in Sepanski's book Compact Lie groups, he describes the representation theory of SU(2) as being isomorphic to $\mathbb{N}$
(SU(2) acts irreducibly on the (n+1)-dimensional space of homogeneous complex polynomials of degree n on two variables whose basis is $\{z^kw^{n-k}; k = 0, ..., n \}$)
So we have a complete list of the irreducible representations of SU(2). Consider the left regular representation $L:G \rightarrow \mathcal{U}(L^2(SU(2),\mathbb{C}, \mu))$ given by $g\cdot f(x) = f(g^{-1}x)$, and where $\mathcal{U}(L^2(SU(2),\mathbb{C}, \mu))$ is the group of unitary operators on the Hilbert space of square-integrable complex functions relative to the Haar measure on $SU(2)$. By the peter-weyl theorem, this representation can be decomposed as a sum of irreducible finite dimensional subrepresentations of SU(2).
My question is: How do we decompose this left regular representation as a sum of the representations on the space of polynomial functions described on the beggining of the question? More precisely, how do we know which representations appear in the decomposition and with which multiplicity?