Interior product is defined like this: if $\omega$ is a $k$-form and $X$ is a vector field, then $\iota_X \omega$ is a $(k-1)$-form defined by (remember, $\iota_X \omega$ "eats" $k-1$ vectors and returns a function):
$$ [\iota_X \omega](V_1, V_2, \dots, V_{k-1}) := \omega(X,V_1, V_2, \dots, V_{k-1}) ,$$
i.e., we just put $X$ in the first argument of $\omega$, leaving $k-1$ remaining slots.
Here's an example: let's say $\omega$ is the two-form $\omega = dx \wedge dy$. Let's first just work out what $\omega$ is on some pairs of vector fields (you should essentially take all of the following to be part of the definition of $dx \wedge dy$):
$\omega(\partial_x, \partial_y) = 1$.
$\omega(\partial_y, \partial_x) = - \omega(\partial_x, \partial_y) = -1$.
$\omega(\partial_x, \partial_z) = 0$. Similarly, if we plug in $\partial_z$ into either slot in $\omega$ (no matter what is in the other slot), we get zero, since $dz$ does not appear in $\omega$.
$\omega(\partial_x, \partial_x) = - \omega(\partial_x, \partial_x)$ by the antisymmetry property of forms, so $\omega(\partial_x, \partial_x) = 0$. (By the same reasoning, $\omega(X, X) = 0$ for any $X$ and any two-form $\omega$.)
An exercise in linearity: $\omega(2 \partial_x + \partial_z, 3 \partial_x - 2\partial_y) = -4$ (do you see why?).
Now let's work out $\iota_{\partial_x} \omega$, the contraction of $\omega = dx \wedge dy$ with $\partial_x$. To do so, we need to find what $\iota_{\partial_x} \omega$ is on each of the three basis vectors $\partial_x$, $\partial_y$, and $\partial_z$:
$[\iota_{\partial_x} \omega] (\partial_x) = \omega(\partial_x, \partial_x) = 0$.
$[\iota_{\partial_x} \omega] (\partial_y) = \omega(\partial_x, \partial_y) = 1$.
$[\iota_{\partial_x} \omega] (\partial_z) = \omega(\partial_x, \partial_z) = 0$.
Put succinctly, the above information tells us simply that
$$\iota_{\partial_x} \omega = dy.$$
In hindsight, we didn't have to write out all of the above. Instead, we could have seen that $\iota_{\partial_x} \omega = dy$ just by "plucking off" the $dx$ (which "eats" the vector $\partial_x$ we're contracting with) from the front of $dx \wedge dy$ to leave $dy$.
You can apply this somewhat formal and mindless "plucking off rule" to compute other contractions, but you have to be careful with signs. For example,
$$\iota_{\partial_y} \omega = \iota_{\partial_y} (dx \wedge dy) = \iota_{\partial_y} (- dy \wedge dx) = -dx.$$
The $\partial_y$ plucks off the $dy$, leaving the $dx$, but we had to move the $dy$ to the first position in order to pluck it off, introducing a minus sign. I would encourage you to check that this is correct using the first (longer) technique above of evaluating $ \iota_{\partial_y} \omega$ on each of $\partial_x$, $\partial_y$, and $\partial_z$.
I hope that if you understand this example, you will be able to do your problem simply by using linearity.