I'm trying to show:
$A\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is open if and only if $A$ is the union of a collection of open balls accounting.
"$\Leftarrow$" Let $A=\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty} \mathbb{B_{\varepsilon_i} (x_i)}$
If $y\in A $ then $y\in \mathbb{B}_{\varepsilon_i}(x_i)$ (for some $i$)
But note that $\mathbb{B}_{||x-y||}(y)\subset \mathbb{B}_{\varepsilon_i}(x_i)$ or $\mathbb{B}_{\varepsilon_i-||x-y||}(y)\subset \mathbb{B}_{\varepsilon_i}(x_i)$
then $A$ is open.
"$\Rightarrow$" Let $A$ open set. Let $\{V_{\alpha}\}$ such that $\alpha \in A$, a collection of sets such that $A\subset \bigcup_{\alpha\in A}V_{\alpha}$.
How I can get countable union?
Thanks for your help.