2-forms are defined as $du^{j} \wedge du^{k}(v,w) = v^{j}w^{k}-v^{k}w^{j} = \begin{vmatrix} du^{j}(v) & du^{j}(w) \\ du^{k}(v) & du^{k}(w) \end{vmatrix}$
But what if I have two concret 1-forms in $R^{3}$? For example $(2dx-3dy+dz)\wedge (dx+2dy-dz)$ which gives
$(2dx-3dy+dz)\wedge (dx+2dy-dz)=-7dy \wedge dx +3dz \wedge dx - dy \wedge dz= 7 dx \wedge dy + 3 dz \wedge dx + dy \wedge dz$ I know this is the same as the vector product between $(2,-3,1)^{T}$ and $(1,2,-1)^{T}$.
What is the relationship with the determinant? Because when I calculate the wedge product between two 1-forms in $R^{2}$ then I get the value of the determinant $(2dx+4dx)\wedge (3dx+9dy) = -18 dx\wedge dy +12 dx \wedge dy = 6 dx \wedge dy$, but for 1-forms in $R^{3}$ I get the vector product. And is the interpretation right that parts of the area spanned by the 2-form above (the vector product) is that 7 get's projected onto the $xy$ plane, 3 onto $zx$ and 1 onto $yz$? Or is it in this case another coordinate system with planes $dxdy$, $dzdx$ and $dydz$? And since all the differential forms are functions of vectors, what happens when they come into the picture? Because doesn't $7 dx \wedge dy + 3 dz \wedge dx + dy \wedge dz$ looks like this?
$7 \begin{vmatrix} dx(v) & dx(w) \\ dy(v) & dy(w) \end{vmatrix} + 3 \begin{vmatrix} dz(v) & dz(w) \\ dx(v) & dx(w) \end{vmatrix} + \begin{vmatrix} dy(v) & dy(w) \\ dz(v) & dz(w) \end{vmatrix}$ For some vectors $v,w \in R^{3}$?