I am trying to see the connection between the Lévy-Khintchine and the integrability conditions of a Lévy measure. The literature seems to always connect both, but I cannot make sense of this relation nor found a proof. Perhaps somebody can give me some insight into the matter:
The Lévy-Khintchine formula for Lévy processes is given by $$ \varphi(u) := i\alpha u - \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2u^2 + \int_{|z|<1}(e^{iuz}-1-iuz)\,\nu(dz) + \int_{|z|\geq 1}(e^{iuz}-1)\,\nu(dz) $$ where the parameters $\alpha \in \mathbb R$ and $\sigma^2>0$ are constants. From this formula, it seems like we need to impose that and $\nu$ is a finite measure satisfying $$ \int_{\mathbb R \backslash \,0} \min(1,z^2)\,\nu(dz) < \infty $$
Why does it follow from the expressions above described that $\nu$ is a valid Lévy measure of some Lévy process? In particular, why the minimum expression?
Thanks in advance