, in other words, I consider the morphism $$\phi: G \to Aut(H)$$$$g \to ghg^{-1}, \forall h$$
Since $H$ is normal, it is clear that $\phi(g) \in Aut(H)$. Now, $$H=\coprod_{h\in H} \mathcal O_h,$$ where $\mathcal O_h=\{x \in H: ghg^{-1}=x\}$. If I could show that each of these orbits has one element, then it easy to see that $h \in Z(G)$ for all $h \in H$.
One can define a bijection between each $\mathcal O_h$ and $G/ G_h$, where $ G_h=\{g \in G :ghg^{-1}=h\}$, so $1=|\mathcal O_h|=\dfrac{|G|}{|G_h|}$.
Then, $|G_h|=|G|$, at this point I got completely stuck, another thing I know is that if $|H|=3^2$ and $H$ is a normal subgroup, then $H$ is the only $3$-Sylow subgroup of $G$.
I would appreciate some suggestions, thanks in advance.