maximum modulus principle:
If a function $f$ is analytic and not constant in a given domain $D$, then $|f(z)|$ has no maximum value in $D$. That is, there is no point $z_0$ in the domain such that $|f(z)|≤|f(z_0)|$ for all points $z$ in it.
Suppose that a function $f$ is continuous on a closed bounded region $R$ and that it is analytic and not constant in the interior of $R$. Then the maximum value of $|f(z)|$ in $R$, which is always reached, occurs somewhere on the boundary of $R$ and never in the interior.
Now let $f$ be an analytic function and $z_0\in D$. Let $C_1=\{z: |z|=r_1\}$ be a circle that passes through $z_0$ and assume $|f(z)|\leq|f(z_0)|$ for all $z\in D_1=\{z: |z|\leq r_1\}$.
Let $C_2=\{z: |z|=r_2\}$ be a circle that passes through $z_0$ and assume $|f(z)|\leq|f(z_0)|$ for all $z\in D_2=\{z: |z|\leq r_2\}$.
Constructing these disks which cover the domain $D$, we have that for any $z\in D_1\bigcup\cdots\bigcup D_k$, we have $|f(z)|\leq|f(z_0)|$, so $z_0$ is a point in domain $D$ that the maximum of $|f|$ in $D$ occur there. this is contradiction to maximum modulus principle.
you may see the picture here:
I think somewhere in this constructing is wrong, but I don't know where.
Could anyone help to find the mistake.