I apologise if this is a naïve question. Are there any known / widely applicable / important variational formulations in (finite) group theory? That is, a relationship of the form $$\alpha(G) = \sup\{\phi(g) : g \in G\}, $$ where $\alpha$ is a number (or set) determined by some property of the group $G$ and $\phi$ is a real-valued (or set-valued) function on $G$. For a silly example, take $\phi(g)$ to be the order of an element and $\alpha$ the order of the group; the group is cyclic iff $\alpha(G) = \#G = \sup_{g \in G}\phi(g).$
I would also be interested in results on the probability distributions induced on groups or reflected in their structure in some way. For instance, suppose a finite group $G$ acts on a finite set $A$, and let $\phi : G \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_{\geq 1}$ be a function such that $\phi(g) = \#\{a \in A : g\cdot a = a\}$. In other words, $\phi$ assigns to each $g \in G$ the number of fixed points it has in $A$.
Now let $X$ be a random variable uniformly distributed on the finite set $G$. Then Burnside's lemma states that the expectation $\mathbb{E}[\phi(X)]$ gives us the number of orbits of the action: $$|A/G| = \mathbb{E}[\phi(X)] \stackrel{\cdot}{=} \sum_{g \in G} \frac{\phi(g)}{|G|}.$$ I'd appreciate any key words / things to Google. I assume many things come from number theory.