If you consider $g_2, g_3, \Delta, \lambda$ as functions of the period ratio
$\tau$, then you have to add certain factors to get true equalities.
This is obvious from the fact that the modular forms $g_2, g_3, \Delta$
have nonzero weight: Those functions get multiplied with
powers of $\tau$ when replacing $\tau$ with $-\tau^{-1}$.
On the other hand, $\lambda$ just changes to $1-\lambda$,
thus the right-hand sides of (*) have weight zero.
The factor in question is a suitable power of a weight-1 modular form.
To derive it, use the known formulae
g_2 &= 60 \operatorname{G}_4
& g_3 &= 140 \operatorname{G}_6
\\ \operatorname{G}_4 &= 2\zeta(4)\operatorname{E}_4
= \frac{\pi^4}{45}\operatorname{E}_4
& \operatorname{G}_6 &= 2\zeta(6)\operatorname{E}_6
= \frac{2\pi^6}{945}\operatorname{E}_6
\\ \operatorname{E}_4 &= \frac{1}{2}
\left(\varTheta_{00}^8 + \varTheta_{01}^8 + \varTheta_{10}^8\right)
& \operatorname{E}_6 &= \frac{1}{2}
(\varTheta_{00}^4 + \varTheta_{01}^4)
(\varTheta_{00}^4 + \varTheta_{10}^4)
(\varTheta_{01}^4 - \varTheta_{10}^4)
\\ \lambda &= \frac{\varTheta_{10}^4}{\varTheta_{00}^4}
& 1 - \lambda &= \frac{\varTheta_{01}^4}{\varTheta_{00}^4}
\\ \Delta &= g_2^3 - 27 g_3^2 = (2\pi)^{12} \operatorname{D}
& \operatorname{D} &=
= \frac{1}{256}\varTheta_{00}^8 \varTheta_{01}^8 \varTheta_{10}^8
where $\varTheta_{00}, \varTheta_{01}, \varTheta_{10}$ are
Jacobi Thetanull functions (of $\tau$, as everything else here),
and $\operatorname{G}_k$ and $\operatorname{E}_k$ are
Eisenstein series of weight $k$, with $\operatorname{E}_k$ normalized
to yield $\lim_{\Im\tau\to\infty}\operatorname{E}_k(\tau) = 1$.
Eliminate $\varTheta_{01}, \varTheta_{10}$ in favor of $\varTheta_{00}$
and $\lambda$. Then you will arrive at
g_2 &= f^4 \frac{1 - \lambda + \lambda^2}{12}
\\ g_3 &= f^6 \frac{(2-\lambda)(1+\lambda)(1-2\lambda)}{432}
\\ \Delta &= f^{12} \frac{(1 - \lambda)^2 \lambda^2}{256}
\\\text{with}\quad f &= 2\pi\varTheta_{00}^2
That said, in elliptic curve equations,
those powers of $f$ can be transformed away,
which is why Greenhill can do what you have described.
Suppose instead you use the homogenized 2-parameter lattice form
for $g_2, g_3, \operatorname{G}_4, \operatorname{G}_6, \Delta$, e.g.
$$\operatorname{G}_k(\omega_1,\omega_2) =
\quad\text{with}\quad \tau = \frac{\omega_1}{\omega_2}$$
Set $\omega_2 = f(\tau)$ and adjust $\omega_1 = \tau\omega_2$ accordingly.
Then the above-mentioned result can be rewritten as
g_2(\omega_1,\omega_2) &= \frac{1 - \lambda + \lambda^2}{12}
\\ g_3(\omega_1,\omega_2) &= \frac{(2-\lambda)(1+\lambda)(1-2\lambda)}{432}
\\ \Delta(\omega_1,\omega_2) &= \frac{(1 - \lambda)^2 \lambda^2}{256}
\\\text{with}\quad \omega_2 &= 2\pi\varTheta_{00}^2
which is what Greenhill states.
Note however that this requires a specifically normalized lattice;
the normalization is not to $\omega_2=1$ but to $\omega_2=f(\tau)$.
Indeed, for $\tau$ in a certain subset of $\mathbb{H}$,
we can identify
$$f = 4K(\sqrt{\lambda})$$
where $K$ is a complete elliptic integral.
This yields one of the canonical periods used for Jacobian elliptic functions.